diff --git a/migrations/versions/1bf1b52f057_transcript_mappings_binning.py b/migrations/versions/1bf1b52f057_transcript_mappings_binning.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6dd9c78e8c8c5a78163e36f9dfff0f047a6be124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrations/versions/1bf1b52f057_transcript_mappings_binning.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+"""Transcript mappings binning
+Revision ID: 1bf1b52f057
+Revises: 225a8b4c3902
+Create Date: 2015-10-29 10:02:15.286139
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '1bf1b52f057'
+down_revision = u'225a8b4c3902'
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from sqlalchemy import sql
+import binning
+def upgrade():
+    # We want to add a NOT NULL column without default value. So we first add
+    # the column without the constraint, then populate it, then add the
+    # constraint.
+    # Unfortunately, SQLite doesn't support adding the constraint on an
+    # existing column. We use batch_alter_table to workaround this. Of course
+    # this makes the entire migration horribly awkward on SQLite, but I can't
+    # really be bothered to improve it. This works.
+    # Also, the downgrade will fail on SQLite, but we don't support downgrades
+    # anyway, so I'm not fixing it.
+    connection = op.get_bind()
+    op.add_column('transcript_mappings', sa.Column('bin', sa.Integer(), nullable=True))
+    transcript_mappings = sql.table('transcript_mappings',
+                                    sql.column('id', sa.Integer()),
+                                    sql.column('start', sa.Integer()),
+                                    sql.column('stop', sa.Integer()),
+                                    sql.column('bin', sa.Integer()))
+    result = connection.execute(
+        transcript_mappings.select().with_only_columns([
+            transcript_mappings.c.id,
+            transcript_mappings.c.start,
+            transcript_mappings.c.stop]))
+    while True:
+        chunk = result.fetchmany(1000)
+        if not chunk:
+            break
+        statement = transcript_mappings.update().where(
+            transcript_mappings.c.id == sql.bindparam('m_id')
+        ).values({'bin': sql.bindparam('m_bin')})
+        connection.execute(statement, [
+            {'m_id': m.id, 'm_bin': binning.assign_bin(m.start - 1, m.stop)}
+            for m in chunk])
+    # See note above.
+    with op.batch_alter_table('transcript_mappings') as batch_op:
+        batch_op.alter_column('bin', nullable=False, existing_type=sa.Integer())
+    op.create_index(op.f('ix_transcript_mappings_bin'), 'transcript_mappings', ['bin'], unique=False)
+def downgrade():
+    ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
+    op.drop_index(op.f('ix_transcript_mappings_bin'), table_name='transcript_mappings')
+    op.drop_column('transcript_mappings', 'bin')
+    ### end Alembic commands ###
diff --git a/migrations/versions/3492d2ee8884_transcript_protein_links_have_nullable_.py b/migrations/versions/3492d2ee8884_transcript_protein_links_have_nullable_.py
index 607953558f4c5293a0a5118ebf78908956be8053..36db81f4cc7f7a17d89bf51448ae150e63c92301 100644
--- a/migrations/versions/3492d2ee8884_transcript_protein_links_have_nullable_.py
+++ b/migrations/versions/3492d2ee8884_transcript_protein_links_have_nullable_.py
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ import sqlalchemy as sa
 # and create statements for the indices.
 # http://alembic.readthedocs.org/en/latest/batch.html
+# Update: This has since been fixed with Alembic release 0.8.3
+# http://alembic.readthedocs.org/en/latest/changelog.html#change-9ef6be6709e71f3800b6e451ae75c5f8
 def upgrade():
diff --git a/mutalyzer/db/models.py b/mutalyzer/db/models.py
index 62877968e7fbdd1b5fb2d457f590efc44d01fe10..17d34186fd95e9981a56d5012f610f37e073c9e9 100644
--- a/mutalyzer/db/models.py
+++ b/mutalyzer/db/models.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from datetime import datetime
 import sqlite3
 import uuid
+import binning
 from sqlalchemy import event, or_
 from sqlalchemy import (Boolean, Column, DateTime, Enum, ForeignKey, Index,
                         Integer, String, Text, TypeDecorator)
@@ -393,6 +394,11 @@ class TranscriptMapping(db.Base):
     #: inclusive, in chromosomal orientation).
     stop = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
+    #: Bin index that can be used for faster range-based queries. See the
+    #: `interval binning documentation <http://interval-binning.readthedocs.org/>`_
+    #: for more information.
+    bin = Column(Integer, nullable=False, index=True)
     #: The CDS start position of the transcript on the chromosome (one-based,
     #: inclusive, in chromosomal orientation).
     cds_start = Column(Integer)
@@ -446,6 +452,7 @@ class TranscriptMapping(db.Base):
         self.cds = cds
         self.select_transcript = select_transcript
         self.version = version
+        self.bin = binning.assign_bin(self.start - 1, self.stop)
     def __repr__(self):
         return ('<TranscriptMapping accession=%r version=%r gene=%r '
@@ -482,6 +489,7 @@ class TranscriptMapping(db.Base):
             instance.orientation = orientation
             instance.start = start
             instance.stop = stop
+            instance.bin = binning.assign_bin(start - 1, stop)
             instance.exon_starts = exon_starts
             instance.exon_stops = exon_stops
             instance.source = source
diff --git a/mutalyzer/mapping.py b/mutalyzer/mapping.py
index df2fb1dfc630bd02e6a132e94aeb29e6d7871531..b9a55afefdec70ecddbb1dd98eede58420ec95f1 100644
--- a/mutalyzer/mapping.py
+++ b/mutalyzer/mapping.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ from collections import defaultdict
 from itertools import groupby
 from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter
+import binning
 import MySQLdb
 from mutalyzer.db import session
@@ -707,9 +708,20 @@ class Converter(object) :
         if gene:
             mappings = chromosome.transcript_mappings.filter_by(gene=gene)
+            start = max(min_loc - 5000, 1)
+            stop = min(max_loc + 5000, binning.MAX_POSITION + 1)
+            bins = binning.overlapping_bins(start - 1, stop)
             mappings = chromosome.transcript_mappings.filter(
-                TranscriptMapping.start <= max_loc + 5000,
-                TranscriptMapping.stop >= min_loc - 5000)
+                TranscriptMapping.bin.in_(bins),
+                TranscriptMapping.start <= stop,
+                TranscriptMapping.stop >= start
+            ).order_by(
+                TranscriptMapping.start,
+                TranscriptMapping.stop,
+                TranscriptMapping.gene,
+                TranscriptMapping.accession,
+                TranscriptMapping.version,
+                TranscriptMapping.transcript)
         HGVS_notatations = defaultdict(list)
         NM_list = []
diff --git a/mutalyzer/services/rpc.py b/mutalyzer/services/rpc.py
index 5326f2ff499cfa9a0c2303ed86e7d04642086648..a256831f1de687878e26fa1ecad06f23e256f94c 100644
--- a/mutalyzer/services/rpc.py
+++ b/mutalyzer/services/rpc.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Mutalyzer RPC services.
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import binning
 from spyne.decorator import srpc
 from spyne.service import ServiceBase
 from spyne.model.primitive import Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Unicode
@@ -227,9 +228,19 @@ class MutalyzerService(ServiceBase):
             raise Fault("EARG", "The chrom argument (%s) was not a valid " \
                             "chromosome name." % chrom)
+        pos = max(min(pos, binning.MAX_POSITION + 1), 1)
+        bins = binning.overlapping_bins(pos - 1, pos)
         mappings = chromosome.transcript_mappings.filter(
+            TranscriptMapping.bin.in_(bins),
             TranscriptMapping.start <= pos,
-            TranscriptMapping.stop >= pos)
+            TranscriptMapping.stop >= pos
+        ).order_by(
+            TranscriptMapping.start,
+            TranscriptMapping.stop,
+            TranscriptMapping.gene,
+            TranscriptMapping.accession,
+            TranscriptMapping.version,
+            TranscriptMapping.transcript)
         L.addMessage(__file__, -1, "INFO",
                      "Finished processing getTranscripts(%s %s %s %s)"
@@ -307,6 +318,13 @@ class MutalyzerService(ServiceBase):
                         'Invalid range (%d-%d) with start position greater '
                         'than stop position.' % (pos1, pos2))
+        if pos1 < 1 or pos2 > binning.MAX_POSITION + 1:
+            L.addMessage(__file__, 4, 'EARG',
+                         'Invalid range: %d-%d' % (pos1, pos2))
+            raise Fault('EARG',
+                        'Invalid range (%d-%d) exceeding chromosome bounds.'
+                        % (pos1, pos2))
             assembly = Assembly.by_name_or_alias(build)
         except NoResultFound:
@@ -323,13 +341,23 @@ class MutalyzerService(ServiceBase):
                             "chromosome name." % chrom)
         if method:
-            range_filter = (TranscriptMapping.start <= pos2,
+            bins = binning.overlapping_bins(pos1 - 1, pos2)
+            range_filter = (TranscriptMapping.bin.in_(bins),
+                            TranscriptMapping.start <= pos2,
                             TranscriptMapping.stop >= pos1)
-            range_filter = (TranscriptMapping.start >= pos1,
+            bins = binning.contained_bins(pos1 - 1, pos2)
+            range_filter = (TranscriptMapping.bin.in_(bins),
+                            TranscriptMapping.start >= pos1,
                             TranscriptMapping.stop <= pos2)
-        mappings = chromosome.transcript_mappings.filter(*range_filter)
+        mappings = chromosome.transcript_mappings.filter(*range_filter).order_by(
+            TranscriptMapping.start,
+            TranscriptMapping.stop,
+            TranscriptMapping.gene,
+            TranscriptMapping.accession,
+            TranscriptMapping.version,
+            TranscriptMapping.transcript)
         L.addMessage(__file__, -1, "INFO",
             "Finished processing getTranscriptsRange(%s %s %s %s %s)" % (
@@ -385,6 +413,13 @@ class MutalyzerService(ServiceBase):
                         'Invalid range (%d-%d) with start position greater '
                         'than stop position.' % (pos1, pos2))
+        if pos1 < 1 or pos2 > binning.MAX_POSITION + 1:
+            L.addMessage(__file__, 4, 'EARG',
+                         'Invalid range: %d-%d' % (pos1, pos2))
+            raise Fault('EARG',
+                        'Invalid range (%d-%d) exceeding chromosome bounds.'
+                        % (pos1, pos2))
             assembly = Assembly.by_name_or_alias(build)
         except NoResultFound:
@@ -401,13 +436,23 @@ class MutalyzerService(ServiceBase):
                             "chromosome name." % chrom)
         if method:
-            range_filter = (TranscriptMapping.start <= pos2,
+            bins = binning.overlapping_bins(pos1 - 1, pos2)
+            range_filter = (TranscriptMapping.bin.in_(bins),
+                            TranscriptMapping.start <= pos2,
                             TranscriptMapping.stop >= pos1)
-            range_filter = (TranscriptMapping.start >= pos1,
+            bins = binning.contained_bins(pos1 - 1, pos2)
+            range_filter = (TranscriptMapping.bin.in_(bins),
+                            TranscriptMapping.start >= pos1,
                             TranscriptMapping.stop <= pos2)
-        mappings = chromosome.transcript_mappings.filter(*range_filter)
+        mappings = chromosome.transcript_mappings.filter(*range_filter).order_by(
+            TranscriptMapping.start,
+            TranscriptMapping.stop,
+            TranscriptMapping.gene,
+            TranscriptMapping.accession,
+            TranscriptMapping.version,
+            TranscriptMapping.transcript)
         transcripts = []
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index ecd4026e23e4263b2403d11c8be21f35425bce63..75bbd5820b0c54a107839a898b33882bfd71182c 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -6,12 +6,13 @@ PyYAML==3.11
diff --git a/tests/test_services_json.py b/tests/test_services_json.py
index 0e27947c745af113f4314b773d911936c0218592..e47e306e30fe8fef28ecc84f13493efa03e4536e 100644
--- a/tests/test_services_json.py
+++ b/tests/test_services_json.py
@@ -218,15 +218,7 @@ def test_get_transcripts_mapping(api):
     Test output of getTranscriptsMapping.
     r = api('getTranscriptsMapping', 'hg19', 'chr11', 111955524, 111966518)
-    assert r == [{'cds_start': 111957632,
-                  'cds_stop': 111965694,
-                  'name': 'NM_003002',
-                  'stop': 111966518,
-                  'start': 111957571,
-                  'version': 2,
-                  'gene': 'SDHD',
-                  'orientation': '+'},
-                 {'cds_start': 111957492,
+    assert r == [{'cds_start': 111957492,
                   'cds_stop': 111956019,
                   'name': 'NM_012459',
                   'stop': 111955524,
@@ -241,7 +233,15 @@ def test_get_transcripts_mapping(api):
                   'start': 111957522,
                   'version': 1,
                   'gene': 'TIMM8B',
-                  'orientation': '-'}]
+                  'orientation': '-'},
+                 {'cds_start': 111957632,
+                  'cds_stop': 111965694,
+                  'name': 'NM_003002',
+                  'stop': 111966518,
+                  'start': 111957571,
+                  'version': 2,
+                  'gene': 'SDHD',
+                  'orientation': '+'}]
 def test_description_extract(api):
diff --git a/tests/test_services_soap.py b/tests/test_services_soap.py
index 5c100eb1e83318a7448cbfe9b75329b9f93488ee..37a5799fba0a02f0a26aeeabbe906e4936250b3c 100644
--- a/tests/test_services_soap.py
+++ b/tests/test_services_soap.py
@@ -734,15 +734,7 @@ def test_get_transcripts_mapping(api):
     assert len(r.TranscriptMappingInfo) == 3
     assert all(all(t_real[k] == t_expected[k] for k in t_expected)
                for t_real, t_expected in
-               zip(r.TranscriptMappingInfo, [{'cds_start': 111957632,
-                                              'cds_stop': 111965694,
-                                              'name': 'NM_003002',
-                                              'stop': 111966518,
-                                              'start': 111957571,
-                                              'version': 2,
-                                              'gene': 'SDHD',
-                                              'orientation': '+'},
-                                             {'cds_start': 111957492,
+               zip(r.TranscriptMappingInfo, [{'cds_start': 111957492,
                                               'cds_stop': 111956019,
                                               'name': 'NM_012459',
                                               'stop': 111955524,
@@ -757,7 +749,15 @@ def test_get_transcripts_mapping(api):
                                               'start': 111957522,
                                               'version': 1,
                                               'gene': 'TIMM8B',
-                                              'orientation': '-'}]))
+                                              'orientation': '-'},
+                                             {'cds_start': 111957632,
+                                              'cds_stop': 111965694,
+                                              'name': 'NM_003002',
+                                              'stop': 111966518,
+                                              'start': 111957571,
+                                              'version': 2,
+                                              'gene': 'SDHD',
+                                              'orientation': '+'}]))
 def test_description_extract(api):