diff --git a/doc/config.rst b/doc/config.rst
index 8d4192f0fd0777d778e37405099adf45336f9464..f956fee5d67bc90ad15306c7f4d77869f5c10978 100644
--- a/doc/config.rst
+++ b/doc/config.rst
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ REDIS_URI
   Redis connection URI (can be any `redis-py
   <https://github.com/andymccurdy/redis-py>`_ connection URI). Set to `None`
   to silently use a mock Redis. Redis is only used for non-essential
-  features.
+  features such as caching of external resources.
   `Default value:` `None`
@@ -235,17 +235,11 @@ DEFAULT_ASSEMBLY
   `Default value:` ``hg19``
-  Expiration time for cached transcript<->protein links from the NCBI (in
-  seconds).
-  `Default value:` `60 * 60 * 24 * 30` (30 days)
-  Expiration time for cached negative transcript<->protein links from the NCBI
+  Cache expiration time for negative transcript<->protein links from the NCBI
   (in seconds).
-  `Default value:` `60 * 60 * 24 * 5` (5 days)
+  `Default value:` `60 * 60 * 24 * 30` (30 days)
   Enable the `Werkzeug reloader
diff --git a/doc/install.rst b/doc/install.rst
index 1a9f111820126aa01f200fce50b1a26dbb0643b2..c070d0fa960512ffb731d798cc55cdb08a61ba1e 100644
--- a/doc/install.rst
+++ b/doc/install.rst
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ Mutalyzer uses Redis for non-critical fast storage such as statistics::
     $ sudo apt-get install redis-server
 .. note:: Redis is a soft dependency, meaning that Mutalyzer will run without
-    it (but may lack some non-essential features).
+    it (but may lack some non-essential features such as caching of external
+    resources).
 .. _install-virtualenv:
diff --git a/migrations/versions/225a8b4c3902_copy_transcript_protein_links_to_redis.py b/migrations/versions/225a8b4c3902_copy_transcript_protein_links_to_redis.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32484f94b95fe2b25c40ef0d3a2dedbf3153f806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrations/versions/225a8b4c3902_copy_transcript_protein_links_to_redis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+"""Copy transcript protein links to redis
+Revision ID: 225a8b4c3902
+Revises: 3492d2ee8884
+Create Date: 2015-10-15 14:11:22.961417
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '225a8b4c3902'
+down_revision = u'3492d2ee8884'
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import redis
+from alembic import op
+from sqlalchemy import and_, or_, sql
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from mutalyzer.config import settings
+def upgrade():
+    if settings.REDIS_URI is None:
+        return
+    connection = op.get_bind()
+    redis_client = redis.StrictRedis.from_url(settings.REDIS_URI,
+                                              decode_responses=True,
+                                              encoding='utf-8')
+    transcript_protein_links = sql.table(
+        'transcript_protein_links',
+        sql.column('transcript_accession', sa.String(30)),
+        sql.column('protein_accession', sa.String(30)),
+        sql.column('added', sa.DateTime)
+    )
+    negative_link_datetime = datetime.now() - \
+        timedelta(seconds=settings.NEGATIVE_LINK_CACHE_EXPIRATION)
+    result = connection.execute(transcript_protein_links.select().where(
+        or_(and_(transcript_protein_links.c.transcript_accession.isnot(None),
+                 transcript_protein_links.c.protein_accession.isnot(None)),
+            transcript_protein_links.c.added >= negative_link_datetime)
+    ).with_only_columns([transcript_protein_links.c.transcript_accession,
+                         transcript_protein_links.c.protein_accession]))
+    while True:
+        chunk = result.fetchmany(1000)
+        if not chunk:
+            break
+        pipe = redis_client.pipeline(transaction=False)
+        for row in chunk:
+            transcript_accession, protein_accession = row
+            if transcript_accession is not None:
+                key = 'ncbi:transcript-to-protein:%s' % transcript_accession
+                if protein_accession is not None:
+                    pipe.set(key, protein_accession)
+                else:
+                    pipe.setex(key, settings.NEGATIVE_LINK_CACHE_EXPIRATION,
+                               '')
+            if protein_accession is not None:
+                key = 'ncbi:protein-to-transcript:%s' % protein_accession
+                if transcript_accession is not None:
+                    pipe.set(key, transcript_accession)
+                else:
+                    pipe.setex(key, settings.NEGATIVE_LINK_CACHE_EXPIRATION,
+                               '')
+        pipe.execute()
+def downgrade():
+    ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
+    pass
+    ### end Alembic commands ###
diff --git a/mutalyzer/config/default_settings.py b/mutalyzer/config/default_settings.py
index be79de5c8f37a38f8b87c9e268a2bfb8d98d023a..06ba09ea91e317604bed5fa3a5f8c9bb322262e1 100644
--- a/mutalyzer/config/default_settings.py
+++ b/mutalyzer/config/default_settings.py
@@ -65,12 +65,9 @@ LRG_PREFIX_URL = 'ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/lrgex/SCHEMA_1_7_ARCHIVE/'
 # Allow for this fraction of errors in batch jobs.
-# Expiration time for transcript<->protein links from the NCBI (in seconds).
-PROTEIN_LINK_EXPIRATION = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
-# Expiration time for negative transcript<->protein links from the NCBI (in
-# seconds).
+# Cache expiration time for negative transcript<->protein links from the NCBI
+# (in seconds).
 # URL to the SOAP webservice WSDL document. Used to build the WSDL document
 # and for linking to it from the documentation page on the website.
diff --git a/mutalyzer/db/queries.py b/mutalyzer/db/queries.py
index 7f28cf5e38a01e536c9c88c76d481ea47d378c29..1ff1e60c97d771324fd2d3e2ebeeaa381c1b3d0d 100644
--- a/mutalyzer/db/queries.py
+++ b/mutalyzer/db/queries.py
@@ -9,14 +9,8 @@ Queries on database models.
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-from sqlalchemy import and_, or_
-import sqlalchemy.exc
-from mutalyzer.config import settings
 from mutalyzer.db import session
-from mutalyzer.db.models import BatchQueueItem, TranscriptProteinLink
+from mutalyzer.db.models import BatchQueueItem
 def pop_batch_queue_item(batch_job):
@@ -54,85 +48,3 @@ def pop_batch_queue_item(batch_job):
     return item, flags
-def get_transcript_protein_link(accession, reverse=False):
-    """
-    Get a cached link between a transcript and a protein that is not expired
-    according to the configuration settings `PROTEIN_LINK_EXPIRATION` and
-    :arg str accession: Accession number (without version number) to lookup
-      link for.
-    :arg bool reverse: If `True`, `accession` is assumed to be a protein
-      accession number, otherwise `accession` is assumed to be a transcript
-      accession number.
-    Note that the link may be negative, i.e., the knowledge that no link
-    exists can also be cached. In that case, the `protein_accession` field of
-    the resulting `TranscriptProteinLink` object is `None`.
-    Returns `None` if no link (positive or negative) is found.
-    """
-    link_datetime = datetime.now() - \
-        timedelta(seconds=settings.PROTEIN_LINK_EXPIRATION)
-    negative_link_datetime = datetime.now() - \
-        timedelta(seconds=settings.NEGATIVE_PROTEIN_LINK_EXPIRATION)
-    # Query column must have `accession`, other column has the value we're
-    # probably interested in.
-    query_column = TranscriptProteinLink.transcript_accession
-    other_column = TranscriptProteinLink.protein_accession
-    if reverse:
-        # Lookup by protein accession instead of transcript accession.
-        query_column, other_column = other_column, query_column
-    return TranscriptProteinLink.query.filter(
-        query_column == accession,
-        or_(and_(other_column.isnot(None),
-                 TranscriptProteinLink.added >= link_datetime),
-            and_(other_column.is_(None),
-                 TranscriptProteinLink.added >= negative_link_datetime))
-    ).first()
-def update_transcript_protein_link(transcript_accession=None,
-                                   protein_accession=None):
-    """
-    Update cached link between a transcript and a protein, or create it if it
-    doesn't exist yet.
-    :arg str transcript_accession: Transcript accession number (without
-      version number).
-    :arg str protein_accession: Protein accession number (without version
-      number).
-    At least one of `transcript_accession` or `protein_accession` must be not
-    `None`.
-    """
-    if transcript_accession is None and protein_accession is None:
-        raise ValueError('Link must have a transcript or protein')
-    # Filter clauses to find links for either of the given accession numbers.
-    clauses = []
-    if transcript_accession is not None:
-        clauses.append(TranscriptProteinLink.transcript_accession ==
-                       transcript_accession)
-    if protein_accession is not None:
-        clauses.append(TranscriptProteinLink.protein_accession ==
-                       protein_accession)
-    # Delete any related existing links.
-    TranscriptProteinLink.query.filter(or_(*clauses)).delete()
-    session.commit()
-    # There is a race condition here between deleting old links and adding the
-    # new one. It's extremely unlikely to go wrong, and we can safely ignore
-    # it anyway.
-    link = TranscriptProteinLink(transcript_accession, protein_accession)
-    try:
-        session.add(link)
-        session.commit()
-    except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError:
-        session.rollback()
diff --git a/mutalyzer/ncbi.py b/mutalyzer/ncbi.py
index dc02da6df3f4ea1043c2db7a8e43bd96e60ce5c5..f131088ae89c6515d80d04e2ba5b11ebee8786c8 100644
--- a/mutalyzer/ncbi.py
+++ b/mutalyzer/ncbi.py
@@ -1,128 +1,144 @@
-from Bio import Entrez
+Communication with the NCBI.
-from .config import settings
-from .db import queries
+import functools
-def transcript_to_protein(transcript_accession):
-    """
-    Try to find the protein linked to a transcript.
+from Bio import Entrez
-    First look in our database. If a link cannot be found, try to retrieve it
-    from the NCBI. Add the result to our database.
+from .config import settings
+from .redisclient import client as redis
-    :arg str transcript_accession: Accession number of the transcript for
-      which we want to find the protein (without version number).
-    :returns: Accession number of a protein (without version number) or `None`
-      if no link can be found.
+def _get_link(source_accession, source_db, target_db, match_link_name):
+    """
+    Retrieve a linked accession number from the NCBI.
+    :arg str source_accession: Accession number for which we want to find a
+      link (without version number).
+    :arg str source_db: NCBI source database.
+    :arg str target_db: NCBI target database.
+    :arg function match_link_name: For each link found, this function is
+      called with the link name (`str`) and it should return `True` iff the
+      link is to be used.
+    :returns: Linked accession number (without version number) or `None` if no
+      link can be found.
     :rtype: str
     Entrez.email = settings.EMAIL
-    link = queries.get_transcript_protein_link(transcript_accession)
-    if link is not None:
-        return link.protein_accession
-    handle = Entrez.esearch(db='nucleotide', term=transcript_accession)
+    handle = Entrez.esearch(db=source_db, term=source_accession)
         result = Entrez.read(handle)
     except Entrez.Parser.ValidationError:
-        # Todo: Log this error.
         return None
-    transcript_gi = unicode(result['IdList'][0])
+    try:
+        source_gi = unicode(result['IdList'][0])
+    except IndexError:
+        return None
-    handle = Entrez.elink(dbfrom='nucleotide', db='protein', id=transcript_gi)
+    handle = Entrez.elink(dbfrom=source_db, db=target_db, id=source_gi)
         result = Entrez.read(handle)
     except Entrez.Parser.ValidationError:
-        # Todo: Log this error.
         return None
     if not result[0]['LinkSetDb']:
-        # We also cache negative results.
-        queries.update_transcript_protein_link(
-            transcript_accession=transcript_accession)
         return None
-    protein_gi = unicode(result[0]['LinkSetDb'][0]['Link'][0]['Id'])
+    for link in result[0]['LinkSetDb']:
+        if match_link_name(unicode(link['LinkName'])):
+            target_gi = unicode(link['Link'][0]['Id'])
+            break
+    else:
+        return None
     handle = Entrez.efetch(
-        db='protein', id=protein_gi, rettype='acc', retmode='text')
-    protein_accession = unicode(handle.read()).split('.')[0]
+        db=target_db, id=target_gi, rettype='acc', retmode='text')
+    target_accession = unicode(handle.read()).split('.')[0]
+    return target_accession
-    queries.update_transcript_protein_link(
-        transcript_accession=transcript_accession,
-        protein_accession=protein_accession)
-    return protein_accession
+def cache_link(source, target):
+    """
+    Decorator to add caching to link retrieval.
-def protein_to_transcript(protein_accession):
+    :arg str source: Source database (used to construct cache key).
+    :arg str target: Target database (used to construct cache key).
-    Try to find the transcript linked to a protein.
+    forward_key = 'ncbi:%s-to-%s:%%s' % (source, target)
+    reverse_key = 'ncbi:%s-to-%s:%%s' % (target, source)
-    First look in our database. If a link cannot be found, try to retrieve it
-    from the NCBI. Add the result to our database.
+    def cache_source_to_target(f):
+        @functools.wraps(f)
+        def cached_f(accession):
+            result = redis.get(forward_key % accession)
+            if result is not None:
+                # The empty string is a cached negative result, which we return as
+                # `None`.
+                return result or None
-    :arg str protein_accession: Accession number of the protein for which we
-      want to find the transcript (without version number).
+            result = f(accession)
-    :returns: Accession number of a transcript (without version number) or
-      `None` if no link can be found.
-    :rtype: str
+            if result is None:
+                redis.setex(forward_key % accession,
+                            settings.NEGATIVE_LINK_CACHE_EXPIRATION, '')
+                return None
+            # We store the resulting link in both directions.
+            redis.set(forward_key % accession, result)
+            redis.set(reverse_key % result, accession)
+            return result
+        return cached_f
+    return cache_source_to_target
+@cache_link('transcript', 'protein')
+def transcript_to_protein(transcript_accession):
-    Entrez.email = settings.EMAIL
+    Try to find the protein linked to a transcript.
-    link = queries.get_transcript_protein_link(protein_accession, reverse=True)
-    if link is not None:
-        return link.transcript_accession
+    Links are retrieved from the NCBI using their Entrez API and cached in
+    Redis. Negative results (accession or link could not be found) are also
+    cached, but expire after `NEGATIVE_LINK_CACHE_EXPIRATION` seconds.
-    handle = Entrez.esearch(db='protein', term=protein_accession)
-    try:
-        result = Entrez.read(handle)
-    except Entrez.Parser.ValidationError:
-        # Todo: Log this error.
-        return None
-    finally:
-        handle.close()
+    :arg str transcript_accession: Accession number of the transcript for
+      which we want to find the protein (without version number).
-    if not result['IdList']:
-        return None
-    protein_gi = unicode(result['IdList'][0])
+    :returns: Accession number of a protein (without version number) or `None`
+      if no link can be found.
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    return _get_link(
+        transcript_accession, 'nucleotide', 'protein',
+        lambda link: link in ('nuccore_protein', 'nuccore_protein_cds'))
-    handle = Entrez.elink(dbfrom='protein', db='nucleotide', id=protein_gi)
-    try:
-        result = Entrez.read(handle)
-    except Entrez.Parser.ValidationError:
-        # Todo: Log this error.
-        return None
-    finally:
-        handle.close()
-    if not result[0]['LinkSetDb']:
-        # We also cache negative results.
-        queries.update_transcript_protein_link(
-            protein_accession=protein_accession)
-        return None
+@cache_link('protein', 'transcript')
+def protein_to_transcript(protein_accession):
+    """
+    Try to find the transcript linked to a protein.
-    transcript_gi = ''
-    for link in result[0]['LinkSetDb']:
-        if unicode(link['LinkName']) == 'protein_nuccore_mrna':
-            transcript_gi = unicode(link['Link'][0]['Id'])
-            break
+    Links are retrieved from the NCBI using their Entrez API and cached in
+    Redis. Negative results (accession or link could not be found) are also
+    cached, but expire after `NEGATIVE_LINK_CACHE_EXPIRATION` seconds.
-    handle = Entrez.efetch(
-        db='nucleotide', id=transcript_gi, rettype='acc', retmode='text')
-    transcript_accession = unicode(handle.read()).split('.')[0]
-    handle.close()
+    :arg str protein_accession: Accession number of the protein for which we
+      want to find the transcript (without version number).
-    queries.update_transcript_protein_link(
-        transcript_accession=transcript_accession,
-        protein_accession=protein_accession)
-    return transcript_accession
+    :returns: Accession number of a transcript (without version number) or
+      `None` if no link can be found.
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    return _get_link(
+        protein_accession, 'protein', 'nucleotide',
+        lambda link: link == 'protein_nuccore_mrna')
diff --git a/tests/fixtures.py b/tests/fixtures.py
index 25d29812a33808d68272a5e7c3d57fa9cba80bc8..a3f5e363bfdf73d4ab65b724863c14995079b472 100644
--- a/tests/fixtures.py
+++ b/tests/fixtures.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from mutalyzer.config import settings as _settings
 from mutalyzer.output import Output
 from mutalyzer.redisclient import client as redis
 from mutalyzer.db.models import (Assembly, Chromosome, Reference,
-                                 TranscriptMapping, TranscriptProteinLink)
+                                 TranscriptMapping)
 from mutalyzer import db as _db
@@ -96,15 +96,28 @@ def references(request, settings, db, available_references):
         shutil.copy(path, settings.CACHE_DIR)
-        reference = Reference(
-            accession, entry['checksum'], geninfo_identifier=geninfo_id)
-        db.session.add(reference)
-        for transcript, protein in entry.get('links', []):
-            db.session.add(TranscriptProteinLink(transcript, protein))
-        references.append(reference)
+        references.append(Reference(
+            accession, entry['checksum'], geninfo_identifier=geninfo_id))
+        for transcript_accession, protein_accession in entry.get('links', []):
+            if transcript_accession is not None:
+                key = 'ncbi:transcript-to-protein:%s' % transcript_accession
+                if protein_accession is not None:
+                    redis.set(key, protein_accession)
+                else:
+                    redis.setex(key,
+                                settings.NEGATIVE_LINK_CACHE_EXPIRATION,
+                                '')
+            if protein_accession is not None:
+                key = 'ncbi:protein-to-transcript:%s' % protein_accession
+                if transcript_accession is not None:
+                    redis.set(key, transcript_accession)
+                else:
+                    redis.setex(key,
+                                settings.NEGATIVE_LINK_CACHE_EXPIRATION,
+                                '')
+    db.session.add_all(references)
     return references
diff --git a/tests/test_db_queries.py b/tests/test_db_queries.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eeb44927aed2f2f341a4ab8a6d460668e88e063..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/test_db_queries.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Tests for the mutalyzer.db.queries module.
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import pytest
-from mutalyzer.db import queries
-pytestmark = [
-    pytest.mark.usefixtures('references'),
-    pytest.mark.parametrize('references', [['MARK1']], indirect=True)
-def test_get_transcript_protein_link():
-    """
-    Query a transcript-protein link by transcript.
-    """
-    link = queries.get_transcript_protein_link('NM_018650')
-    assert link.transcript_accession == 'NM_018650'
-    assert link.protein_accession == 'NP_061120'
-def test_get_transcript_protein_link_negative():
-    """
-    Query a negative transcript-protein link by transcript.
-    """
-    link = queries.get_transcript_protein_link('XM_005273133')
-    assert link.transcript_accession == 'XM_005273133'
-    assert link.protein_accession is None
-def test_get_transcript_protein_link_missing():
-    """
-    Query a missing transcript-protein link by transcript.
-    """
-    link = queries.get_transcript_protein_link('NM_123456')
-    assert link is None
-def test_get_transcript_protein_link_reverse():
-    """
-    Query a transcript-protein link by protein.
-    """
-    link = queries.get_transcript_protein_link('NP_061120', reverse=True)
-    assert link.transcript_accession == 'NM_018650'
-    assert link.protein_accession == 'NP_061120'
-def test_get_transcript_protein_link_reverse_missing():
-    """
-    Query a missing transcript-protein link by protein.
-    """
-    link = queries.get_transcript_protein_link('NP_123456')
-    assert link is None
diff --git a/tests/test_migrations.py b/tests/test_migrations.py
index c2167ce27cca64a564904b10495066717c4da04a..1954226f0eb0e48f7f29bec14cbfe9b24551b3bf 100644
--- a/tests/test_migrations.py
+++ b/tests/test_migrations.py
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ Test database migrations.
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from datetime import datetime
 import alembic.autogenerate
 import alembic.command
 import alembic.config
@@ -91,7 +93,8 @@ def add_database_content(connection):
     transcript_protein_links = sql.table(
         sql.column('transcript_accession', sa.String(30)),
-        sql.column('protein_accession', sa.String(30)))
+        sql.column('protein_accession', sa.String(30)),
+        sql.column('added', sa.DateTime))
     # Add some common data.
@@ -170,8 +173,10 @@ def add_database_content(connection):
-        protein_accession='NP_438169')
+        protein_accession='NP_438169',
+        added=datetime.now())
-        protein_accession=None)
+        protein_accession=None,
+        added=datetime.now())