diff --git a/biopet-tools/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/bamstats/BamStats.scala b/biopet-tools/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/bamstats/BamStats.scala
index 69568229903461f027a193ffb0386f02c180f25d..b3567003581188aeb1dff8296e6fd07039875769 100644
--- a/biopet-tools/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/bamstats/BamStats.scala
+++ b/biopet-tools/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/bamstats/BamStats.scala
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import scala.concurrent.blocking
 import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
 import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
 import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
   * Created by pjvanthof on 25/05/16.
@@ -71,28 +70,18 @@ object BamStats extends ToolCommand {
   def init(outputDir: File, bamFile: File, referenceDict: SAMSequenceDictionary, binSize: Int, threadBinSize: Int): Unit = {
-    var stats = Stats()
     val contigsFutures = BedRecordList.fromDict(referenceDict).allRecords.map { contig =>
-      val f = Future {
-        val s = processContig(contig, bamFile, binSize, threadBinSize)
-        blocking { stats += s }
-      }
-      f.onFailure { case t => throw new RuntimeException(t) }
-      contig -> f
+      Future { processContig(contig, bamFile, binSize, threadBinSize) }
     val unmappedFuture = Future { processUnmappedReads(bamFile) }
-    unmappedFuture.onFailure { case t => throw new RuntimeException(t) }
-    // Waiting on all contigs to complete
-    contigsFutures.foreach { x => Await.ready(x._2, Duration.Inf) }
-    Await.ready(unmappedFuture, Duration.Inf)
-    stats += unmappedFuture.value.get.get
+    val stats = waitOnFutures(unmappedFuture :: contigsFutures.toList)
     logger.info(s"total: ${stats.totalReads},  unmapped: ${stats.unmapped}, secondary: ${stats.secondary}")
-    stats.insertSizeHistogram.keys.toList.sorted.foreach(x => println(s"$x\t${stats.insertSizeHistogram(x)}"))
+    stats.mappingQualityHistogram.writeToTsv(new File(outputDir, "mapping_quality.tsv"))
+    stats.insertSizeHistogram.writeToTsv(new File(outputDir, "insert_size.tsv"))
   def processContig(region: BedRecord, bamFile: File, binSize: Int, threadBinSize: Int): Stats = {
@@ -105,19 +94,22 @@ object BamStats extends ToolCommand {
     val scattersPerThread = (region.length.toDouble / threadBinSize).ceil.toInt
     val scattersFutures = scatters.grouped(scattersPerThread).map { scatters =>
-      val f = Future {
-        val s = processThread(scatters, bamFile)
-        blocking { stats += s }
-      }
-      f.onFailure { case t => throw new RuntimeException(t) }
-      f
+      Future { processThread(scatters, bamFile) }
-    // Waiting on all contigs to complete
-    scattersFutures.foreach { x => Await.ready(x, Duration.Inf) }
-    logger.info(s"Contig '${region.chr}' done")
+    waitOnFutures(scattersFutures.toList)
+  }
+  def waitOnFutures(futures: List[Future[Stats]], msg: Option[String] = None): Stats = {
+    futures.foreach(_.onFailure { case t => throw new RuntimeException(t) })
+    var stats = Stats()
+    var running = futures
+    while (running.nonEmpty) {
+      val done = running.filter(_.value.isDefined)
+      done.foreach(stats += _.value.get.get)
+      running = running.filterNot(done.contains(_))
+      Thread.sleep(1000)
+    }
@@ -137,12 +129,13 @@ object BamStats extends ToolCommand {
         if (samRecord.isSecondaryOrSupplementary) totalStats.secondary += 1
         if (samRecord.getReadUnmappedFlag) totalStats.unmapped += 1
         else { // Mapped read
-          totalStats.mappingQualityHistogram += samRecord.getMappingQuality -> (totalStats.mappingQualityHistogram.getOrElse(samRecord.getMappingQuality, 0L) + 1)
+          totalStats.mappingQualityHistogram.add(samRecord.getMappingQuality)
         if (samRecord.getProperPairFlag && samRecord.getFirstOfPairFlag && !samRecord.getSecondOfPairFlag)
-          totalStats.insertSizeHistogram += samRecord.getInferredInsertSize.abs -> (totalStats.insertSizeHistogram.getOrElse(samRecord.getInferredInsertSize.abs, 0L) + 1)
+          totalStats.insertSizeHistogram.add(samRecord.getInferredInsertSize.abs)
-        //TODO: Read counting
+        //TODO: Clipping stats
+        //TODO: Bin Support
       //TODO: bases counting
diff --git a/biopet-tools/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/bamstats/Histogram.scala b/biopet-tools/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/bamstats/Histogram.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7f4107d69c41f0b8004a3ce68857a24612942fc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biopet-tools/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/bamstats/Histogram.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+package nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.tools.bamstats
+import java.io.{File, PrintWriter}
+import scala.collection.generic.Sorted
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.math.ScalaNumber
+  * Created by pjvanthof on 05/07/16.
+  */
+case class Histogram() {
+  protected[Histogram] val histrogram: mutable.Map[Int, Long] = mutable.Map()
+  def +=(other: Histogram): Histogram = {
+    other.histrogram.foreach(x => this.histrogram += x._1 -> (this.histrogram.getOrElse(x._1, 0L) + x._2))
+    this
+  }
+  def add(value: Int): Unit = {
+    histrogram += value -> (histrogram.getOrElse(value, 0L) + 1)
+  }
+  def writeToTsv(file: File): Unit = {
+    val writer = new PrintWriter(file)
+    writer.println("value\tcount")
+    histrogram.keys.toList.sorted.foreach(x => writer.println(s"$x\t${histrogram(x)}"))
+    writer.close()
+  }
diff --git a/biopet-tools/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/bamstats/Stats.scala b/biopet-tools/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/bamstats/Stats.scala
index 4292ed659a6974fa0965d2d739f1349757c5d220..4fdb3bb058a351d76f0e51626586b5fd5027ab8a 100644
--- a/biopet-tools/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/bamstats/Stats.scala
+++ b/biopet-tools/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/bamstats/Stats.scala
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 package nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.tools.bamstats
 import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.concurrent.blocking
  * Created by pjvanthof on 05/07/16.
@@ -10,14 +12,14 @@ case class Stats() {
   var totalReads = 0L
   var unmapped = 0L
   var secondary = 0L
-  var mappingQualityHistogram: mutable.Map[Int, Long] = mutable.Map()
-  var insertSizeHistogram: mutable.Map[Int, Long] = mutable.Map()
+  val mappingQualityHistogram = Histogram()
+  val insertSizeHistogram = Histogram()
   def +(other: Stats): Stats = {
     this.totalReads += other.totalReads
     this.unmapped += other.unmapped
-    other.mappingQualityHistogram.foreach(x => this.mappingQualityHistogram += x._1 -> (this.mappingQualityHistogram.getOrElse(x._1, 0L) + x._2))
-    other.insertSizeHistogram.foreach(x => this.insertSizeHistogram += x._1 -> (this.insertSizeHistogram.getOrElse(x._1, 0L) + x._2))
+    this.mappingQualityHistogram += other.mappingQualityHistogram
+    this.insertSizeHistogram += other.insertSizeHistogram