diff --git a/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_crossreport.txt b/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_crossreport.txt
index 38f4c9264061cd7af1b185721c15acd683eb7532..74eabb4125ad9351ff4691a7e5cf0fa68282249c 100644
--- a/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_crossreport.txt
+++ b/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_crossreport.txt
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-    Biopet is built on top of GATK Queue for building bioinformatic
-    pipelines. It is mainly intended to support LUMC SHARK cluster which is running
-    SGE. But other types of HPC that are supported by GATK Queue (such as PBS)
-    should also be able to execute Biopet tools and pipelines.
-    Copyright 2014 Sequencing Analysis Support Core - Leiden University Medical Center
-    Contact us at: sasc@lumc.nl
-    A dual licensing mode is applied. The source code within this project that are
-    not part of GATK Queue is freely available for non-commercial use under an AGPL
-    license; For commercial users or users who do not want to follow the AGPL
-    license, please contact us to obtain a separate license.
 	#1	#2	#3	#4	#5	#6	#7	#8	#9	#10	#11	#12	#13	#14
 #1	1	1	0	1	0	0	0	1	1	1	0	0	0	0
 #2	1	1	0	1	0	0	0	1	1	1	0	0	0	0
diff --git a/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_crosstrue.txt b/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_crosstrue.txt
index 3a5ac5d9b86b759bfc0e1d23f1df0a3d5cd30cce..dd05aed41c50b81790742957b210b21840918826 100644
--- a/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_crosstrue.txt
+++ b/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_crosstrue.txt
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-    Biopet is built on top of GATK Queue for building bioinformatic
-    pipelines. It is mainly intended to support LUMC SHARK cluster which is running
-    SGE. But other types of HPC that are supported by GATK Queue (such as PBS)
-    should also be able to execute Biopet tools and pipelines.
-    Copyright 2014 Sequencing Analysis Support Core - Leiden University Medical Center
-    Contact us at: sasc@lumc.nl
-    A dual licensing mode is applied. The source code within this project that are
-    not part of GATK Queue is freely available for non-commercial use under an AGPL
-    license; For commercial users or users who do not want to follow the AGPL
-    license, please contact us to obtain a separate license.
 	#1	#2	#3	#4	#5	#6	#7	#8	#9	#10	#11	#12	#13	#14
 #1	100.0000%	100.0000%	0.0000%	100.0000%	0.0000%	0.0000%	0.0000%	100.0000%	100.0000%	100.0000%	0.0000%	0.0000%	0.0000%	0.0000%
 #2	100.0000%	100.0000%	0.0000%	100.0000%	0.0000%	0.0000%	0.0000%	100.0000%	100.0000%	100.0000%	0.0000%	0.0000%	0.0000%	0.0000%
diff --git a/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_report.txt b/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_report.txt
index 6c536798b0d4ed6faa42b45e4915bc2699ba8071..acbe332a82a9d7c04c71e5c9ae74275b3c75b0cc 100644
--- a/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_report.txt
+++ b/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_report.txt
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-    Biopet is built on top of GATK Queue for building bioinformatic
-    pipelines. It is mainly intended to support LUMC SHARK cluster which is running
-    SGE. But other types of HPC that are supported by GATK Queue (such as PBS)
-    should also be able to execute Biopet tools and pipelines.
-    Copyright 2014 Sequencing Analysis Support Core - Leiden University Medical Center
-    Contact us at: sasc@lumc.nl
-    A dual licensing mode is applied. The source code within this project that are
-    not part of GATK Queue is freely available for non-commercial use under an AGPL
-    license; For commercial users or users who do not want to follow the AGPL
-    license, please contact us to obtain a separate license.
 Number	Total Flags	Fraction	Name
 #1	1	100.0000%	All
 #2	1	100.0000%	Mapped
diff --git a/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_summary.txt b/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_summary.txt
index fcb03781784b1a5e4472f7b85ff50ad22b8ee647..e7984915cab425c8bd94dd0a22eae60e0407f518 100644
--- a/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_summary.txt
+++ b/public/biopet-tools/src/test/resources/flagstat_summary.txt
@@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
-    Biopet is built on top of GATK Queue for building bioinformatic
-    pipelines. It is mainly intended to support LUMC SHARK cluster which is running
-    SGE. But other types of HPC that are supported by GATK Queue (such as PBS)
-    should also be able to execute Biopet tools and pipelines.
-    Copyright 2014 Sequencing Analysis Support Core - Leiden University Medical Center
-    Contact us at: sasc@lumc.nl
-    A dual licensing mode is applied. The source code within this project that are
-    not part of GATK Queue is freely available for non-commercial use under an AGPL
-    license; For commercial users or users who do not want to follow the AGPL
-    license, please contact us to obtain a separate license.
     "Duplicates" : 0,
     "NotPrimaryAlignment" : 0,