diff --git a/protected/biopet-gatk-pipelines/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVcfSampleCompare.scala b/protected/biopet-gatk-pipelines/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVcfSampleCompare.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c3f5add4b52092e607e1c4975745e7f58793dd08..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/protected/biopet-gatk-pipelines/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVcfSampleCompare.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- * Due to the license issue with GATK, this part of Biopet can only be used inside the
- * LUMC. Please refer to https://git.lumc.nl/biopet/biopet/wikis/home for instructions
- * on how to use this protected part of biopet or contact us at sasc@lumc.nl
- */
-package nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.pipelines.gatk
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.{ BiopetQScript, PipelineCommand }
-import java.io.File
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.gatk.CombineVariants
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.gatk.SelectVariants
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.gatk.VariantEval
-import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.QScript
-import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.{ Input, Argument }
-class GatkVcfSampleCompare(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
-  def this() = this(null)
-  @Input(doc = "Sample vcf file(s)", shortName = "V")
-  var vcfFiles: List[File] = _
-  @Argument(doc = "Reference", shortName = "R", required = false)
-  var reference: File = config("reference")
-  @Argument(doc = "Target bed", shortName = "targetBed", required = false)
-  var targetBed: List[File] = Nil
-  @Argument(doc = "Samples", shortName = "sample", required = false)
-  var samples: List[String] = Nil
-  var vcfFile: File = _
-  var sampleVcfs: Map[String, File] = Map()
-  def generalSampleDir = outputDir + "samples/"
-  def init() {
-    if (config.contains("target_bed"))
-      for (bed <- config("target_bed").asList)
-        targetBed :+= bed.toString
-    if (outputDir == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Missing Output directory on gatk module")
-    else if (!outputDir.endsWith("/")) outputDir += "/"
-  }
-  def biopetScript() {
-    vcfFile = if (vcfFiles.size > 1) {
-      val combineVariants = CombineVariants(this, vcfFiles, outputDir + "merge.vcf")
-      add(combineVariants)
-      combineVariants.out
-    } else vcfFiles.head
-    for (sample <- samples) {
-      sampleVcfs += (sample -> new File(generalSampleDir + sample + File.separator + sample + ".vcf"))
-      val selectVariants = SelectVariants(this, vcfFile, sampleVcfs(sample))
-      selectVariants.sample_name = Seq(sample)
-      selectVariants.excludeNonVariants = true
-      add(selectVariants)
-    }
-    val sampleCompareMetrics = new SampleCompareMetrics(this)
-    sampleCompareMetrics.samples = samples
-    sampleCompareMetrics.sampleDir = generalSampleDir
-    sampleCompareMetrics.snpRelFile = outputDir + "compare.snp.rel.tsv"
-    sampleCompareMetrics.snpAbsFile = outputDir + "compare.snp.abs.tsv"
-    sampleCompareMetrics.indelRelFile = outputDir + "compare.indel.rel.tsv"
-    sampleCompareMetrics.indelAbsFile = outputDir + "compare.indel.abs.tsv"
-    sampleCompareMetrics.totalFile = outputDir + "total.tsv"
-    for ((sample, sampleVcf) <- sampleVcfs) {
-      val sampleDir = generalSampleDir + sample + File.separator
-      for ((compareSample, compareSampleVcf) <- sampleVcfs) {
-        val variantEval = VariantEval(this,
-          sampleVcf,
-          compareSampleVcf,
-          new File(sampleDir + sample + "-" + compareSample + ".eval.txt"),
-          Seq("VariantType", "CompRod"),
-          Seq("CompOverlap")
-        )
-        if (targetBed != null) variantEval.L = targetBed
-        add(variantEval)
-        sampleCompareMetrics.deps ::= variantEval.out
-      }
-    }
-    add(sampleCompareMetrics)
-  }
-object GatkVcfSampleCompare extends PipelineCommand
diff --git a/protected/biopet-gatk-pipelines/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/SampleCompareMetrics.scala b/protected/biopet-gatk-pipelines/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/SampleCompareMetrics.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 861455fe4d886219813409023d022ea096f413c9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/protected/biopet-gatk-pipelines/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/SampleCompareMetrics.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- * Due to the license issue with GATK, this part of Biopet can only be used inside the
- * LUMC. Please refer to https://git.lumc.nl/biopet/biopet/wikis/home for instructions
- * on how to use this protected part of biopet or contact us at sasc@lumc.nl
- */
-package nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.pipelines.gatk
-import java.io.File
-import java.io.PrintWriter
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
-import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.R.RScriptExecutor
-import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.{ Output, Argument }
-import scala.io.Source
-import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.R.{ RScriptLibrary, RScriptExecutor }
-import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.io.Resource
-import scala.collection.mutable.Map
-import scala.math._
-class SampleCompareMetrics(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction {
-  javaMainClass = getClass.getName
-  @Argument(doc = "Sample Dir", shortName = "sampleDir", required = true)
-  var sampleDir: String = _
-  @Argument(doc = "Samples", shortName = "sample", required = true)
-  var samples: List[String] = Nil
-  @Argument(doc = "File sufix", shortName = "sufix", required = false)
-  var fileSufix: String = _
-  @Output(doc = "snpRelFile", shortName = "snpRelFile", required = true)
-  var snpRelFile: File = _
-  @Output(doc = "snpAbsFile", shortName = "snpAbsFile", required = true)
-  var snpAbsFile: File = _
-  @Output(doc = "indelRelFile", shortName = "indelRelFile", required = true)
-  var indelRelFile: File = _
-  @Output(doc = "indelAbsFile", shortName = "indelAbsFile", required = true)
-  var indelAbsFile: File = _
-  @Output(doc = "totalFile", shortName = "totalFile", required = true)
-  var totalFile: File = _
-  override val defaultVmem = "8G"
-  memoryLimit = Option(4.0)
-  override def commandLine = super.commandLine +
-    required("-sampleDir", sampleDir) +
-    repeat("-sample", samples) +
-    optional("-fileSufix", fileSufix) +
-    required("-snpRelFile", snpRelFile) +
-    required("-snpAbsFile", snpAbsFile) +
-    required("-indelRelFile", indelRelFile) +
-    required("-indelAbsFile", indelAbsFile) +
-    required("-totalFile", totalFile)
-object SampleCompareMetrics {
-  var sampleDir: String = _
-  var samples: List[String] = Nil
-  var fileSufix: String = ".eval.txt"
-  var snpRelFile: File = _
-  var snpAbsFile: File = _
-  var indelRelFile: File = _
-  var indelAbsFile: File = _
-  var totalFile: File = _
-  /**
-   * @param args the command line arguments
-   */
-  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
-    for (t <- 0 until args.size) {
-      args(t) match {
-        case "-sample"       => samples +:= args(t + 1)
-        case "-sampleDir"    => sampleDir = args(t + 1)
-        case "-fileSufix"    => fileSufix = args(t + 1)
-        case "-snpRelFile"   => snpRelFile = new File(args(t + 1))
-        case "-snpAbsFile"   => snpAbsFile = new File(args(t + 1))
-        case "-indelRelFile" => indelRelFile = new File(args(t + 1))
-        case "-indelAbsFile" => indelAbsFile = new File(args(t + 1))
-        case "-totalFile"    => totalFile = new File(args(t + 1))
-        case _               =>
-      }
-    }
-    if (sampleDir == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No sampleDir, use -sampleDir")
-    else if (!sampleDir.endsWith("/")) sampleDir += "/"
-    val regex = """\W+""".r
-    val snpsOverlap: Map[(String, String), Int] = Map()
-    val indelsOverlap: Map[(String, String), Int] = Map()
-    val snpsTotal: Map[String, Int] = Map()
-    val indelsTotal: Map[String, Int] = Map()
-    for (sample1 <- samples; sample2 <- samples) {
-      val reader = Source.fromFile(new File(sampleDir + sample1 + "/" + sample1 + "-" + sample2 + fileSufix))
-      for (line <- reader.getLines) {
-        regex.split(line) match {
-          case Array(_, _, _, varType, all, novel, overlap, rate, _*) => {
-            varType match {
-              case "SNP" => {
-                snpsOverlap += (sample1, sample2) -> overlap.toInt
-                snpsTotal += sample1 -> all.toInt
-              }
-              case "INDEL" => {
-                indelsOverlap += (sample1, sample2) -> overlap.toInt
-                indelsTotal += sample1 -> all.toInt
-              }
-              case _ =>
-            }
-          }
-          case _ =>
-        }
-      }
-      reader.close()
-    }
-    val snpRelWritter = new PrintWriter(snpRelFile)
-    val snpAbsWritter = new PrintWriter(snpAbsFile)
-    val indelRelWritter = new PrintWriter(indelRelFile)
-    val indelAbsWritter = new PrintWriter(indelAbsFile)
-    val allWritters = List(snpRelWritter, snpAbsWritter, indelRelWritter, indelAbsWritter)
-    for (writter <- allWritters) writter.println(samples.mkString("\t", "\t", ""))
-    for (sample1 <- samples) {
-      for (writter <- allWritters) writter.print(sample1)
-      for (sample2 <- samples) {
-        snpRelWritter.print("\t" + (round((snpsOverlap(sample1, sample2).toDouble / snpsTotal(sample1) * 10000.0)) / 10000.0))
-        snpAbsWritter.print("\t" + snpsOverlap(sample1, sample2))
-        indelRelWritter.print("\t" + (round((indelsOverlap(sample1, sample2).toDouble / indelsTotal(sample1) * 10000.0)) / 10000.0))
-        indelAbsWritter.print("\t" + indelsOverlap(sample1, sample2))
-      }
-      for (writter <- allWritters) writter.println()
-    }
-    for (writter <- allWritters) writter.close()
-    val totalWritter = new PrintWriter(totalFile)
-    totalWritter.println("Sample\tSNPs\tIndels")
-    for (sample <- samples)
-      totalWritter.println(sample + "\t" + snpsTotal(sample) + "\t" + indelsTotal(sample))
-    totalWritter.close()
-    def plot(file: File) {
-      val executor = new RScriptExecutor
-      executor.addScript(new Resource("plotHeatmap.R", getClass))
-      executor.addArgs(file, file.getAbsolutePath.stripSuffix(".tsv") + ".png", file.getAbsolutePath.stripSuffix(".tsv") + ".clustering.png")
-      executor.exec()
-    }
-    plot(snpRelFile)
-    plot(indelRelFile)
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/protected/biopet-protected-package/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetExecutableProtected.scala b/protected/biopet-protected-package/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetExecutableProtected.scala
index 9457fd36cfab986c5fdc9d5cbc29836ced4e0962..902e292fca017947affb287249ccff764e943100 100644
--- a/protected/biopet-protected-package/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetExecutableProtected.scala
+++ b/protected/biopet-protected-package/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetExecutableProtected.scala
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ object BiopetExecutableProtected extends BiopetExecutable {
-    nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.pipelines.gatk.GatkVcfSampleCompare,
   def tools = BiopetExecutablePublic.tools
diff --git a/public/biopet-framework/src/main/resources/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/plotHeatmap.R b/public/biopet-framework/src/main/resources/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/plotHeatmap.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 4158db708d58c8cc19b535dcfe871c626fa51ad6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/public/biopet-framework/src/main/resources/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/plotHeatmap.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
-inputArg <- args[1]
-outputArg <- args[2]
-outputArgClustering <- args[3]
-col <- heat.colors(250)
-col[250] <- "#00FF00"
-heat<-read.table(inputArg, header = 1, sep= '\t')
-rownames(heat) <- heat[,1]
-heat<- heat[,-1]
-heat<- as.matrix(heat)
-png(file = outputArg, width = 1000, height = 1000)
-heatmap.2(heat, trace = 'none', col = col, Colv=NA, Rowv=NA, dendrogram="none")
-png(file = outputArgClustering, width = 1000, height = 1000)
-heatmap.2(heat, trace = 'none', col = col, Colv="Rowv", dendrogram="row")