diff --git a/public/gears/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gears/Gears.scala b/public/gears/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gears/Gears.scala
index 892082f063ee9220a611d57fbed41529c6c40905..034a6e57b743bb3f3648a0138354bd3299da646f 100644
--- a/public/gears/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gears/Gears.scala
+++ b/public/gears/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gears/Gears.scala
@@ -15,12 +15,313 @@
 package nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.pipelines.gears
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.PipelineCommand
+import htsjdk.samtools.SamReaderFactory
+import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.FullVersion
+import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.{PipelineCommand, MultiSampleQScript}
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
+import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.Ln
+import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.kraken.{ Kraken, KrakenReport }
+import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.picard.{ AddOrReplaceReadGroups, MarkDuplicates, MergeSamFiles, SamToFastq }
+import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.sambamba.SambambaView
+import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.pipelines.bammetrics.BamMetrics
+import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.pipelines.mapping.Mapping
+import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.tools.FastqSync
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.QScript
-class Gears(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with GearsTrait {
+import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
+ * This is a trait for the Gears pipeline
+ * The ShivaTrait is used as template for this pipeline
+ */
+class Gears(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScript { qscript =>
   def this() = this(null)
+  /** Executed before running the script */
+  def init(): Unit = {
+  }
+  /** Method to add jobs */
+  def biopetScript(): Unit = {
+    addSamplesJobs()
+    addSummaryJobs()
+  }
+  /** Multisample meta-genome comparison */
+  def addMultiSampleJobs(): Unit = {
+    // generate report from multiple samples, this is:
+    // - the TSV
+    // - the Spearman correlation plot + table
+  }
+  /** Location of summary file */
+  def summaryFile = new File(outputDir, "gears.summary.json")
+  /** Settings of pipeline for summary */
+  def summarySettings = Map(
+    "version" -> FullVersion
+  )
+  /** Files for the summary */
+  def summaryFiles = Map()
+  /** Method to make a sample */
+  def makeSample(id: String) = new Sample(id)
+  /** Class that will generate jobs for a sample */
+  class Sample(sampleId: String) extends AbstractSample(sampleId) {
+    /** Sample specific files to add to summary */
+    def summaryFiles: Map[String, File] = {
+      preProcessBam match {
+        case Some(pb) => Map("bamFile" -> pb)
+        case _        => Map()
+      }
+    } ++ Map("alignment" -> alnFile)
+    /** Sample specific stats to add to summary */
+    def summaryStats: Map[String, Any] = Map()
+    /** Method to make a library */
+    def makeLibrary(id: String) = new Library(id)
+    /** Class to generate jobs for a library */
+    class Library(libId: String) extends AbstractLibrary(libId) {
+      /** Library specific files to add to the summary */
+      def summaryFiles: Map[String, File] = {
+        (bamFile, preProcessBam) match {
+          case (Some(b), Some(pb)) => Map("bamFile" -> b, "preProcessBam" -> pb)
+          case (Some(b), _)        => Map("bamFile" -> b)
+          case _                   => Map()
+        }
+      }
+      /** Alignment results of this library ~ can only be accessed after addJobs is run! */
+      def alnFile: File = bamFile match {
+        case Some(b) => b
+        case _       => throw new IllegalStateException("The bamfile is not generated yet")
+      }
+      /** Library specific stats to add to summary */
+      def summaryStats: Map[String, Any] = Map()
+      /** Method to execute library preprocess */
+      def preProcess(input: File): Option[File] = None
+      /** Method to make the mapping submodule */
+      def makeMapping = {
+        val mapping = new Mapping(qscript)
+        mapping.sampleId = Some(sampleId)
+        mapping.libId = Some(libId)
+        mapping.outputDir = libDir
+        mapping.outputName = sampleId + "-" + libId
+        (Some(mapping), Some(mapping.finalBamFile), preProcess(mapping.finalBamFile))
+      }
+      /**
+       * Determine where where to start the pipeline in cases where both R1 (fastq) and BAM is specified
+       */
+      lazy val (mapping, bamFile, preProcessBam): (Option[Mapping], Option[File], Option[File]) =
+        (config.contains("R1"), config.contains("bam")) match {
+          case (true, _) => makeMapping // Default starting from fastq files
+          case (false, true) => // Starting from bam file
+            config("bam_to_fastq", default = false).asBoolean match {
+              case true => makeMapping // bam file will be converted to fastq
+              case false =>
+                val file = new File(libDir, sampleId + "-" + libId + ".final.bam")
+                (None, Some(file), preProcess(file))
+            }
+          case _ => (None, None, None)
+        }
+      /** This will add jobs for this library */
+      def addJobs(): Unit = {
+        (config.contains("R1"), config.contains("bam")) match {
+          case (true, _) => mapping.foreach(mapping => {
+            mapping.input_R1 = config("R1")
+          })
+          case (false, true) => config("bam_to_fastq", default = false).asBoolean match {
+            case true =>
+              val samToFastq = SamToFastq(qscript, config("bam"),
+                new File(libDir, sampleId + "-" + libId + ".R1.fastq"),
+                new File(libDir, sampleId + "-" + libId + ".R2.fastq"))
+              samToFastq.isIntermediate = true
+              qscript.add(samToFastq)
+              mapping.foreach(mapping => {
+                mapping.input_R1 = samToFastq.fastqR1
+                mapping.input_R2 = Some(samToFastq.fastqR2)
+              })
+            case false =>
+              val inputSam = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault.open(config("bam"))
+              val readGroups = inputSam.getFileHeader.getReadGroups
+              val readGroupOke = readGroups.forall(readGroup => {
+                if (readGroup.getSample != sampleId) logger.warn("Sample ID readgroup in bam file is not the same")
+                if (readGroup.getLibrary != libId) logger.warn("Library ID readgroup in bam file is not the same")
+                readGroup.getSample == sampleId && readGroup.getLibrary == libId
+              })
+              inputSam.close()
+              if (!readGroupOke) {
+                if (config("correct_readgroups", default = false).asBoolean) {
+                  logger.info("Correcting readgroups, file:" + config("bam"))
+                  val aorrg = AddOrReplaceReadGroups(qscript, config("bam"), bamFile.get)
+                  aorrg.RGID = sampleId + "-" + libId
+                  aorrg.RGLB = libId
+                  aorrg.RGSM = sampleId
+                  aorrg.isIntermediate = true
+                  qscript.add(aorrg)
+                } else throw new IllegalStateException("Sample readgroup and/or library of input bamfile is not correct, file: " + bamFile +
+                  "\nPlease note that it is possible to set 'correct_readgroups' to true in the config to automatic fix this")
+              } else {
+                val oldBamFile: File = config("bam")
+                val oldIndex: File = new File(oldBamFile.getAbsolutePath.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".bai")
+                val newIndex: File = new File(libDir, oldBamFile.getName.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".bai")
+                val baiLn = Ln(qscript, oldIndex, newIndex)
+                add(baiLn)
+                val bamLn = Ln(qscript, oldBamFile, bamFile.get)
+                bamLn.deps :+= baiLn.output
+                add(bamLn)
+              }
+          }
+          case _ => logger.warn("Sample: " + sampleId + "  Library: " + libId + ", no reads found")
+        }
+        mapping.foreach(mapping => {
+          mapping.init()
+          mapping.biopetScript()
+          addAll(mapping.functions) // Add functions of mapping to current function pool
+          addSummaryQScript(mapping)
+        })
+      }
+    }
+    /** This will add jobs for the double preprocessing */
+    protected def addDoublePreProcess(input: List[File], isIntermediate: Boolean = false): Option[File] = {
+      if (input == Nil) None
+      else if (input.tail == Nil) {
+        val bamFile = new File(sampleDir, input.head.getName)
+        val oldIndex: File = new File(input.head.getAbsolutePath.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".bai")
+        val newIndex: File = new File(sampleDir, input.head.getName.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".bai")
+        val baiLn = Ln(qscript, oldIndex, newIndex)
+        add(baiLn)
+        val bamLn = Ln(qscript, input.head, bamFile)
+        bamLn.deps :+= baiLn.output
+        add(bamLn)
+        Some(bamFile)
+      } else {
+        val md = new MarkDuplicates(qscript)
+        md.input = input
+        md.output = new File(sampleDir, sampleId + ".dedup.bam")
+        md.outputMetrics = new File(sampleDir, sampleId + ".dedup.metrics")
+        md.isIntermediate = isIntermediate
+        md.removeDuplicates = true
+        add(md)
+        addSummarizable(md, "mark_duplicates")
+        Some(md.output)
+      }
+    }
+    lazy val preProcessBam: Option[File] = addDoublePreProcess(libraries.flatMap(lib => {
+      (lib._2.bamFile, lib._2.preProcessBam) match {
+        case (_, Some(file)) => Some(file)
+        case (Some(file), _) => Some(file)
+        case _               => None
+      }
+    }).toList)
+    def alnFile: File = sampleBamLinkJob.output
+    /** Job for combining all library BAMs */
+    private def sampleBamLinkJob: Ln =
+      makeCombineJob(libraries.values.map(_.alnFile).toList, createFile(".bam"))
+    /** Ln or MergeSamFile job, depending on how many inputs are supplied */
+    private def makeCombineJob(inFiles: List[File], outFile: File,
+                               mergeSortOrder: String = "coordinate"): Ln = {
+      require(inFiles.nonEmpty, "At least one input files for combine job")
+      val input: File = {
+        if (inFiles.size == 1) inFiles.head
+        else {
+          val mergedBam = createFile(".merged.bam")
+          val mergejob = new MergeSamFiles(qscript)
+          mergejob.input = inFiles
+          mergejob.output = mergedBam
+          mergejob.sortOrder = mergeSortOrder
+          add(mergejob)
+          mergejob.output
+        }
+      }
+      val linkJob = new Ln(qscript)
+      linkJob.input = input
+      linkJob.output = outFile
+      linkJob
+    }
+    /** This will add sample jobs */
+    def addJobs(): Unit = {
+      addPerLibJobs()
+      // merge or symlink per-library alignments
+      add(sampleBamLinkJob)
+      if (preProcessBam.isDefined) {
+        val bamMetrics = new BamMetrics(qscript)
+        bamMetrics.sampleId = Some(sampleId)
+        bamMetrics.inputBam = preProcessBam.get
+        bamMetrics.outputDir = sampleDir
+        bamMetrics.init()
+        bamMetrics.biopetScript()
+        addAll(bamMetrics.functions)
+        addSummaryQScript(bamMetrics)
+      }
+      // sambamba view -f bam -F "unmapped or mate_is_unmapped" <alnFile> > <extracted.bam>
+      val samFilterUnmapped = new SambambaView(qscript)
+      samFilterUnmapped.input = alnFile
+      samFilterUnmapped.filter = Some("unmapped or mate_is_unmapped")
+      samFilterUnmapped.output = createFile(".unmapped.bam")
+      samFilterUnmapped.isIntermediate = true
+      qscript.add(samFilterUnmapped)
+      // start bam to fastq (only on unaligned reads) also extract the matesam
+      val samToFastq = SamToFastq(qscript, alnFile,
+        createFile(".unmap.R1.fastq"),
+        createFile(".unmap.R2.fastq")
+      )
+      samToFastq.isIntermediate = true
+      qscript.add(samToFastq)
+      // sync the fastq records
+      val fastqsync = new FastqSync(qscript)
+      fastqsync.refFastq = samToFastq.fastqR1
+      fastqsync.inputFastq1 = samToFastq.fastqR1
+      fastqsync.inputFastq2 = samToFastq.fastqR2
+      fastqsync.outputFastq1 = createFile(".unmapsynced.R1.fastq.gz")
+      fastqsync.outputFastq2 = createFile(".unmapsynced.R2.fastq.gz")
+      fastqsync.outputStats = createFile(".syncstats.json")
+      qscript.add(fastqsync)
+      // start kraken
+      val krakenAnalysis = new Kraken(qscript)
+      krakenAnalysis.input = List(fastqsync.outputFastq1, fastqsync.outputFastq2)
+      krakenAnalysis.output = createFile(".krkn.raw")
+      krakenAnalysis.paired = true
+      krakenAnalysis.classified_out = Option(createFile(".krkn.classified.fastq"))
+      krakenAnalysis.unclassified_out = Option(createFile(".krkn.unclassified.fastq"))
+      qscript.add(krakenAnalysis)
+      // create kraken summary file
+      val krakenReport = new KrakenReport(qscript)
+      krakenReport.input = krakenAnalysis.output
+      krakenReport.show_zeros = true
+      krakenReport.output = createFile(".krkn.full")
+      qscript.add(krakenReport)
+    }
+  }
 /** This object give a default main method to the pipelines */
diff --git a/public/gears/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gears/GearsTrait.scala b/public/gears/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gears/GearsTrait.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c0f2cd8cd2bae5e128f19cda457ed62b9aa93283..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/public/gears/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gears/GearsTrait.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
- * Biopet is built on top of GATK Queue for building bioinformatic
- * pipelines. It is mainly intended to support LUMC SHARK cluster which is running
- * SGE. But other types of HPC that are supported by GATK Queue (such as PBS)
- * should also be able to execute Biopet tools and pipelines.
- *
- * Copyright 2014 Sequencing Analysis Support Core - Leiden University Medical Center
- *
- * Contact us at: sasc@lumc.nl
- *
- * A dual licensing mode is applied. The source code within this project that are
- * not part of GATK Queue is freely available for non-commercial use under an AGPL
- * license; For commercial users or users who do not want to follow the AGPL
- * license, please contact us to obtain a separate license.
- */
-package nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.pipelines.gears
-import java.io.File
-import htsjdk.samtools.SamReaderFactory
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.FullVersion
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.MultiSampleQScript
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.summary.SummaryQScript
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.Ln
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.kraken.{ Kraken, KrakenReport }
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.picard.{ AddOrReplaceReadGroups, MarkDuplicates, MergeSamFiles, SamToFastq }
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.sambamba.SambambaView
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.pipelines.bammetrics.BamMetrics
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.pipelines.mapping.Mapping
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.tools.FastqSync
-import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
- * This is a trait for the Gears pipeline
- * The ShivaTrait is used as template for this pipeline
- */
-trait GearsTrait extends MultiSampleQScript with SummaryQScript { qscript =>
-  /** Executed before running the script */
-  def init(): Unit = {
-  }
-  /** Method to add jobs */
-  def biopetScript(): Unit = {
-    addSamplesJobs()
-    addSummaryJobs()
-  }
-  /** Multisample meta-genome comparison */
-  def addMultiSampleJobs(): Unit = {
-    // generate report from multiple samples, this is:
-    // - the TSV
-    // - the Spearman correlation plot + table
-  }
-  /** Location of summary file */
-  def summaryFile = new File(outputDir, "gears.summary.json")
-  /** Settings of pipeline for summary */
-  def summarySettings = Map(
-    "version" -> FullVersion
-  )
-  /** Files for the summary */
-  def summaryFiles = Map()
-  /** Method to make a sample */
-  def makeSample(id: String) = new Sample(id)
-  /** Class that will generate jobs for a sample */
-  class Sample(sampleId: String) extends AbstractSample(sampleId) {
-    /** Sample specific files to add to summary */
-    def summaryFiles: Map[String, File] = {
-      preProcessBam match {
-        case Some(pb) => Map("bamFile" -> pb)
-        case _        => Map()
-      }
-    } ++ Map(
-      "alignment" -> alnFile
-    )
-    /** Sample specific stats to add to summary */
-    def summaryStats: Map[String, Any] = Map()
-    /** Method to make a library */
-    def makeLibrary(id: String) = new Library(id)
-    /** Class to generate jobs for a library */
-    class Library(libId: String) extends AbstractLibrary(libId) {
-      /** Library specific files to add to the summary */
-      def summaryFiles: Map[String, File] = {
-        (bamFile, preProcessBam) match {
-          case (Some(b), Some(pb)) => Map("bamFile" -> b, "preProcessBam" -> pb)
-          case (Some(b), _)        => Map("bamFile" -> b)
-          case _                   => Map()
-        }
-      }
-      /** Alignment results of this library ~ can only be accessed after addJobs is run! */
-      def alnFile: File = bamFile match {
-        case Some(b) => b
-        case _       => throw new IllegalStateException("The bamfile is not generated yet")
-      }
-      /** Library specific stats to add to summary */
-      def summaryStats: Map[String, Any] = Map()
-      /** Method to execute library preprocess */
-      def preProcess(input: File): Option[File] = None
-      /** Method to make the mapping submodule */
-      def makeMapping = {
-        val mapping = new Mapping(qscript)
-        mapping.sampleId = Some(sampleId)
-        mapping.libId = Some(libId)
-        mapping.outputDir = libDir
-        mapping.outputName = sampleId + "-" + libId
-        (Some(mapping), Some(mapping.finalBamFile), preProcess(mapping.finalBamFile))
-      }
-      /**
-       * Determine where where to start the pipeline in cases where both R1 (fastq) and BAM is specified
-       */
-      lazy val (mapping, bamFile, preProcessBam): (Option[Mapping], Option[File], Option[File]) =
-        (config.contains("R1"), config.contains("bam")) match {
-          case (true, _) => makeMapping // Default starting from fastq files
-          case (false, true) => // Starting from bam file
-            config("bam_to_fastq", default = false).asBoolean match {
-              case true => makeMapping // bam file will be converted to fastq
-              case false =>
-                val file = new File(libDir, sampleId + "-" + libId + ".final.bam")
-                (None, Some(file), preProcess(file))
-            }
-          case _ => (None, None, None)
-        }
-      /** This will add jobs for this library */
-      def addJobs(): Unit = {
-        (config.contains("R1"), config.contains("bam")) match {
-          case (true, _) => mapping.foreach(mapping => {
-            mapping.input_R1 = config("R1")
-          })
-          case (false, true) => config("bam_to_fastq", default = false).asBoolean match {
-            case true =>
-              val samToFastq = SamToFastq(qscript, config("bam"),
-                new File(libDir, sampleId + "-" + libId + ".R1.fastq"),
-                new File(libDir, sampleId + "-" + libId + ".R2.fastq"))
-              samToFastq.isIntermediate = true
-              qscript.add(samToFastq)
-              mapping.foreach(mapping => {
-                mapping.input_R1 = samToFastq.fastqR1
-                mapping.input_R2 = Some(samToFastq.fastqR2)
-              })
-            case false =>
-              val inputSam = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault.open(config("bam"))
-              val readGroups = inputSam.getFileHeader.getReadGroups
-              val readGroupOke = readGroups.forall(readGroup => {
-                if (readGroup.getSample != sampleId) logger.warn("Sample ID readgroup in bam file is not the same")
-                if (readGroup.getLibrary != libId) logger.warn("Library ID readgroup in bam file is not the same")
-                readGroup.getSample == sampleId && readGroup.getLibrary == libId
-              })
-              inputSam.close()
-              if (!readGroupOke) {
-                if (config("correct_readgroups", default = false).asBoolean) {
-                  logger.info("Correcting readgroups, file:" + config("bam"))
-                  val aorrg = AddOrReplaceReadGroups(qscript, config("bam"), bamFile.get)
-                  aorrg.RGID = sampleId + "-" + libId
-                  aorrg.RGLB = libId
-                  aorrg.RGSM = sampleId
-                  aorrg.isIntermediate = true
-                  qscript.add(aorrg)
-                } else throw new IllegalStateException("Sample readgroup and/or library of input bamfile is not correct, file: " + bamFile +
-                  "\nPlease note that it is possible to set 'correct_readgroups' to true in the config to automatic fix this")
-              } else {
-                val oldBamFile: File = config("bam")
-                val oldIndex: File = new File(oldBamFile.getAbsolutePath.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".bai")
-                val newIndex: File = new File(libDir, oldBamFile.getName.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".bai")
-                val baiLn = Ln(qscript, oldIndex, newIndex)
-                add(baiLn)
-                val bamLn = Ln(qscript, oldBamFile, bamFile.get)
-                bamLn.deps :+= baiLn.output
-                add(bamLn)
-              }
-          }
-          case _ => logger.warn("Sample: " + sampleId + "  Library: " + libId + ", no reads found")
-        }
-        mapping.foreach(mapping => {
-          mapping.init()
-          mapping.biopetScript()
-          addAll(mapping.functions) // Add functions of mapping to current function pool
-          addSummaryQScript(mapping)
-        })
-      }
-    }
-    /** This will add jobs for the double preprocessing */
-    protected def addDoublePreProcess(input: List[File], isIntermediate: Boolean = false): Option[File] = {
-      if (input == Nil) None
-      else if (input.tail == Nil) {
-        val bamFile = new File(sampleDir, input.head.getName)
-        val oldIndex: File = new File(input.head.getAbsolutePath.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".bai")
-        val newIndex: File = new File(sampleDir, input.head.getName.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".bai")
-        val baiLn = Ln(qscript, oldIndex, newIndex)
-        add(baiLn)
-        val bamLn = Ln(qscript, input.head, bamFile)
-        bamLn.deps :+= baiLn.output
-        add(bamLn)
-        Some(bamFile)
-      } else {
-        val md = new MarkDuplicates(qscript)
-        md.input = input
-        md.output = new File(sampleDir, sampleId + ".dedup.bam")
-        md.outputMetrics = new File(sampleDir, sampleId + ".dedup.metrics")
-        md.isIntermediate = isIntermediate
-        md.removeDuplicates = true
-        add(md)
-        addSummarizable(md, "mark_duplicates")
-        Some(md.output)
-      }
-    }
-    lazy val preProcessBam: Option[File] = addDoublePreProcess(libraries.flatMap(lib => {
-      (lib._2.bamFile, lib._2.preProcessBam) match {
-        case (_, Some(file)) => Some(file)
-        case (Some(file), _) => Some(file)
-        case _               => None
-      }
-    }).toList)
-    def alnFile: File = sampleBamLinkJob.output
-    /** Job for combining all library BAMs */
-    private def sampleBamLinkJob: Ln =
-      makeCombineJob(libraries.values.map(_.alnFile).toList, createFile(".bam"))
-    /** Ln or MergeSamFile job, depending on how many inputs are supplied */
-    private def makeCombineJob(inFiles: List[File], outFile: File,
-                               mergeSortOrder: String = "coordinate"): Ln = {
-      require(inFiles.nonEmpty, "At least one input files for combine job")
-      val input: File = {
-        if (inFiles.size == 1) inFiles.head
-        else {
-          val mergedBam = createFile(".merged.bam")
-          val mergejob = new MergeSamFiles(qscript)
-          mergejob.input = inFiles
-          mergejob.output = mergedBam
-          mergejob.sortOrder = mergeSortOrder
-          add(mergejob)
-          mergejob.output
-        }
-      }
-      val linkJob = new Ln(qscript)
-      linkJob.input = input
-      linkJob.output = outFile
-      linkJob
-    }
-    /** This will add sample jobs */
-    def addJobs(): Unit = {
-      addPerLibJobs()
-      // merge or symlink per-library alignments
-      add(sampleBamLinkJob)
-      if (preProcessBam.isDefined) {
-        val bamMetrics = new BamMetrics(qscript)
-        bamMetrics.sampleId = Some(sampleId)
-        bamMetrics.inputBam = preProcessBam.get
-        bamMetrics.outputDir = sampleDir
-        bamMetrics.init()
-        bamMetrics.biopetScript()
-        addAll(bamMetrics.functions)
-        addSummaryQScript(bamMetrics)
-      }
-      // sambamba view -f bam -F "unmapped or mate_is_unmapped" <alnFile> > <extracted.bam>
-      val samFilterUnmapped = new SambambaView(qscript)
-      samFilterUnmapped.input = alnFile
-      samFilterUnmapped.filter = Some("unmapped or mate_is_unmapped")
-      samFilterUnmapped.output = createFile(".unmapped.bam")
-      samFilterUnmapped.isIntermediate = true
-      qscript.add(samFilterUnmapped)
-      // start bam to fastq (only on unaligned reads) also extract the matesam
-      val samToFastq = SamToFastq(qscript, alnFile,
-        createFile(".unmap.R1.fastq"),
-        createFile(".unmap.R2.fastq")
-      )
-      samToFastq.isIntermediate = true
-      qscript.add(samToFastq)
-      // sync the fastq records
-      val fastqsync = new FastqSync(qscript)
-      fastqsync.refFastq = samToFastq.fastqR1
-      fastqsync.inputFastq1 = samToFastq.fastqR1
-      fastqsync.inputFastq2 = samToFastq.fastqR2
-      fastqsync.outputFastq1 = createFile(".unmapsynced.R1.fastq.gz")
-      fastqsync.outputFastq2 = createFile(".unmapsynced.R2.fastq.gz")
-      fastqsync.outputStats = createFile(".syncstats.json")
-      qscript.add(fastqsync)
-      // start kraken
-      val krakenAnalysis = new Kraken(qscript)
-      krakenAnalysis.input = List(fastqsync.outputFastq1, fastqsync.outputFastq2)
-      krakenAnalysis.output = createFile(".krkn.raw")
-      krakenAnalysis.paired = true
-      krakenAnalysis.classified_out = Option(createFile(".krkn.classified.fastq"))
-      krakenAnalysis.unclassified_out = Option(createFile(".krkn.unclassified.fastq"))
-      qscript.add(krakenAnalysis)
-      // create kraken summary file
-      val krakenReport = new KrakenReport(qscript)
-      krakenReport.input = krakenAnalysis.output
-      krakenReport.show_zeros = true
-      krakenReport.output = createFile(".krkn.full")
-      qscript.add(krakenReport)
-    }
-  }