diff --git a/mutalyzer/Scheduler.py b/mutalyzer/Scheduler.py
index e9fc35a95216eeacc145412426e4cbfa405068d5..d6d96bb531cacd4c6faec963354dbfd3c0d78e7f 100644
--- a/mutalyzer/Scheduler.py
+++ b/mutalyzer/Scheduler.py
@@ -371,10 +371,6 @@ Mutalyzer batch scheduler""" % download_url)
             # Group batch jobs by email address and retrieve the oldest for
             # each address. This improves fairness when certain users have
             # many jobs.
-            # Note that batch jobs submitted via the webservices all have the
-            # same email address, so they are effectively throttled as if all
-            # from the same user. Adapting the webservices to also allow
-            # setting an email address is future work.
             batch_jobs = BatchJob.query.filter(BatchJob.id.in_(