diff --git a/biopet-framework/nb-configuration.xml b/biopet-framework/nb-configuration.xml
index 60b959e673d5805e869ae4f91a006ba5d81184a4..c2f0518e2a30c8af3fb854bd8e16e70f23679e5f 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/nb-configuration.xml
+++ b/biopet-framework/nb-configuration.xml
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ Any value defined here will override the pom.xml file value but is only applicab
-        <netbeans.checkstyle.format>true</netbeans.checkstyle.format>
diff --git a/biopet-framework/pom.xml b/biopet-framework/pom.xml
index f116688f95fc697f13afafa47dd191f347679c45..69c3c3ff4f7ac147c87ade7ec0c9a0c790090a33 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/pom.xml
+++ b/biopet-framework/pom.xml
@@ -216,6 +216,40 @@
+            <plugin>
+                <groupId>org.scalariform</groupId>
+                <artifactId>scalariform-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+                <version>0.1.4</version>
+                <executions>
+                  <execution>
+                    <phase>process-sources</phase>
+                    <goals>
+                      <goal>format</goal>
+                    </goals>
+                    <configuration>
+                      <rewriteArrowSymbols>false</rewriteArrowSymbols>
+                      <alignParameters>true</alignParameters>
+                      <alignSingleLineCaseStatements_maxArrowIndent>40</alignSingleLineCaseStatements_maxArrowIndent>
+                      <alignSingleLineCaseStatements>true</alignSingleLineCaseStatements>
+                      <compactStringConcatenation>false</compactStringConcatenation>
+                      <compactControlReadability>false</compactControlReadability>
+                      <doubleIndentClassDeclaration>false</doubleIndentClassDeclaration>
+                      <formatXml>true</formatXml>
+                      <indentLocalDefs>false</indentLocalDefs>
+                      <indentPackageBlocks>true</indentPackageBlocks>
+                      <indentSpaces>2</indentSpaces>
+                      <placeScaladocAsterisksBeneathSecondAsterisk>false</placeScaladocAsterisksBeneathSecondAsterisk>
+                      <preserveDanglingCloseParenthesis>true</preserveDanglingCloseParenthesis>
+                      <preserveSpaceBeforeArguments>false</preserveSpaceBeforeArguments>
+                      <rewriteArrowSymbols>false</rewriteArrowSymbols>
+                      <spaceBeforeColon>false</spaceBeforeColon>
+                      <spaceInsideBrackets>false</spaceInsideBrackets>
+                      <spaceInsideParentheses>false</spaceInsideParentheses>
+                      <spacesWithinPatternBinders>true</spacesWithinPatternBinders>
+                    </configuration>
+                  </execution>
+                </executions>
+            </plugin>
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetCommandLineFunctionTrait.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetCommandLineFunctionTrait.scala
index e9243dc391454c77e22da875151039253220974e..921f07cfac1c3af94dd100ecc3793e96e1afa9ce 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetCommandLineFunctionTrait.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetCommandLineFunctionTrait.scala
@@ -66,13 +66,13 @@ trait BiopetCommandLineFunctionTrait extends CommandLineFunction with Configurab
         logger.error("executable: '" + executable + "' not found, please check config")
         throw new QException("executable: '" + executable + "' not found, please check config")
       val is = new FileInputStream(executable)
       val cnt = is.available
       val bytes = Array.ofDim[Byte](cnt)
-      val md5: String =  MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(bytes).map("%02X".format(_)).mkString.toLowerCase
+      val md5: String = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(bytes).map("%02X".format(_)).mkString.toLowerCase
       addJobReportBinding("md5sum_exe", md5)
     } catch {
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ trait BiopetCommandLineFunctionTrait extends CommandLineFunction with Configurab
     for (line <- stdout.toString.split("\n") ++ stderr.toString.split("\n")) {
       line match {
         case versionRegex(m) => return m
-        case _ =>
+        case _               =>
     logger.warn("getVersion give a exit code " + process.exitValue + " but no version was found, executable correct? \n" + outputLog)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetExecutable.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetExecutable.scala
index 80308d9f6393c38a5fb278c2fba39fb67fc2f6fe..ea0098b9f6a8dd4b79371a2317cf9c6f9ccf61fd 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetExecutable.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetExecutable.scala
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ object BiopetExecutable {
    * @param args the command line arguments
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ object BiopetExecutable {
     args match {
       case Array("version") => {
-          println("version: " + getVersion)
+        println("version: " + getVersion)
       case Array(module, name, passArgs @ _*) => {
         getCommand(module, name).main(passArgs.toArray)
@@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ object BiopetExecutable {
   def getVersion = {
     getClass.getPackage.getImplementationVersion + " (" + getCommitHash + ")"
   def getCommitHash = {
     val prop = new Properties()
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction.scala
index a02c679e90ddf26c03c27fb3a143f8a98b599e27..1cbddafe6b999ded0579608de75c35e136f4a053 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction.scala
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ trait BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction extends JavaCommandLineFunction with BiopetC
   override def afterGraph {
     memoryLimit = config("memory_limit")
   override def commandLine: String = {
     val cmd = super.commandLine
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetQCommandLine.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetQCommandLine.scala
index be66dabeb24369c32b50743f7e655c231b64aec6..02c17e2f8038f811423d34d6ddc0e864ba09c3f1 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetQCommandLine.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetQCommandLine.scala
@@ -274,16 +274,16 @@ class BiopetQCommandLine extends CommandLineProgram with Logging {
   private def createQueueHeader(): Seq[String] = {
-    Seq("Biopet version: " + BiopetExecutable.getVersion,"",
-                     "Based on GATK Queue",
-//                     String.format("Queue v%s, Compiled %s", getQueueVersion, getBuildTimestamp),
-                     "Copyright (c) 2012 The Broad Institute",
-                     "For support and documentation go to http://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk")
+    Seq("Biopet version: " + BiopetExecutable.getVersion, "",
+      "Based on GATK Queue",
+      //                     String.format("Queue v%s, Compiled %s", getQueueVersion, getBuildTimestamp),
+      "Copyright (c) 2012 The Broad Institute",
+      "For support and documentation go to http://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk")
   private def getQueueVersion: String = {
     val stingResources: ResourceBundle = TextFormattingUtils.loadResourceBundle("StingText")
     if (stingResources.containsKey("org.broadinstitute.sting.queue.QueueVersion.version")) {
     } else {
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetQScript.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetQScript.scala
index 0ace5448d997012fd10548c2483a9d2fa1ff9a3a..015c48dd1525dde3e91d49099a7e48f89c709e69 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetQScript.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/BiopetQScript.scala
@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ trait BiopetQScript extends Configurable {
   def biopetScript
   var functions: Seq[QFunction]
   final def script() {
     for (file <- configfiles) globalConfig.loadConfigFile(file)
     if (!outputDir.endsWith("/")) outputDir += "/"
     for (function <- functions) function match {
-      case f:BiopetCommandLineFunctionTrait => f.afterGraph
-      case _ =>
+      case f: BiopetCommandLineFunctionTrait => f.afterGraph
+      case _                                 =>
     val configReport = globalConfig.getReport
     val configReportFile = new File(outputDir + qSettings.runName + ".configreport.txt")
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/MultiSampleQScript.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/MultiSampleQScript.scala
index e41764b46a59dfbc432303306637b3033deb4f47..97bc2e5e6b1d244ec8ee1b0fc3d96ad028421192 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/MultiSampleQScript.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/MultiSampleQScript.scala
@@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 trait MultiSampleQScript extends BiopetQScript {
   type LibraryOutput <: AbstractLibraryOutput
   type SampleOutput <: AbstractSampleOutput
   abstract class AbstractLibraryOutput
   abstract class AbstractSampleOutput {
     var libraries: Map[String, LibraryOutput] = Map()
     def getAllLibraries = libraries
-    def getLibrary(key:String) = libraries(key)
+    def getLibrary(key: String) = libraries(key)
   var samplesConfig: Map[String, Any] = Map()
   var samplesOutput: Map[String, SampleOutput] = Map()
   def globalSampleDir: String = outputDir + "samples/"
   final def runSamplesJobs() {
     samplesConfig = config("samples")
     if (samplesConfig == null) samplesConfig = Map()
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ trait MultiSampleQScript extends BiopetQScript {
       if (!sample.contains("ID")) sample += ("ID" -> key)
       if (sample("ID") == key) {
         samplesOutput += key -> runSingleSampleJobs(sample)
-      }
-      else logger.warn("Key is not the same as ID on value for sample")
+      } else logger.warn("Key is not the same as ID on value for sample")
     else logger.warn("No Samples found in config")
@@ -46,8 +45,7 @@ trait MultiSampleQScript extends BiopetQScript {
         if (!library.contains("ID")) library += ("ID" -> key)
         if (library("ID") == key) {
           output += key -> runSingleLibraryJobs(library, sampleConfig)
-        }
-        else logger.warn("Key is not the same as ID on value for run of sample: " + sampleID)
+        } else logger.warn("Key is not the same as ID on value for run of sample: " + sampleID)
     } else logger.warn("No runs found in config for sample: " + sampleID)
     return output
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/ToolCommand.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/ToolCommand.scala
index 98e59c41372c1dfcb573faf5293300bbe6574701..067194d3175c91563c041fd3cec06e2fa2bd7678 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/ToolCommand.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/ToolCommand.scala
@@ -11,51 +11,55 @@ import java.io.File
 trait ToolCommand extends MainCommand {
   abstract class AbstractArgs {
   abstract class AbstractOptParser extends scopt.OptionParser[Args](commandName) {
     opt[Unit]("log_nostderr") foreach { _ =>
-      logger.removeAppender(stderrAppender) } text("No output to stderr")
+      logger.removeAppender(stderrAppender)
+    } text ("No output to stderr")
     opt[File]("log_file") foreach { x =>
-      logger.addAppender(new WriterAppender(logLayout, new java.io.PrintStream(x))) } text("Log file") valueName("<file>")
+      logger.addAppender(new WriterAppender(logLayout, new java.io.PrintStream(x)))
+    } text ("Log file") valueName ("<file>")
     opt[String]('l', "log_level") foreach { x =>
-        x.toLowerCase match {
-          case "debug" => logger.setLevel(org.apache.log4j.Level.DEBUG)
-          case "info" => logger.setLevel(org.apache.log4j.Level.INFO)
-          case "warn" => logger.setLevel(org.apache.log4j.Level.WARN)
-          case "error" => logger.setLevel(org.apache.log4j.Level.ERROR)
-          case _ =>
-        } } text("Log level") validate { x => x match {
-            case "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error" => success
-            case _ => failure("Log level must be <debug/info/warn/error>")
-          }
-        }
+      x.toLowerCase match {
+        case "debug" => logger.setLevel(org.apache.log4j.Level.DEBUG)
+        case "info"  => logger.setLevel(org.apache.log4j.Level.INFO)
+        case "warn"  => logger.setLevel(org.apache.log4j.Level.WARN)
+        case "error" => logger.setLevel(org.apache.log4j.Level.ERROR)
+        case _       =>
+      }
+    } text ("Log level") validate { x =>
+      x match {
+        case "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error" => success
+        case _                                   => failure("Log level must be <debug/info/warn/error>")
+      }
+    }
     opt[Unit]('h', "help") foreach { _ =>
-    } text("Print usage")
+    } text ("Print usage")
     opt[Unit]('v', "version") foreach { _ =>
       System.err.println("Version: " + BiopetExecutable.getVersion)
-    } text("Print version")
+    } text ("Print version")
   type Args <: AbstractArgs
   type OptParser <: AbstractOptParser
   protected val logger = Logger.getLogger(commandName)
   private val logLayout = new DateLayout() {
-        val ignoresThrowable = false
-        def format(event:org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent): String = {
-          val calendar: Calendar = Calendar.getInstance
-          calendar.setTimeInMillis(event.getTimeStamp)
-          val formatter: SimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
-          val formattedDate: String = formatter.format(calendar.getTime)
-          var logLevel = event.getLevel.toString
-          while (logLevel.size < 6) logLevel += " "
-          logLevel + " [" + formattedDate + "] [" + event.getLoggerName + "] " + event.getMessage + "\n"
-        }
+    val ignoresThrowable = false
+    def format(event: org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent): String = {
+      val calendar: Calendar = Calendar.getInstance
+      calendar.setTimeInMillis(event.getTimeStamp)
+      val formatter: SimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+      val formattedDate: String = formatter.format(calendar.getTime)
+      var logLevel = event.getLevel.toString
+      while (logLevel.size < 6) logLevel += " "
+      logLevel + " [" + formattedDate + "] [" + event.getLoggerName + "] " + event.getMessage + "\n"
+  }
   private val stderrAppender = new WriterAppender(logLayout, sys.process.stderr)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/config/Config.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/config/Config.scala
index fc7550ea9f52ebbd0712932ccac469da512ac908..c35a1fdd71501b3ecddd721185ee99a271de9434 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/config/Config.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/config/Config.scala
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ class Config(var map: Map[String, Any]) extends Logging {
   protected[config] var defaultCache: Map[ConfigValueIndex, ConfigValue] = Map()
   def contains(s: String): Boolean = map.contains(s)
-  def contains(requestedIndex: ConfigValueIndex, freeVar:Boolean): Boolean = contains(requestedIndex.module, requestedIndex.path, requestedIndex.key, freeVar)
+  def contains(requestedIndex: ConfigValueIndex, freeVar: Boolean): Boolean = contains(requestedIndex.module, requestedIndex.path, requestedIndex.key, freeVar)
   def contains(requestedIndex: ConfigValueIndex): Boolean = contains(requestedIndex.module, requestedIndex.path, requestedIndex.key, true)
-  def contains(module: String, path: List[String], key: String, freeVar:Boolean = true): Boolean = {
+  def contains(module: String, path: List[String], key: String, freeVar: Boolean = true): Boolean = {
     val requestedIndex = ConfigValueIndex(module, path, key, freeVar)
     if (notFoundCache.contains(requestedIndex)) return false
     else if (foundCache.contains(requestedIndex)) return true
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class Config(var map: Map[String, Any]) extends Logging {
-  protected[config] def apply(module: String, path: List[String], key: String, default: Any = null, freeVar:Boolean = true): ConfigValue = {
+  protected[config] def apply(module: String, path: List[String], key: String, default: Any = null, freeVar: Boolean = true): ConfigValue = {
     val requestedIndex = ConfigValueIndex(module, path, key)
     if (contains(requestedIndex, freeVar)) return foundCache(requestedIndex)
     else if (default != null) {
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ object Config {
   def mergeConfigs(config1: Config, config2: Config): Config = new Config(mergeMaps(config1.map, config2.map))
   private def jsonToMap(json: Json): Map[String, Any] = {
     var output: Map[String, Any] = Map()
     if (json.isObject) {
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ object Config {
       else return num.toLong
     } else throw new IllegalStateException("Config value type not supported, value: " + json)
-  private def getMapFromPath(map:Map[String,Any], path: List[String]): Map[String, Any] = {
+  private def getMapFromPath(map: Map[String, Any], path: List[String]): Map[String, Any] = {
     var returnMap: Map[String, Any] = map
     for (m <- path) {
       if (!returnMap.contains(m)) return Map()
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ object Config {
     return returnMap
-  def getValueFromMap(map:Map[String,Any], index:ConfigValueIndex): Option[ConfigValue] = {
+  def getValueFromMap(map: Map[String, Any], index: ConfigValueIndex): Option[ConfigValue] = {
     var submodules = index.path.reverse
     while (!submodules.isEmpty) {
       var submodules2 = submodules
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/config/ConfigValueIndex.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/config/ConfigValueIndex.scala
index 4d515b347d9522d62facfa9c53dea7d43e27e5a0..348780c0dd01e48ff005d67134935d694d8bcc0d 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/config/ConfigValueIndex.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/config/ConfigValueIndex.scala
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 package nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config
-class ConfigValueIndex(val module: String, val path: List[String], val key: String, val freeVar:Boolean = true) {
+class ConfigValueIndex(val module: String, val path: List[String], val key: String, val freeVar: Boolean = true) {
   override def toString = "Module = " + module + ",  path = " + path + ",  key = " + key + ",  freeVar = " + freeVar
 object ConfigValueIndex {
   private var cache: Map[(String, List[String], String), ConfigValueIndex] = Map()
-  def apply(module: String, path: List[String], key: String, freeVar:Boolean = true): ConfigValueIndex = {
+  def apply(module: String, path: List[String], key: String, freeVar: Boolean = true): ConfigValueIndex = {
     if (!cache.contains(module, path, key)) cache += ((module, path, key) -> new ConfigValueIndex(module, path, key, freeVar))
     return cache(module, path, key)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/config/Configurable.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/config/Configurable.scala
index 9122a5946a276a794da52185163f2ace85b68b45..b9eb07879c75039fb347672c797661a145ad3b9a 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/config/Configurable.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/core/config/Configurable.scala
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ trait Configurable extends Logging {
   def configPath: List[String] = if (root != null) root.configFullPath else List()
   protected lazy val configName = getClass.getSimpleName.toLowerCase
   protected lazy val configFullPath = configName :: configPath
-  var defaults: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,Any] = if (root != null) scala.collection.mutable.Map(root.defaults.toArray:_*)
-                                                          else scala.collection.mutable.Map()
+  var defaults: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Any] = if (root != null) scala.collection.mutable.Map(root.defaults.toArray: _*)
+  else scala.collection.mutable.Map()
   val config = new ConfigFuntions
   protected class ConfigFuntions {
-    def apply(key: String, default: Any = null, submodule: String = null, required: Boolean = false, freeVar:Boolean = true): ConfigValue = {
+    def apply(key: String, default: Any = null, submodule: String = null, required: Boolean = false, freeVar: Boolean = true): ConfigValue = {
       val m = if (submodule != null) submodule else configName
       val p = if (submodule != null) configName :: configPath else configPath
       val d = {
@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ trait Configurable extends Logging {
       if (d == null) return globalConfig(m, p, key, freeVar)
       else return globalConfig(m, p, key, d, freeVar)
-    def contains(key: String, submodule: String = null, freeVar:Boolean = true) = {
+    def contains(key: String, submodule: String = null, freeVar: Boolean = true) = {
       val m = if (submodule != null) submodule else configName
       val p = if (submodule != null) configName :: configPath else configPath
       globalConfig.contains(m, p, key, freeVar) || !(Config.getValueFromMap(defaults.toMap, ConfigValueIndex(m, p, key, freeVar)) == None)
   implicit def configValue2file(value: ConfigValue): File = if (value != null) new File(Configurable.any2string(value.value)) else null
   implicit def configValue2string(value: ConfigValue): String = if (value != null) Configurable.any2string(value.value) else null
   implicit def configValue2long(value: ConfigValue): Long = if (value != null) Configurable.any2long(value.value) else 0
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ object Configurable extends Logging {
       case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Value '" + any + "' is not an int")
   def any2float(any: Any): Float = {
     any match {
       case f: Double => return f.toFloat
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Cufflinks.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Cufflinks.scala
index dcf482ac502628e257c7f83bd98bc194a7be7d64..b0f0ba321b4934a7a3a0b3093058a9682ce60a73 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Cufflinks.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Cufflinks.scala
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
  * Written based on cufflinks version v2.2.1.
 class Cufflinks(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetCommandLineFunction {
   /** default executable */
   executable = config("exe", default = "cufflinks")
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class Cufflinks(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetCommandLineFunction {
   override def versionCommand = executable
   def cmdLine = {
-      required(executable) +
+    required(executable) +
       required("--output-dir", output_dir) +
       optional("--num-threads", num_threads) +
       optional("--seed", seed) +
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Fastqc.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Fastqc.scala
index b8ca496fc1ccb835fb04608ca7c35f26949a22f7..0f6b664a0d6f6c5aef9db2a90e7cc9d645a19fce 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Fastqc.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Fastqc.scala
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class Fastqc(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetCommandLineFunction {
   @Input(doc = "Contaminants", required = false)
   var contaminants: File = _
   @Input(doc = "Adapters", required = false)
   var adapters: File = _
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ class Fastqc(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetCommandLineFunction {
       val fastqcDir = executable.substring(0, executable.lastIndexOf("/"))
       val defaultContams = getVersion match {
         case "v0.11.2" => new File(fastqcDir + "/Configuration/contaminant_list.txt")
-        case _ => new File(fastqcDir + "/Contaminants/contaminant_list.txt")
+        case _         => new File(fastqcDir + "/Contaminants/contaminant_list.txt")
       val defaultAdapters = getVersion match {
         case "v0.11.2" => new File(fastqcDir + "/Configuration/adapter_list.txt")
-        case _ => null
+        case _         => null
       contaminants = config("contaminants", default = defaultContams)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Ln.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Ln.scala
index 0d8324338f012c30740aa0660188711ebad35b05..253cab16b78908eee3e236bc323e0ed437449690 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Ln.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Ln.scala
@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ class Ln(val root: Configurable) extends InProcessFunction with Configurable {
- object Ln {
-   def apply(root: Configurable, input:File, output:File, relative:Boolean = true): Ln = {
-     val ln = new Ln(root)
-     ln.in = input
-     ln.out = output
-     ln.relative = relative
-     return ln
-   }
- }
+object Ln {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, output: File, relative: Boolean = true): Ln = {
+    val ln = new Ln(root)
+    ln.in = input
+    ln.out = output
+    ln.relative = relative
+    return ln
+  }
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Seqstat.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Seqstat.scala
index 1197448c42db71c23e3154987abbe9c88d3a490d..9a25a11cc30f85ae9c7d2f3ddf34e52116eb6627 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Seqstat.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/Seqstat.scala
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Seqstat(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetCommandLineFunction {
   executable = config("exe", default = "fastq-seqstat")
   def cmdLine = required(executable) + required(input) + " > " + required(output)
   def getSummary: Json = {
     val json = Parse.parseOption(Source.fromFile(output).mkString)
     if (json.isEmpty) return jNull
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ object Seqstat {
     seqstat.output = output
     return seqstat
   def apply(root: Configurable, fastqfile: File, outDir: String): Seqstat = {
     val seqstat = new Seqstat(root)
     val ext = fastqfile.getName.substring(fastqfile.getName.lastIndexOf("."))
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ object Seqstat {
   def mergeSummaries(jsons: List[Json]): Json = {
-    def addJson(json:Json, total:Map[String, Long]) {
+    def addJson(json: Json, total: Map[String, Long]) {
       for (key <- json.objectFieldsOrEmpty) {
         if (json.field(key).get.isObject) addJson(json.field(key).get, total)
         else if (json.field(key).get.isNumber) {
@@ -63,53 +63,52 @@ object Seqstat {
             } else if (key == "len_max") {
               if (total(key) < number) total(key) = number
             } else total(key) += number
-          }
-          else total += (key -> number)
+          } else total += (key -> number)
     var basesTotal: Map[String, Long] = Map()
     var readsTotal: Map[String, Long] = Map()
     var encoding: Set[Json] = Set()
     for (json <- jsons) {
       encoding += json.fieldOrEmptyString("qual_encoding")
       val bases = json.fieldOrEmptyObject("bases")
       addJson(bases, basesTotal)
       val reads = json.fieldOrEmptyObject("reads")
       addJson(reads, readsTotal)
     return ("bases" := (
-        ("num_n" := basesTotal("num_n")) ->:
-        ("num_total" := basesTotal("num_total")) ->:
-        ("num_qual_gte" := (
-          ("1" := basesTotal("1")) ->: 
-          ("10" := basesTotal("10")) ->: 
-          ("20" := basesTotal("20")) ->: 
-          ("30" := basesTotal("30")) ->: 
-          ("40" := basesTotal("40")) ->: 
-          ("50" := basesTotal("50")) ->: 
-          ("60" := basesTotal("60")) ->: 
-          jEmptyObject
-        ) ) ->: jEmptyObject)) ->:
-      ("reads" := (
-        ("num_with_n" := readsTotal("num_with_n")) ->:
-        ("num_total" := readsTotal("num_total")) ->:
-        ("len_min" := readsTotal("len_min")) ->:
-        ("len_max" := readsTotal("len_max")) ->:
-        ("num_mean_qual_gte" := (
-          ("1" := readsTotal("1")) ->: 
-          ("10" := readsTotal("10")) ->: 
-          ("20" := readsTotal("20")) ->: 
-          ("30" := readsTotal("30")) ->: 
-          ("40" := readsTotal("40")) ->: 
-          ("50" := readsTotal("50")) ->: 
-          ("60" := readsTotal("60")) ->: 
-          jEmptyObject
-        ) ) ->: jEmptyObject)) ->:
-      ("qual_encoding" := encoding.head) ->:
-      jEmptyObject
+      ("num_n" := basesTotal("num_n")) ->:
+      ("num_total" := basesTotal("num_total")) ->:
+      ("num_qual_gte" := (
+        ("1" := basesTotal("1")) ->:
+        ("10" := basesTotal("10")) ->:
+        ("20" := basesTotal("20")) ->:
+        ("30" := basesTotal("30")) ->:
+        ("40" := basesTotal("40")) ->:
+        ("50" := basesTotal("50")) ->:
+        ("60" := basesTotal("60")) ->:
+        jEmptyObject
+      )) ->: jEmptyObject)) ->:
+        ("reads" := (
+          ("num_with_n" := readsTotal("num_with_n")) ->:
+          ("num_total" := readsTotal("num_total")) ->:
+          ("len_min" := readsTotal("len_min")) ->:
+          ("len_max" := readsTotal("len_max")) ->:
+          ("num_mean_qual_gte" := (
+            ("1" := readsTotal("1")) ->:
+            ("10" := readsTotal("10")) ->:
+            ("20" := readsTotal("20")) ->:
+            ("30" := readsTotal("30")) ->:
+            ("40" := readsTotal("40")) ->:
+            ("50" := readsTotal("50")) ->:
+            ("60" := readsTotal("60")) ->:
+            jEmptyObject
+          )) ->: jEmptyObject)) ->:
+            ("qual_encoding" := encoding.head) ->:
+            jEmptyObject
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/aligners/Bowtie.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/aligners/Bowtie.scala
index 285e960f5b79a2c4ece37b0a259b4f7395c1caa8..dc80575b9d274ff659aa35b75ce6cdc54a3df690 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/aligners/Bowtie.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/aligners/Bowtie.scala
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class Bowtie(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetCommandLineFunction {
   override val versionRegex = """.*[Vv]ersion:? (.*)""".r
   override val versionExitcode = List(0, 1)
   override def versionCommand = executable + " --version"
   override val defaultVmem = "6G"
   override val defaultThreads = 8
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Bowtie(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetCommandLineFunction {
   var maxbts: Option[Int] = config("maxbts")
   var strata: Boolean = config("strata")
   var maqerr: Option[Int] = config("maqerr")
   def cmdLine = {
     required(executable) +
       optional("--threads", nCoresRequest) +
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/aligners/Star.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/aligners/Star.scala
index 82bb495298b71f45e988be30eae3960ad4e775da..01cab5aaff9e69224addd9b79f2370cd0c152e82 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/aligners/Star.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/aligners/Star.scala
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class Star(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetCommandLineFunction {
 object Star {
-  def apply(configurable: Configurable, R1: File, R2: File, outputDir: String, isIntermediate: Boolean = false, deps:List[File] = Nil): Star = {
+  def apply(configurable: Configurable, R1: File, R2: File, outputDir: String, isIntermediate: Boolean = false, deps: List[File] = Nil): Star = {
     val star = new Star(configurable)
     star.R1 = R1
     if (R2 != null) star.R2 = R2
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ object Star {
     return star
-  def _2pass(configurable: Configurable, R1: File, R2: File, outputDir: String, isIntermediate: Boolean = false, deps:List[File] = Nil): (File, List[Star]) = {
+  def _2pass(configurable: Configurable, R1: File, R2: File, outputDir: String, isIntermediate: Boolean = false, deps: List[File] = Nil): (File, List[Star]) = {
     val outDir = if (outputDir.endsWith("/")) outputDir else outputDir + "/"
     val starCommand_pass1 = Star(configurable, R1, if (R2 != null) R2 else null, outDir + "aln-pass1/")
     starCommand_pass1.isIntermediate = isIntermediate
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/bedtools/BedtoolsCoverage.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/bedtools/BedtoolsCoverage.scala
index 916ead166b617f78667dc6c40563214bfa8f24e5..aebf9d3637261abdd2f08fc69f8141e0e7ad2e5f 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/bedtools/BedtoolsCoverage.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/bedtools/BedtoolsCoverage.scala
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ class BedtoolsCoverage(val root: Configurable) extends Bedtools {
   @Argument(doc = "dept", required = false)
   var depth: Boolean = false
   @Argument(doc = "sameStrand", required = false)
   var sameStrand: Boolean = false
   @Argument(doc = "diffStrand", required = false)
   var diffStrand: Boolean = false
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/AnalyzeCovariates.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/AnalyzeCovariates.scala
index a3b8fcf942408dff7c9166e3301f66d706df7071..525c357a9b7ef31e72f43adf5a50b98304bf858f 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/AnalyzeCovariates.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/AnalyzeCovariates.scala
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 class AnalyzeCovariates(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.AnalyzeCovariates with GatkGeneral {
 object AnalyzeCovariates {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, before:File, after:File, plots:File): AnalyzeCovariates = {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, before: File, after: File, plots: File): AnalyzeCovariates = {
     val ac = new AnalyzeCovariates(root)
     ac.before = before
     ac.after = after
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/ApplyRecalibration.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/ApplyRecalibration.scala
index 2e1d5de232ee1c9e2412e1605ddb0dab6e36f021..b0e3a71fcdeab46f3add6e93c3943a38a3303ceb 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/ApplyRecalibration.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/ApplyRecalibration.scala
@@ -6,21 +6,22 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 class ApplyRecalibration(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.ApplyRecalibration with GatkGeneral {
   override def afterGraph {
     if (config.contains("scattercount")) scatterCount = config("scattercount")
     nt = Option(getThreads(3))
     memoryLimit = Option(nt.getOrElse(1) * 2)
     ts_filter_level = config("ts_filter_level")
 object ApplyRecalibration {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, input:File, output:File, recal_file:File, tranches_file:File, indel: Boolean = false): ApplyRecalibration = {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, output: File, recal_file: File, tranches_file: File, indel: Boolean = false): ApplyRecalibration = {
     val ar = if (indel) new ApplyRecalibration(root) {
       mode = org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.walkers.variantrecalibration.VariantRecalibratorArgumentCollection.Mode.INDEL
       defaults ++= Map("ts_filter_level" -> 99.0)
-    } else new ApplyRecalibration(root) {
+    }
+    else new ApplyRecalibration(root) {
       mode = org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.walkers.variantrecalibration.VariantRecalibratorArgumentCollection.Mode.SNP
       defaults ++= Map("ts_filter_level" -> 99.5)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/BaseRecalibrator.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/BaseRecalibrator.scala
index 0be0c04bfc63db068c4d286e8d24bc3b3edda898..8c736f955f7fd155ad3bce8f625503078b542869 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/BaseRecalibrator.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/BaseRecalibrator.scala
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 class BaseRecalibrator(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.BaseRecalibrator with GatkGeneral {
   memoryLimit = Option(4)
   override val defaultVmem = "8G"
   override def afterGraph {
     if (config.contains("scattercount")) scatterCount = config("scattercount")
     if (config.contains("dbsnp")) knownSites :+= new File(config("dbsnp").getString)
     if (config.contains("known_sites")) knownSites :+= new File(config("known_sites").getString)
 object BaseRecalibrator {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, input:File, output:File): BaseRecalibrator = {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, output: File): BaseRecalibrator = {
     val br = new BaseRecalibrator(root)
     br.input_file :+= input
     br.out = output
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/CombineGVCFs.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/CombineGVCFs.scala
index 21986b24731d76521fd22c538c5f6bd45463ae7f..5b3e4df4b2fd661d249a881255001d342078e12c 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/CombineGVCFs.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/CombineGVCFs.scala
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 class CombineGVCFs(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.CombineGVCFs with GatkGeneral {
   if (config.contains("scattercount")) scatterCount = config("scattercount")
 object CombineGVCFs {
   def apply(root: Configurable, input: List[File], output: File): CombineGVCFs = {
     val cg = new CombineGVCFs(root)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/CombineVariants.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/CombineVariants.scala
index ab97ad82d09b95d8bbc16eaeb0a1467febb39472..1ad7e42e705c2b3064604d06c3c1dc047330df27 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/CombineVariants.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/CombineVariants.scala
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 class CombineVariants(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.CombineVariants with GatkGeneral {
   if (config.contains("scattercount")) scatterCount = config("scattercount")
 object CombineVariants {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, input:List[File], output:File): CombineVariants = {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, input: List[File], output: File): CombineVariants = {
     val cv = new CombineVariants(root)
     cv.variant = input
     cv.out = output
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/GatkGeneral.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/GatkGeneral.scala
index 28e4e4953f4c8d64ec4d583191885c03ef730e9a..44e5e62fed7ab5319ee24c92fe313082157621fd 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/GatkGeneral.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/GatkGeneral.scala
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.CommandLineGATK
 trait GatkGeneral extends CommandLineGATK with BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction {
   memoryLimit = Option(3)
   override val defaultVmem = "7G"
   if (config.contains("intervals", submodule = "gatk")) intervals = config("intervals", submodule = "gatk").getFileList
   if (config.contains("exclude_intervals", submodule = "gatk")) excludeIntervals = config("exclude_intervals", submodule = "gatk").getFileList
   reference_sequence = config("reference", submodule = "gatk")
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/GenotypeGVCFs.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/GenotypeGVCFs.scala
index f44043208df1ea086f4a560fae296a8a566c8d68..d1ee959743d22ba09296db9ebbdada53adeaba9e 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/GenotypeGVCFs.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/GenotypeGVCFs.scala
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 class GenotypeGVCFs(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.GenotypeGVCFs with GatkGeneral {
   annotation ++= config("annotation", default = Seq("FisherStrand", "QualByDepth", "ChromosomeCounts")).getStringList
   if (config.contains("dbsnp")) dbsnp = config("dbsnp")
   if (config.contains("scattercount", "genotypegvcfs")) scatterCount = config("scattercount")
   if (config("inputtype", default = "dna").getString == "rna") {
     stand_call_conf = config("stand_call_conf", default = 20)
     stand_emit_conf = config("stand_emit_conf", default = 0)
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ class GenotypeGVCFs(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.queu
     stand_emit_conf = config("stand_emit_conf", default = 0)
 object GenotypeGVCFs {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, gvcfFiles:List[File], output:File): GenotypeGVCFs = {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, gvcfFiles: List[File], output: File): GenotypeGVCFs = {
     val gg = new GenotypeGVCFs(root)
     gg.variant = gvcfFiles
     gg.out = output
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/HaplotypeCaller.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/HaplotypeCaller.scala
index a83ee965e86207e1a0e73d48cdeb8ba86426ce8b..f9d1dd1467630060f9cb162511eddf9044fec8a3 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/HaplotypeCaller.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/HaplotypeCaller.scala
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.variant.GATKVCFIndexType
 class HaplotypeCaller(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.HaplotypeCaller with GatkGeneral {
   override def afterGraph {
     min_mapping_quality_score = config("minMappingQualityScore", default = 20)
     if (config.contains("scattercount")) scatterCount = config("scattercount")
     if (config.contains("dbsnp")) this.dbsnp = config("dbsnp")
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ class HaplotypeCaller(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.qu
     bamOutput = config("bamOutput")
     memoryLimit = Option(nct.getOrElse(1) * 2)
     if (config.contains("allSitePLs")) this.allSitePLs = config("allSitePLs")
-    if (config.contains("output_mode")){
+    if (config.contains("output_mode")) {
       import org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.walkers.genotyper.OutputMode._
       config("output_mode").getString match {
-        case "EMIT_ALL_SITES" => output_mode = EMIT_ALL_SITES
-        case "EMIT_VARIANTS_ONLY" => output_mode = EMIT_VARIANTS_ONLY
-        case e => logger.warn("output mode '" + e + "' does not exist")
+        case "EMIT_ALL_SITES"           => output_mode = EMIT_ALL_SITES
+        case "EMIT_VARIANTS_ONLY"       => output_mode = EMIT_VARIANTS_ONLY
+        case e                          => logger.warn("output mode '" + e + "' does not exist")
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class HaplotypeCaller(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.qu
       logger.warn("BamOutput is on, nct/threads is forced to set on 1, this option is only for debug")
   def useGvcf() {
     emitRefConfidence = org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.walkers.haplotypecaller.ReferenceConfidenceMode.GVCF
     variant_index_type = GATKVCFIndexType.LINEAR
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/IndelRealigner.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/IndelRealigner.scala
index 4ead517edcaa6313ebaedea39ddc10fb7c5dca6f..f9f06daacb9c97f8e73058838b392f318d192205 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/IndelRealigner.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/IndelRealigner.scala
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 class IndelRealigner(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.IndelRealigner with GatkGeneral {
   if (config.contains("scattercount")) scatterCount = config("scattercount")
 object IndelRealigner {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, input:File, targetIntervals:File, outputDir:String): IndelRealigner = {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, targetIntervals: File, outputDir: String): IndelRealigner = {
     val ir = new IndelRealigner(root)
     ir.input_file :+= input
     ir.targetIntervals = targetIntervals
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/PrintReads.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/PrintReads.scala
index b9650eb7feff1889e3e9c425406ff7f656f904ed..6f039932b001ea2f6dde5c4559b1fe952bcadef1 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/PrintReads.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/PrintReads.scala
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 class PrintReads(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.PrintReads with GatkGeneral {
   memoryLimit = Option(4)
   override val defaultVmem = "8G"
   if (config.contains("scattercount")) scatterCount = config("scattercount")
 object PrintReads {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, input:File, output:File): PrintReads = {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, output: File): PrintReads = {
     val br = new PrintReads(root)
     br.input_file :+= input
     br.out = output
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/RealignerTargetCreator.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/RealignerTargetCreator.scala
index 4339760ad6e542f373e83ac712e42b4901d96fa4..da1fe1197194a85010db483759e5ef645e575bb6 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/RealignerTargetCreator.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/RealignerTargetCreator.scala
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 class RealignerTargetCreator(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.RealignerTargetCreator with GatkGeneral {
   override val defaultVmem = "6G"
   memoryLimit = Some(2.5)
   if (config.contains("scattercount")) scatterCount = config("scattercount")
   if (config.contains("known")) known ++= config("known").getFileList
 object RealignerTargetCreator {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, input:File, outputDir:String): RealignerTargetCreator = {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, outputDir: String): RealignerTargetCreator = {
     val re = new RealignerTargetCreator(root)
     re.input_file :+= input
     re.out = new File(outputDir, input.getName.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".realign.intervals")
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/SelectVariants.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/SelectVariants.scala
index e32f9807ef5d21bd5a9fbed1f7b544d4a40d05d6..cd056c4293df7cc16b0442ff217fd931b3bc30e4 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/SelectVariants.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/SelectVariants.scala
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 class SelectVariants(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.SelectVariants with GatkGeneral {
   if (config.contains("scattercount")) scatterCount = config("scattercount")
 object SelectVariants {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, input:File, output:File): SelectVariants = {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, output: File): SelectVariants = {
     val sv = new SelectVariants(root)
     sv.variant = input
     sv.out = output
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/UnifiedGenotyper.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/UnifiedGenotyper.scala
index 0a70e4465af57e7c8ecd082c806027a57cff2db4..96cc081492fd65b350d8f28b2e75e7d776779811 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/UnifiedGenotyper.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/UnifiedGenotyper.scala
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 class UnifiedGenotyper(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.UnifiedGenotyper with GatkGeneral {
   override def afterGraph {
     genotype_likelihoods_model = org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.walkers.genotyper.GenotypeLikelihoodsCalculationModel.Model.BOTH
     if (config.contains("scattercount")) scatterCount = config("scattercount")
     if (config.contains("dbsnp")) this.dbsnp = config("dbsnp")
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ class UnifiedGenotyper(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.q
     nct = config("threads", default = 3)
     memoryLimit = Option(nct.getOrElse(1) * 2)
     if (config.contains("allSitePLs")) this.allSitePLs = config("allSitePLs")
-    if (config.contains("output_mode")){
+    if (config.contains("output_mode")) {
       import org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.walkers.genotyper.OutputMode._
       config("output_mode").getString match {
-        case "EMIT_ALL_SITES" => output_mode = EMIT_ALL_SITES
-        case "EMIT_VARIANTS_ONLY" => output_mode = EMIT_VARIANTS_ONLY
-        case e => logger.warn("output mode '" + e + "' does not exist")
+        case "EMIT_ALL_SITES"           => output_mode = EMIT_ALL_SITES
+        case "EMIT_VARIANTS_ONLY"       => output_mode = EMIT_VARIANTS_ONLY
+        case e                          => logger.warn("output mode '" + e + "' does not exist")
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/VariantAnnotator.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/VariantAnnotator.scala
index d5f0474f1dd24bc64a5f340c528c93cd0e1acf6d..3a829421cc9122ba14b8ba639d0d7b457ea91705 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/VariantAnnotator.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/VariantAnnotator.scala
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ class VariantAnnotator(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.q
   if (config.contains("scattercount")) scatterCount = config("scattercount")
   dbsnp = config("dbsnp")
 object VariantAnnotator {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, input:File, bamFiles:List[File], output:File): VariantAnnotator = {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, bamFiles: List[File], output: File): VariantAnnotator = {
     val va = new VariantAnnotator(root)
     va.variant = input
     va.input_file = bamFiles
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/VariantRecalibrator.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/VariantRecalibrator.scala
index 2045caba3c7c6bad0f2b3fd0f805db7eddc3e86a..25df9f92eb962d021b215d4f8588ca356cee9cab 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/VariantRecalibrator.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/gatk/VariantRecalibrator.scala
@@ -7,24 +7,24 @@ import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.TaggedFile
 class VariantRecalibrator(val root: Configurable) extends org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.VariantRecalibrator with GatkGeneral {
   nt = Option(getThreads(4))
   memoryLimit = Option(nt.getOrElse(1) * 2)
   if (config.contains("dbsnp")) resource :+= new TaggedFile(config("dbsnp").getString, "known=true,training=false,truth=false,prior=2.0")
   an = config("annotation", default = List("QD", "DP", "FS", "ReadPosRankSum", "MQRankSum")).getStringList
   minNumBadVariants = config("minnumbadvariants")
   maxGaussians = config("maxgaussians")
 object VariantRecalibrator {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, input:File, recal_file:File, tranches_file:File, indel: Boolean = false): VariantRecalibrator = {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, recal_file: File, tranches_file: File, indel: Boolean = false): VariantRecalibrator = {
     val vr = new VariantRecalibrator(root) {
       override lazy val configName = "variantrecalibrator"
-      override def configPath:  List[String] = (if (indel) "indel" else "snp") :: super.configPath
+      override def configPath: List[String] = (if (indel) "indel" else "snp") :: super.configPath
       if (indel) {
         mode = org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.walkers.variantrecalibration.VariantRecalibratorArgumentCollection.Mode.INDEL
         defaults ++= Map("ts_filter_level" -> 99.0)
         if (config.contains("mills")) resource :+= new TaggedFile(config("mills").getString, "known=false,training=true,truth=true,prior=12.0")
-      } else  {
+      } else {
         mode = org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.walkers.variantrecalibration.VariantRecalibratorArgumentCollection.Mode.SNP
         defaults ++= Map("ts_filter_level" -> 99.5)
         if (config.contains("hapmap")) resource +:= new TaggedFile(config("hapmap").getString, "known=false,training=true,truth=true,prior=15.0")
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/AddOrReplaceReadGroups.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/AddOrReplaceReadGroups.scala
index 2cd6b073a81e63c444c8e5bad6f8d8525ded12dc..ef76520f8fec26724900aacd39b350e398a368d8 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/AddOrReplaceReadGroups.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/AddOrReplaceReadGroups.scala
@@ -12,37 +12,37 @@ class AddOrReplaceReadGroups(val root: Configurable) extends Picard {
   @Output(doc = "The output file to bam file to", required = true)
   var output: File = _
   @Output(doc = "The output file to bam file to", required = true)
   lazy val outputIndex: File = new File(output.getAbsolutePath.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".bai")
   @Argument(doc = "Sort order of output file Required. Possible values: {unsorted, queryname, coordinate} ", required = true)
   var sortOrder: String = _
   @Argument(doc = "RGID", required = true)
   var RGID: String = _
   @Argument(doc = "RGLB", required = true)
   var RGLB: String = _
   @Argument(doc = "RGPL", required = true)
   var RGPL: String = _
   @Argument(doc = "RGPU", required = true)
   var RGPU: String = _
   @Argument(doc = "RGSM", required = true)
   var RGSM: String = _
   @Argument(doc = "RGCN", required = false)
   var RGCN: String = _
   @Argument(doc = "RGDS", required = false)
   var RGDS: String = _
   @Argument(doc = "RGDT", required = false)
   var RGDT: String = _
   @Argument(doc = "RGPI", required = false)
   var RGPI: Option[Int] = _
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/MergeSamFiles.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/MergeSamFiles.scala
index 8d31cfc7b4663730142d403a45929ac3094031c2..d9daa4e25badebfcf53167bf5fb76412b7254308 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/MergeSamFiles.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/MergeSamFiles.scala
@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@ class MergeSamFiles(val root: Configurable) extends Picard {
   @Argument(doc = "ASSUME_SORTED", required = false)
   var assumeSorted: Boolean = config("assumesorted", default = false)
   @Argument(doc = "MERGE_SEQUENCE_DICTIONARIES", required = false)
   var mergeSequenceDictionaries: Boolean = config("merge_sequence_dictionaries", default = false)
   @Argument(doc = "USE_THREADING", required = false)
   var useThreading: Boolean = config("use_threading", default = false)
   @Argument(doc = "COMMENT", required = false)
   var comment: String = config("comment")
   override def commandLine = super.commandLine +
     repeat("INPUT=", input, spaceSeparated = false) +
     required("OUTPUT=", output, spaceSeparated = false) +
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/Picard.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/Picard.scala
index 135ca3b5b56d38931104983452e832022afdb9e6..caf1a3e9c0b52d89f666c32d44c02215613b03ca 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/Picard.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/Picard.scala
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ trait Picard extends BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction {
   @Argument(doc = "CREATE_MD5_FILE", required = false)
   var createMd5: Boolean = config("createmd5", default = false, submodule = "picard")
-//  override def versionCommand = executable + " " + javaOpts + " " + javaExecutable + " -h"
-//  override val versionRegex = """Version: (.*)""".r
-//  override val versionExitcode = List(0, 1)
+  //  override def versionCommand = executable + " " + javaOpts + " " + javaExecutable + " -h"
+  //  override val versionRegex = """Version: (.*)""".r
+  //  override val versionExitcode = List(0, 1)
   override val defaultVmem = "8G"
   memoryLimit = Option(3.0)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/SamToFastq.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/SamToFastq.scala
index 5733c8b7331742164e03af896c7045e14948226c..398393f98605cffea9df5804f90d06932080324f 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/SamToFastq.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/picard/SamToFastq.scala
@@ -12,46 +12,46 @@ class SamToFastq(val root: Configurable) extends Picard {
   @Output(doc = "R1", required = true)
   var fastqR1: File = _
   @Output(doc = "R1", required = false)
   var fastqR2: File = _
   @Output(doc = "Unpaired", required = false)
   var fastqUnpaired: File = _
   @Argument(doc = "Output per readgroup", required = false)
   var outputPerRg: Boolean = config("outputPerRg", default = false)
   @Argument(doc = "Output dir", required = false)
   var outputDir: String = config("outputDir")
   @Argument(doc = "re reverse", required = false)
   var reReverse: Boolean = config("reReverse", default = false)
   @Argument(doc = "The output file to bam file to", required = false)
   var interleave: Boolean = config("interleave", default = false)
   @Argument(doc = "includeNonPjReads", required = false)
   var includeNonPjReads: Boolean = config("includeNonPjReads", default = false)
   @Argument(doc = "clippingAtribute", required = false)
   var clippingAtribute: String = config("clippingAtribute")
   @Argument(doc = "clippingAction", required = false)
   var clippingAction: String = config("clippingAction")
   @Argument(doc = "read1Trim", required = false)
   var read1Trim: Option[Int] = config("read1Trim")
   @Argument(doc = "read1MaxBasesToWrite", required = false)
   var read1MaxBasesToWrite: Option[Int] = config("read1MaxBasesToWrite")
   @Argument(doc = "read2Trim", required = false)
   var read2Trim: Option[Int] = config("read2Trim")
   @Argument(doc = "read2MaxBasesToWrite", required = false)
   var read2MaxBasesToWrite: Option[Int] = config("read2MaxBasesToWrite")
   @Argument(doc = "includeNonPrimaryAlignments", required = false)
   var includeNonPrimaryAlignments: Boolean = config("includeNonPrimaryAlignments", default = false)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaFlagstat.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaFlagstat.scala
index 0a250a4893f86d5d1a2b7ee31bb44a9473d32ecf..177d1a6d1c92e2f9d294d6df75b04a005a6f51a7 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaFlagstat.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaFlagstat.scala
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ class SambambaFlagstat(val root: Configurable) extends Sambamba {
   @Output(doc = "output File")
   var output: File = _
-  def cmdLine = required(executable) + 
-  required("flagstat") + 
-  optional("-t", nCoresRequest) +
-  required(input) + 
-  " > " + 
-  required(output)
+  def cmdLine = required(executable) +
+    required("flagstat") +
+    optional("-t", nCoresRequest) +
+    required(input) +
+    " > " +
+    required(output)
 object SambambaFlagstat {
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaIndex.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaIndex.scala
index a0988a8f5d09c8ce5ef5aca7ed50fa4883cdf081..a90ca7a29ccf34c57b6ccf427ad1c52a40c6ed95 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaIndex.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaIndex.scala
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ class SambambaIndex(val root: Configurable) extends Sambamba {
   @Output(doc = "Output .bai file to")
   var output: File = _
-  def cmdLine = required(executable) + 
-  required("index") + 
-  optional("-t", nCoresRequest) +
-  required(input) + 
-  required(output)
+  def cmdLine = required(executable) +
+    required("index") +
+    optional("-t", nCoresRequest) +
+    required(input) +
+    required(output)
 object SambambaIndex {
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaMarkdup.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaMarkdup.scala
index 3ae6939c5184f3f4ee537ef89403bdf856c1c118..5db6f67aa799564522ce907f6ca1c2b980c8c393 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaMarkdup.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaMarkdup.scala
@@ -13,26 +13,24 @@ class SambambaMarkdup(val root: Configurable) extends Sambamba {
   @Output(doc = "Markdup output bam")
   var output: File = _
   var remove_duplicates: Boolean = config("remove_duplicates", default = false)
   // @doc: compression_level 6 is average, 0 = no compression, 9 = best
-  val compression_level: Option[Int] = config("compression_level", default=6) 
-  val hash_table_size: Option[Int] = config("hash-table-size", default=262144)
-  val overflow_list_size: Option[Int] = config("overflow-list-size", default=200000)
-  val io_buffer_size: Option[Int] = config("io-buffer-size", default=128)
-  def cmdLine = required(executable) + 
-  required("markdup") + 
-  conditional(remove_duplicates, "--remove-duplicates") +
-  optional("-t", nCoresRequest) +
-  optional("-l", compression_level) +
-  optional("--hash-table-size=", hash_table_size, spaceSeparated=false ) +
-  optional("--overflow-list-size=", overflow_list_size, spaceSeparated=false ) +
-  optional("--io-buffer-size=", io_buffer_size, spaceSeparated=false ) +
-  required(input) + 
-  required(output)
+  val compression_level: Option[Int] = config("compression_level", default = 6)
+  val hash_table_size: Option[Int] = config("hash-table-size", default = 262144)
+  val overflow_list_size: Option[Int] = config("overflow-list-size", default = 200000)
+  val io_buffer_size: Option[Int] = config("io-buffer-size", default = 128)
+  def cmdLine = required(executable) +
+    required("markdup") +
+    conditional(remove_duplicates, "--remove-duplicates") +
+    optional("-t", nCoresRequest) +
+    optional("-l", compression_level) +
+    optional("--hash-table-size=", hash_table_size, spaceSeparated = false) +
+    optional("--overflow-list-size=", overflow_list_size, spaceSeparated = false) +
+    optional("--io-buffer-size=", io_buffer_size, spaceSeparated = false) +
+    required(input) +
+    required(output)
 object SambambaMarkdup {
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaMerge.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaMerge.scala
index 638b6071faa31b692b519ad68f3bc048e79fd76b..57c227bab8fc91fc1031150e9869362889c76b57 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaMerge.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/sambamba/SambambaMerge.scala
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ class SambambaMerge(val root: Configurable) extends Sambamba {
   var output: File = _
   // @doc: compression_level 6 is average, 0 = no compression, 9 = best
-  val compression_level: Option[Int] = config("compression_level", default=6) 
-  def cmdLine = required(executable) + 
-  required("merge") + 
-  optional("-t", nCoresRequest) +
-  optional("-l", compression_level) +
-  required(output) + 
-  repeat("", input)
+  val compression_level: Option[Int] = config("compression_level", default = 6)
+  def cmdLine = required(executable) +
+    required("merge") +
+    optional("-t", nCoresRequest) +
+    optional("-l", compression_level) +
+    required(output) +
+    repeat("", input)
 object SambambaMerge {
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/samtools/SamtoolsMpileup.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/samtools/SamtoolsMpileup.scala
index 739fd0176c2622a52f6524aa8d7c59646e9b3e41..7ce404762cfde868926d565e88081eba060aa905 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/samtools/SamtoolsMpileup.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/samtools/SamtoolsMpileup.scala
@@ -13,21 +13,21 @@ class SamtoolsMpileup(val root: Configurable) extends Samtools {
   @Input(doc = "Reference fasta")
   var reference: File = config("reference")
   @Input(doc = "Interval bed")
   var intervalBed: File = config("interval_bed")
   var disableBaq: Boolean = config("disable_baq")
   var minMapQuality: Option[Int] = config("min_map_quality")
   var minBaseQuality: Option[Int] = config("min_base_quality")
-  def cmdBase = required(executable) + 
-        required("mpileup") +
-        optional("-f", reference) +
-        optional("-l", intervalBed) + 
-        optional("-q", minMapQuality) + 
-        optional("-Q", minBaseQuality) + 
-        conditional(disableBaq, "-B")
+  def cmdBase = required(executable) +
+    required("mpileup") +
+    optional("-f", reference) +
+    optional("-l", intervalBed) +
+    optional("-q", minMapQuality) +
+    optional("-Q", minBaseQuality) +
+    conditional(disableBaq, "-B")
   def cmdPipeInput = cmdBase + "-"
   def cmdPipe = cmdBase + required(input)
   def cmdLine = cmdPipe + " > " + required(output)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/samtools/SamtoolsView.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/samtools/SamtoolsView.scala
index d9f1dd2db98028a0e51d71751f722587131ed05b..e2e108de0792897b2caadfb2ac8978c2e3448e03 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/samtools/SamtoolsView.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/samtools/SamtoolsView.scala
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ class SamtoolsView(val root: Configurable) extends Samtools {
   @Output(doc = "output File")
   var output: File = _
   var quality: Option[Int] = config("quality")
   var b: Boolean = config("b")
   var h: Boolean = config("h")
-  def cmdBase = required(executable) + 
-        required("view") +
-        optional("-q", quality) +
-        conditional(b, "-b") +
-        conditional(h, "-h")
+  def cmdBase = required(executable) +
+    required("view") +
+    optional("-q", quality) +
+    conditional(b, "-b") +
+    conditional(h, "-h")
   def cmdPipeInput = cmdBase + "-"
   def cmdPipe = cmdBase + required(input)
   def cmdLine = cmdPipe + " > " + required(output)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/Clever.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/Clever.scala
index a46dd1e1abaecd2db7a5b0b368a106b88e19c619..4feeae576607c613c4d22d01036bf51f1d8468c5 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/Clever.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/Clever.scala
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 package nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.svcallers
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.BiopetCommandLineFunction
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.QScript
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.BiopetQScript
@@ -9,63 +8,62 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.PipelineCommand
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.{ Input, Output, Argument }
 import java.io.File
-class Clever(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetCommandLineFunction  {
+class Clever(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetCommandLineFunction {
   executable = config("exe", default = "clever")
   private lazy val versionexecutable: File = config("version_exe", default = (new File(executable).getParent + "/ctk-version"))
   override val defaultVmem = "4G"
   override val defaultThreads = 8
   override def versionCommand = versionexecutable.getAbsolutePath
   override val versionRegex = """(.*)""".r
   override val versionExitcode = List(0, 1)
   @Input(doc = "Input file (bam)")
   var input: File = _
   @Input(doc = "Reference")
   var reference: File = _
   @Argument(doc = "Work directory")
   var workdir: String = _
   var cwd: String = _
   @Output(doc = "Clever VCF output")
   lazy val outputvcf: File = {
     new File(cwd + "predictions.vcf")
   @Output(doc = "Clever raw output")
   lazy val outputraw: File = {
     new File(workdir + "predictions.raw.txt")
-//  var T: Option[Int] = config("T", default = defaultThreads)
+  //  var T: Option[Int] = config("T", default = defaultThreads)
   var f: Boolean = config("f", default = true) // delete work directory before running
-//  var w: String = config("w", default = workdir + "/work")
+  //  var w: String = config("w", default = workdir + "/work")
   var a: Boolean = config("a", default = false) // don't recompute AS tags
   var k: Boolean = config("k", default = false) // keep working directory
   var r: Boolean = config("r", default = false) // take read groups into account
   override def beforeCmd {
     if (workdir == null) throw new Exception("Clever :: Workdirectory is not defined")
-//    if (input.getName.endsWith(".sort.bam")) sorted = true
+    //    if (input.getName.endsWith(".sort.bam")) sorted = true
   def cmdLine = required(executable) +
-      " --sorted " +
-      " --use_xa " +
-      optional("-T", nCoresRequest) +
-      conditional(f ,"-f") +
-      conditional(a ,"-a") +
-      conditional(k, "-k") +
-      conditional(r ,"-r") +
-      required(this.input) +
-      required(this.reference) +
-      required(this.workdir)
+    " --sorted " +
+    " --use_xa " +
+    optional("-T", nCoresRequest) +
+    conditional(f, "-f") +
+    conditional(a, "-a") +
+    conditional(k, "-k") +
+    conditional(r, "-r") +
+    required(this.input) +
+    required(this.reference) +
+    required(this.workdir)
 object Clever {
@@ -79,47 +77,45 @@ object Clever {
 class CleverPipeline(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
   def this() = this(null)
   @Input(doc = "Input file (bam)")
   var input: File = _
   @Input(doc = "Reference")
   var reference: File = _
   @Argument(doc = "Work directory")
   var workdir: String = _
   @Argument(doc = "Current working directory")
   var cwd: String = _
   override def init() {
   def biopetScript() {
     // write the pipeline here
     logger.info("Starting Clever Pipeline")
     /// start clever and then copy the vcf into the root directory "<sample>.clever/"
-    val clever = Clever(this, input, reference, cwd, workdir )
-    outputFiles += ("clever_vcf" -> clever.outputvcf )
-    add( clever )
+    val clever = Clever(this, input, reference, cwd, workdir)
+    outputFiles += ("clever_vcf" -> clever.outputvcf)
+    add(clever)
 object CleverPipeline extends PipelineCommand {
   override val pipeline = "/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/Clever/Clever.class"
   def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, runDir: String): CleverPipeline = {
-    val cleverpipeline = new CleverPipeline( root )
+    val cleverpipeline = new CleverPipeline(root)
     cleverpipeline.input = input
     cleverpipeline.workdir = runDir
     return cleverpipeline
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/pindel/Pindel.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/pindel/Pindel.scala
index 20d7c5f4660c8291218447338fa3b5386ed0e828..3fb73023bc7ffeec9330e6aadf06838e2d483886 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/pindel/Pindel.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/pindel/Pindel.scala
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 package nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.svcallers.pindel
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.BiopetCommandLineFunction
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.QScript
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction
@@ -13,21 +12,21 @@ import java.io.File
 /// Pindel is actually a mini pipeline executing binaries from the pindel package
 class Pindel(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
   def this() = this(null)
   @Input(doc = "Input file (bam)")
   var input: File = _
   @Input(doc = "Reference Fasta file")
   var reference: File = _
   @Argument(doc = "Work directory")
   var workdir: String = _
-//  @Output(doc = "Pindel VCF output")
-//  lazy val outputvcf: File = {
-//    new File(workdir + "/" + input.getName.substring(0, input.getName.lastIndexOf(".bam")) + ".pindel.vcf")
-//  }
+  //  @Output(doc = "Pindel VCF output")
+  //  lazy val outputvcf: File = {
+  //    new File(workdir + "/" + input.getName.substring(0, input.getName.lastIndexOf(".bam")) + ".pindel.vcf")
+  //  }
   @Output(doc = "Pindel config")
   lazy val configfile: File = {
     new File(workdir + "/" + input.getName.substring(0, input.getName.lastIndexOf(".bam")) + ".pindel.cfg")
@@ -36,34 +35,33 @@ class Pindel(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
   lazy val outputvcf: File = {
     new File(workdir + "/" + input.getName.substring(0, input.getName.lastIndexOf(".bam")) + ".pindel.vcf")
   override def init() {
   def biopetScript() {
     // read config and set all parameters for the pipeline
     logger.info("Starting Pindel configuration")
     val cfg = PindelConfig(this, input, this.configfile)
-    outputFiles += ("pindel_cfg" -> cfg.output )
-    add( cfg )
+    outputFiles += ("pindel_cfg" -> cfg.output)
+    add(cfg)
     val output: File = this.outputvcf
-    val pindel = PindelCaller( this, cfg.output, output )
-    add( pindel )
-    outputFiles += ("pindel_tsv" -> pindel.output )
+    val pindel = PindelCaller(this, cfg.output, output)
+    add(pindel)
+    outputFiles += ("pindel_tsv" -> pindel.output)
-//    val output_vcf: File = this.outputvcf
+    //    val output_vcf: File = this.outputvcf
     // convert this tsv to vcf using the python script
-//  private def swapExtension(inputFile: String) = inputFile.substring(0, inputFile.lastIndexOf(".bam")) + ".pindel.tsv"
+  //  private def swapExtension(inputFile: String) = inputFile.substring(0, inputFile.lastIndexOf(".bam")) + ".pindel.tsv"
 object Pindel extends PipelineCommand {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, reference: File, runDir: String): Pindel = {    
+  def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, reference: File, runDir: String): Pindel = {
     val pindel = new Pindel(root)
     pindel.input = input
     pindel.reference = reference
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/pindel/PindelCaller.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/pindel/PindelCaller.scala
index 69bd555e956df2c269ea516a636024f8f145f7ca..cdf3b88038f7151b8f47ddd9a0c9046a9ff62305 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/pindel/PindelCaller.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/pindel/PindelCaller.scala
@@ -21,19 +21,19 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.{ Input, Output, Argument }
 import java.io.File
-class PindelCaller(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetCommandLineFunction  {
+class PindelCaller(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetCommandLineFunction {
   executable = config("exe", default = "pindel", freeVar = false)
   override val defaultVmem = "8G"
   override val defaultThreads = 8
   override val versionRegex = """Pindel version:? (.*)""".r
   override val versionExitcode = List(1)
   override def versionCommand = executable
   @Input(doc = "The pindel configuration file")
   var input: File = _
   @Input(doc = "Fasta reference")
   var reference: File = config("reference")
@@ -45,21 +45,21 @@ class PindelCaller(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetCommandLineFunction  {
   // <prefix>_TR
   @Argument(doc = "Work directory")
   var workdir: String = _
   @Output(doc = "Pindel VCF output")
   var output: File = _
   var window_size: Option[Int] = config("window_size", default = 5)
   override def beforeCmd {
-  def cmdLine = required(executable) + 
-      "-i " + required(input) +
-      "-f " + required(reference) +
-      "-o " + required(output) +
-      optional("-w", window_size) + 
-      optional("-T", nCoresRequest)
+  def cmdLine = required(executable) +
+    "-i " + required(input) +
+    "-f " + required(reference) +
+    "-o " + required(output) +
+    optional("-w", window_size) +
+    optional("-T", nCoresRequest)
 object PindelCaller {
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/pindel/PindelConfig.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/pindel/PindelConfig.scala
index 850b9adaa200f028bfeede7587b697400f0fca5e..ad64a2fabf02023ffceea7531f4cafffd85ed0db 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/pindel/PindelConfig.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/svcallers/pindel/PindelConfig.scala
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.{ Input, Output, Argument }
 import java.io.File
 class PindelConfig(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction {
   javaMainClass = getClass.getName
   @Input(doc = "Bam File")
@@ -31,13 +30,13 @@ class PindelConfig(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction
   @Output(doc = "Output Config file")
   var output: File = _
-  @Argument(doc="Insertsize")
+  @Argument(doc = "Insertsize")
   var insertsize: Option[Int] = _
-  override def commandLine = super.commandLine + 
-    "-i" + required(input) + 
-    "-s" + required(insertsize) + 
+  override def commandLine = super.commandLine +
+    "-i" + required(input) +
+    "-s" + required(insertsize) +
     "-o" + required(output)
@@ -60,28 +59,30 @@ object PindelConfig extends ToolCommand {
   private def swapExtension(inputFile: String) = inputFile.substring(0, inputFile.lastIndexOf(".bam")) + ".pindel.cfg"
-  case class Args (inputbam:File = null, samplelabel:Option[String] = None, insertsize:Option[Int] = None) extends AbstractArgs
+  case class Args(inputbam: File = null, samplelabel: Option[String] = None, insertsize: Option[Int] = None) extends AbstractArgs
   class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
-    opt[File]('i', "inputbam") required() valueName("<bamfile/path>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(inputbam = x) } text("Please specify the input bam file")
-    opt[String]('l', "samplelabel") valueName("<sample label>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(samplelabel = Some(x)) } text("Sample label is missing")
-    opt[Int]('s', "insertsize") valueName("<insertsize>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(insertsize = Some(x)) } text("Insertsize is missing")
+    opt[File]('i', "inputbam") required () valueName ("<bamfile/path>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(inputbam = x)
+    } text ("Please specify the input bam file")
+    opt[String]('l', "samplelabel") valueName ("<sample label>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(samplelabel = Some(x))
+    } text ("Sample label is missing")
+    opt[Int]('s', "insertsize") valueName ("<insertsize>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(insertsize = Some(x))
+    } text ("Insertsize is missing")
    * @param args the command line arguments
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val argsParser = new OptParser
     val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)
     val input: File = commandArgs.inputbam
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/basty/Basty.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/basty/Basty.scala
index 2d36a805816402ea8157806718641bd1d3e78c41..93539997e35e4c31bef7acc6e82c3abe7fcd79b6 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/basty/Basty.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/basty/Basty.scala
@@ -6,51 +6,51 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.pipelines.gatk.GatkPipeline
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.QScript
-class Basty (val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScript {
+class Basty(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScript {
   def this() = this(null)
   class LibraryOutput extends AbstractLibraryOutput {
   class SampleOutput extends AbstractSampleOutput {
   defaults ++= Map("ploidy" -> 1, "use_haplotypecaller" -> false, "use_unifiedgenotyper" -> true)
   var gatkPipeline: GatkPipeline = _
   def init() {
     gatkPipeline = new GatkPipeline(this)
     gatkPipeline.outputDir = outputDir
   def biopetScript() {
   // Called for each sample
   def runSingleSampleJobs(sampleConfig: Map[String, Any]): SampleOutput = {
     val sampleOutput = new SampleOutput
     val sampleID: String = sampleConfig("ID").toString
     val sampleDir = globalSampleDir + sampleID
     sampleOutput.libraries = runLibraryJobs(sampleConfig)
     return sampleOutput
   // Called for each run from a sample
   def runSingleLibraryJobs(runConfig: Map[String, Any], sampleConfig: Map[String, Any]): LibraryOutput = {
     val libraryOutput = new LibraryOutput
     val runID: String = runConfig("ID").toString
     val sampleID: String = sampleConfig("ID").toString
     val runDir: String = globalSampleDir + sampleID + "/run_" + runID + "/"
     return libraryOutput
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Cutadapt.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Cutadapt.scala
index 268586ab64a5ec1f0f7597407057dbbca0f36356..9c549e4b8db6e991917e9deca8659d10f3f86e8f 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Cutadapt.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Cutadapt.scala
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.Map
 class Cutadapt(root: Configurable) extends nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.Cutadapt(root) {
   @Input(doc = "Fastq contams file", required = false)
   var contams_file: File = _
   override def beforeCmd() {
   override def cmdLine = {
     if (!opt_adapter.isEmpty || !opt_anywhere.isEmpty || !opt_front.isEmpty) {
       analysisName = getClass.getSimpleName
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class Cutadapt(root: Configurable) extends nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.Cutada
       Ln(this, fastq_input, fastq_output, relative = true).cmd
   def getContamsFromFile {
     if (contams_file != null) {
       if (contams_file.exists()) {
@@ -48,23 +48,23 @@ class Cutadapt(root: Configurable) extends nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.Cutada
       } else logger.warn("File : " + contams_file + " does not exist")
   def getSummary: Json = {
     val trimR = """.*Trimmed reads: *(\d*) .*""".r
     val tooShortR = """.*Too short reads: *(\d*) .*""".r
     val tooLongR = """.*Too long reads: *(\d*) .*""".r
     val adapterR = """Adapter '([C|T|A|G]*)'.*trimmed (\d*) times.""".r
     var stats: Map[String, Int] = Map("trimmed" -> 0, "tooshort" -> 0, "toolong" -> 0)
     var adapter_stats: Map[String, Int] = Map()
     if (stats_output.exists) for (line <- Source.fromFile(stats_output).getLines) {
       line match {
-        case trimR(m) => stats += ("trimmed" -> m.toInt)
-        case tooShortR(m) => stats += ("tooshort" -> m.toInt)
-        case tooLongR(m) => stats += ("toolong" -> m.toInt)
-        case adapterR(adapter, count) =>  adapter_stats += (adapter -> count.toInt)
-        case _ => 
+        case trimR(m)                 => stats += ("trimmed" -> m.toInt)
+        case tooShortR(m)             => stats += ("tooshort" -> m.toInt)
+        case tooLongR(m)              => stats += ("toolong" -> m.toInt)
+        case adapterR(adapter, count) => adapter_stats += (adapter -> count.toInt)
+        case _                        =>
     return ("num_reads_affected" := stats("trimmed")) ->:
@@ -76,25 +76,25 @@ class Cutadapt(root: Configurable) extends nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.Cutada
 object Cutadapt {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, input:File, output:File): Cutadapt = {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, output: File): Cutadapt = {
     val cutadapt = new Cutadapt(root)
     cutadapt.fastq_input = input
     cutadapt.fastq_output = output
     cutadapt.stats_output = new File(output.getAbsolutePath.substring(0, output.getAbsolutePath.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".stats")
     return cutadapt
   def mergeSummaries(jsons: List[Json]): Json = {
     var affected = 0
     var tooShort = 0
     var tooLong = 0
     var adapter_stats: Map[String, Int] = Map()
     for (json <- jsons) {
       affected += json.field("num_reads_affected").get.numberOrZero.toInt
       tooShort += json.field("num_reads_discarded_too_short").get.numberOrZero.toInt
       tooLong += json.field("num_reads_discarded_too_long").get.numberOrZero.toInt
       val adapters = json.fieldOrEmptyObject("adapters")
       for (key <- adapters.objectFieldsOrEmpty) {
         val number = adapters.field(key).get.numberOrZero.toInt
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ object Cutadapt {
         else adapter_stats += (key -> number)
     return ("num_reads_affected" := affected) ->:
       ("num_reads_discarded_too_short" := tooShort) ->:
       ("num_reads_discarded_too_long" := tooLong) ->:
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Fastqc.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Fastqc.scala
index 970932940cf873b3ac7c75e4a94fed4c0dcd3e97..de042f1e4fd49786f31919b092f21aa48ca34a3f 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Fastqc.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Fastqc.scala
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ class Fastqc(root: Configurable) extends nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.Fastqc(r
       "plot_sequence_length_distribution" -> "Images/sequence_length_distribution.png",
       "fastqc_data" -> "fastqc_data.txt")
     val dir = output.getAbsolutePath.stripSuffix(".zip") + "/"
-    var outputMap:Map[String,Map[String,String]] = Map()
-    for ((k,v) <- subfixs) outputMap += (k -> Map("path" -> (dir+v)))
+    var outputMap: Map[String, Map[String, String]] = Map()
+    for ((k, v) <- subfixs) outputMap += (k -> Map("path" -> (dir + v)))
     val temp = ("" := outputMap) ->: jEmptyObject
     return temp.fieldOrEmptyObject("")
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Flexiprep.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Flexiprep.scala
index 5d65b7f01191a1911f5a3b8d750dadb746a13310..b0366e5f5bcf0036ed5e64c8ee5c7f3dcb87c8ef 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Flexiprep.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Flexiprep.scala
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.{ Input, Argument }
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.{ BiopetQScript, PipelineCommand }
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.{ Gzip, Pbzip2, Md5sum, Zcat, Seqstat }
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.scripts.{ FastqSync , FastqcToContams}
+import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.scripts.{ FastqSync, FastqcToContams }
 class Flexiprep(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
   def this() = this(null)
@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ class Flexiprep(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
     val out = if (paired) runTrimClip(outputFiles("fastq_input_R1"), outputFiles("fastq_input_R2"), outputDir)
-              else runTrimClip(outputFiles("fastq_input_R1"), outputDir)
-    val R1_files = for ((k,v) <- outputFiles if k.endsWith("output_R1")) yield v
-    val R2_files = for ((k,v) <- outputFiles if k.endsWith("output_R2")) yield v
+    else runTrimClip(outputFiles("fastq_input_R1"), outputDir)
+    val R1_files = for ((k, v) <- outputFiles if k.endsWith("output_R1")) yield v
+    val R2_files = for ((k, v) <- outputFiles if k.endsWith("output_R2")) yield v
     runFinalize(R1_files.toList, R2_files.toList)
@@ -133,19 +133,19 @@ class Flexiprep(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
     var R1: File = new File(R1_in)
     var R2: File = new File(R2_in)
     var deps: List[File] = if (paired) List(R1, R2) else List(R1)
     val seqtkSeq_R1 = SeqtkSeq.apply(this, R1, swapExt(outDir, R1, R1_ext, ".sanger" + R1_ext), fastqc_R1)
     add(seqtkSeq_R1, isIntermediate = true)
     R1 = seqtkSeq_R1.output
     deps ::= R1
     if (paired) {
       val seqtkSeq_R2 = SeqtkSeq.apply(this, R2, swapExt(outDir, R2, R2_ext, ".sanger" + R2_ext), fastqc_R2)
       add(seqtkSeq_R2, isIntermediate = true)
       R2 = seqtkSeq_R2.output
       deps ::= R2
     val seqstat_R1 = Seqstat(this, R1, outDir)
     add(seqstat_R1, isIntermediate = true)
     summary.addSeqstat(seqstat_R1, R2 = false, after = false, chunk)
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class Flexiprep(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
       add(seqstat_R2, isIntermediate = true)
       summary.addSeqstat(seqstat_R2, R2 = true, after = false, chunk)
     if (!skipClip) { // Adapter clipping
       val cutadapt_R1 = Cutadapt(this, R1, swapExt(outDir, R1, R1_ext, ".clip" + R1_ext))
@@ -174,9 +174,9 @@ class Flexiprep(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
         summary.addCutadapt(cutadapt_R2, R2 = true, chunk)
         R2 = cutadapt_R2.fastq_output
         deps ::= R2
-        val fastqSync = FastqSync(this, cutadapt_R1.fastq_input, cutadapt_R1.fastq_output, cutadapt_R2.fastq_output, 
-           swapExt(outDir, R1, R1_ext, ".sync" + R1_ext), swapExt(outDir, R2, R2_ext, ".sync" + R2_ext), swapExt(outDir, R1, R1_ext, ".sync.stats"))
+        val fastqSync = FastqSync(this, cutadapt_R1.fastq_input, cutadapt_R1.fastq_output, cutadapt_R2.fastq_output,
+          swapExt(outDir, R1, R1_ext, ".sync" + R1_ext), swapExt(outDir, R2, R2_ext, ".sync" + R2_ext), swapExt(outDir, R1, R1_ext, ".sync.stats"))
         fastqSync.deps :::= deps
         add(fastqSync, isIntermediate = true)
         summary.addFastqcSync(fastqSync, chunk)
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class Flexiprep(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
     if (fastq_R1.length != fastq_R2.length && paired) throw new IllegalStateException("R1 and R2 file number is not the same")
     val R1 = new File(outputDir + R1_name + ".qc" + R1_ext + ".gz")
     val R2 = new File(outputDir + R2_name + ".qc" + R2_ext + ".gz")
     add(Gzip(this, fastq_R1, R1))
     if (paired) add(Gzip(this, fastq_R2, R2))
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/FlexiprepSummary.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/FlexiprepSummary.scala
index 7a93d9022776f2d5083e9987329f2f711ec584d7..188bcb6bd96d29b8022a6ba6e54e789a6ee0ca07 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/FlexiprepSummary.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/FlexiprepSummary.scala
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ class FlexiprepSummary(val root: Configurable) extends InProcessFunction with Co
   var flexiprep: Flexiprep = if (root.isInstanceOf[Flexiprep]) root.asInstanceOf[Flexiprep] else {
     throw new IllegalStateException("Root is no instance of Flexiprep")
-  var resources:Map[String, Json] = Map()
+  var resources: Map[String, Json] = Map()
   def addFastqc(fastqc: Fastqc, R2: Boolean = false, after: Boolean = false): Fastqc = {
     if (!R2 && !after) this.fastqcR1 = fastqc
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class FlexiprepSummary(val root: Configurable) extends InProcessFunction with Co
   def seqstatSummary(): Option[Json] = {
     val R1_chunks = for ((key, value) <- chunks) yield value.seqstatR1.getSummary
     val R1: Json = Seqstat.mergeSummaries(R1_chunks.toList)
     val R2: Option[Json] = if (!flexiprep.paired) None
     else if (chunks.size == 1) Option(chunks.head._2.seqstatR2.getSummary)
     else {
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class FlexiprepSummary(val root: Configurable) extends InProcessFunction with Co
     val R2_raw = md5Summary(md5R2)
     val R1_proc = md5Summary(md5R1after)
     val R2_proc = md5Summary(md5R2after)
     if (!R1_raw.isEmpty) resources += ("fastq_R1_raw" -> R1_raw.get)
     if (!R2_raw.isEmpty) resources += ("fastq_R2_raw" -> R2_raw.get)
     if (!R1_proc.isEmpty) resources += ("fastq_R1_proc" -> R1_proc.get)
@@ -178,12 +178,12 @@ class FlexiprepSummary(val root: Configurable) extends InProcessFunction with Co
     else return Option(md5sum.getSummary)
-  def getResources(fastqc:Fastqc, md5sum:Md5sum): Option[Json] = {
+  def getResources(fastqc: Fastqc, md5sum: Md5sum): Option[Json] = {
     if (fastqc == null || md5sum == null) return None
     val fastqcSum = fastqcSummary(fastqc).get
     return Option(("fastq" := md5Summary(md5sum)) ->: fastqcSum)
   def fastqcSummary(fastqc: Fastqc): Option[Json] = {
     if (fastqc == null) return None
     else return Option(fastqc.getSummary)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/SeqtkSeq.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/SeqtkSeq.scala
index 70c4a5dc5c53c7fad7d95111935cf837aab54409..cb4a05e60615f5d180074578469b92b49b18f28e 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/SeqtkSeq.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/SeqtkSeq.scala
@@ -12,20 +12,20 @@ class SeqtkSeq(root: Configurable) extends nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.seqtk.
     if (fastqc != null && Q == None) {
       val encoding = fastqc.getEncoding
       Q = encoding match {
-        case null => None
+        case null                                       => None
         case s if (s.contains("Sanger / Illumina 1.9")) => None
-        case s if (s.contains("Illumina <1.3")) => Option(64)
-        case s if (s.contains("Illumina 1.3")) => Option(64)
-        case s if (s.contains("Illumina 1.5")) => Option(64)
+        case s if (s.contains("Illumina <1.3"))         => Option(64)
+        case s if (s.contains("Illumina 1.3"))          => Option(64)
+        case s if (s.contains("Illumina 1.5"))          => Option(64)
       if (Q != None) V = true
   override def afterGraph {
     if (fastqc != null) deps ::= fastqc.output
   override def cmdLine = {
     if (Q != None) {
       analysisName = getClass.getSimpleName
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class SeqtkSeq(root: Configurable) extends nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.seqtk.
 object SeqtkSeq {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, input:File, output:File, fastqc:Fastqc = null): SeqtkSeq = {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, input: File, output: File, fastqc: Fastqc = null): SeqtkSeq = {
     val seqtkSeq = new SeqtkSeq(root)
     seqtkSeq.input = input
     seqtkSeq.output = output
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Sickle.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Sickle.scala
index 74cdaacab38008a91bf4e064356403731874e316..f255bad4078ef67fbe7bfd999a7d30e186a3ce67 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Sickle.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/flexiprep/Sickle.scala
@@ -14,25 +14,25 @@ class Sickle(root: Configurable) extends nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.Sickle(r
     val singleKept = """FastQ single records kept: (\d*) \(from PE1: (\d*), from PE2: (\d*)\)""".r
     val pairDiscarded = """FastQ paired records discarded: (\d*) \((\d*) pairs\)""".r
     val singleDiscarded = """FastQ single records discarded: (\d*) \(from PE1: (\d*), from PE2: (\d*)\)""".r
-    var stats:Map[String, Int] = Map()
+    var stats: Map[String, Int] = Map()
     if (output_stats.exists) for (line <- Source.fromFile(output_stats).getLines) {
       line match {
         case pairKept(reads, pairs) => stats += ("num_paired_reads_kept" -> reads.toInt)
         case singleKept(total, r1, r2) => {
-            stats += ("num_reads_kept_R1" -> r1.toInt)
-            stats += ("num_reads_kept_R2" -> r2.toInt)
+          stats += ("num_reads_kept_R1" -> r1.toInt)
+          stats += ("num_reads_kept_R2" -> r2.toInt)
         case pairDiscarded(reads, pairs) => stats += ("num_paired_reads_discarded" -> reads.toInt)
         case singleDiscarded(total, r1, r2) => {
-            stats += ("num_reads_discarded_R1" -> r1.toInt)
-            stats += ("num_reads_discarded_R2" -> r2.toInt)
+          stats += ("num_reads_discarded_R1" -> r1.toInt)
+          stats += ("num_reads_discarded_R2" -> r2.toInt)
-        case _ => 
+        case _ =>
     val temp = ("" := stats.toMap) ->: jEmptyObject
     return temp.fieldOrEmptyObject("")
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class Sickle(root: Configurable) extends nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.Sickle(r
 object Sickle {
   def mergeSummaries(jsons: List[Json]): Json = {
     var total: Map[String, Int] = Map()
     for (json <- jsons) {
       for (key <- json.objectFieldsOrEmpty) {
         if (json.field(key).get.isNumber) {
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ object Sickle {
     val temp = ("" := total.toMap) ->: jEmptyObject
     return temp.fieldOrEmptyObject("")
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkPipeline.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkPipeline.scala
index 9cd93a32dc2f0663bcedf50ebb40e53945458765..623dc8c9a783bf33360d9a4654c16f056e9f0ab7 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkPipeline.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkPipeline.scala
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.{ Argument }
 class GatkPipeline(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScript {
   def this() = this(null)
   @Argument(doc = "Only Sample", shortName = "sample", required = false)
   val onlySample: String = ""
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ class GatkPipeline(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScri
   @Argument(doc = "Joint variantcalling", shortName = "jointVariantCalling", required = false)
   var jointVariantcalling = false
   @Argument(doc = "Joint genotyping", shortName = "jointGenotyping", required = false)
   var jointGenotyping = false
   var singleSampleCalling = true
   var reference: File = _
   var dbsnp: File = _
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ class GatkPipeline(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScri
     var mappedBamFile: File = _
     var variantcalling: GatkVariantcalling.ScriptOutput = _
   class SampleOutput extends AbstractSampleOutput {
     var variantcalling: GatkVariantcalling.ScriptOutput = _
   def init() {
     useAllelesOption = config("use_alleles_option", default = false)
     reference = config("reference", required = true)
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class GatkPipeline(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScri
   def biopetScript() {
     if (onlySample.isEmpty) {
       //SampleWide jobs
       if (mergeGvcfs && gvcfFiles.size > 0) {
         val newFile = outputDir + "merged.gvcf.vcf.gz"
@@ -87,18 +87,20 @@ class GatkPipeline(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScri
           var vcfFile = gatkGenotyping.outputFile
       } else logger.warn("No gVCFs to genotype")
       if (jointVariantcalling) {
-        val allBamfiles = for ((sampleID,sampleOutput) <- samplesOutput;
-                                file <- sampleOutput.variantcalling.bamFiles) yield file
-        val allRawVcfFiles = for ((sampleID,sampleOutput) <- samplesOutput) yield sampleOutput.variantcalling.rawFilterVcfFile
+        val allBamfiles = for (
+          (sampleID, sampleOutput) <- samplesOutput;
+          file <- sampleOutput.variantcalling.bamFiles
+        ) yield file
+        val allRawVcfFiles = for ((sampleID, sampleOutput) <- samplesOutput) yield sampleOutput.variantcalling.rawFilterVcfFile
         val cvRaw = CombineVariants(this, allRawVcfFiles.toList, outputDir + "variantcalling/multisample.raw.vcf.gz")
         val gatkVariantcalling = new GatkVariantcalling(this) {
           override protected lazy val configName = "gatkvariantcalling"
-          override def configPath:  List[String] = "multisample" :: super.configPath
+          override def configPath: List[String] = "multisample" :: super.configPath
         gatkVariantcalling.preProcesBams = Some(false)
         gatkVariantcalling.doublePreProces = Some(false)
@@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ class GatkPipeline(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScri
         if (config("inputtype", default = "dna").getString != "rna" && config("recalibration", default = false).getBoolean) {
           val recalibration = new GatkVariantRecalibration(this)
           recalibration.inputVcf = gatkVariantcalling.scriptOutput.finalVcfFile
@@ -169,10 +171,10 @@ class GatkPipeline(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScri
     } else if (runConfig.contains("bam")) {
       var bamFile = new File(runConfig("bam").toString)
       if (!bamFile.exists) throw new IllegalStateException("Bam in config does not exist, file: " + bamFile)
       if (config("bam_to_fastq", default = false).getBoolean) {
-        val samToFastq = SamToFastq(this, bamFile, runDir + sampleID + "-" + runID + ".R1.fastq", 
-                                    runDir + sampleID + "-" + runID + ".R2.fastq")
+        val samToFastq = SamToFastq(this, bamFile, runDir + sampleID + "-" + runID + ".R1.fastq",
+          runDir + sampleID + "-" + runID + ".R2.fastq")
         add(samToFastq, isIntermediate = true)
         val mapping = Mapping.loadFromLibraryConfig(this, runConfig, sampleConfig, runDir, startJobs = false)
         mapping.input_R1 = samToFastq.fastqR1
@@ -206,15 +208,15 @@ class GatkPipeline(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScri
             if (runConfig.contains("CN")) aorrg.RGCN = runConfig("CN").toString
             add(aorrg, isIntermediate = true)
             bamFile = aorrg.output
-          } else throw new IllegalStateException("Readgroup sample and/or library of input bamfile is not correct, file: " + bamFile + 
-              "\nPossible to set 'correct_readgroups' to true on config to automatic fix this")
+          } else throw new IllegalStateException("Readgroup sample and/or library of input bamfile is not correct, file: " + bamFile +
+            "\nPossible to set 'correct_readgroups' to true on config to automatic fix this")
         addAll(BamMetrics(this, bamFile, runDir + "metrics/").functions)
         libraryOutput.mappedBamFile = bamFile
     } else logger.error("Sample: " + sampleID + ": No R1 found for run: " + runConfig)
     val gatkVariantcalling = new GatkVariantcalling(this)
     gatkVariantcalling.inputBams = List(libraryOutput.mappedBamFile)
     gatkVariantcalling.outputDir = runDir
@@ -225,7 +227,7 @@ class GatkPipeline(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScri
     libraryOutput.variantcalling = gatkVariantcalling.scriptOutput
     return libraryOutput
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVariantRecalibration.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVariantRecalibration.scala
index 8e6a07887c89e262c749bb7cc53faa7bb47e7b16..d5dcdb9f2289b19e1835c828be988ed57d6cfe04 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVariantRecalibration.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVariantRecalibration.scala
@@ -10,36 +10,36 @@ import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.QScript
 class GatkVariantRecalibration(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
   def this() = this(null)
   @Input(doc = "input vcf file", shortName = "I")
   var inputVcf: File = _
   @Input(doc = "input vcf file", shortName = "BAM", required = false)
   var bamFiles: List[File] = Nil
   @Output(doc = "output vcf file", shortName = "out")
   var outputVcf: File = _
   def init() {
     if (inputVcf == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Missing Output directory on gatk module")
     if (outputDir == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Missing Output directory on gatk module")
     else if (!outputDir.endsWith("/")) outputDir += "/"
   def biopetScript() {
     var vcfFile: File = if (!bamFiles.isEmpty) addVariantAnnotator(inputVcf, bamFiles, outputDir) else inputVcf
     vcfFile = addSnpVariantRecalibrator(vcfFile, outputDir)
     vcfFile = addIndelVariantRecalibrator(vcfFile, outputDir)
   def addSnpVariantRecalibrator(inputVcf: File, dir: String): File = {
-    val snpRecal = VariantRecalibrator(this, inputVcf, swapExt(dir, inputVcf, ".vcf", ".indel.recal"), 
-                                               swapExt(dir, inputVcf, ".vcf", ".indel.tranches"), indel = false)
+    val snpRecal = VariantRecalibrator(this, inputVcf, swapExt(dir, inputVcf, ".vcf", ".indel.recal"),
+      swapExt(dir, inputVcf, ".vcf", ".indel.tranches"), indel = false)
     if (!snpRecal.resource.isEmpty) {
-      val snpApply = ApplyRecalibration(this, inputVcf, swapExt(dir, inputVcf, ".vcf", ".indel.recal.vcf"), 
-                                                snpRecal.recal_file, snpRecal.tranches_file, indel = false)
+      val snpApply = ApplyRecalibration(this, inputVcf, swapExt(dir, inputVcf, ".vcf", ".indel.recal.vcf"),
+        snpRecal.recal_file, snpRecal.tranches_file, indel = false)
       return snpApply.out
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ class GatkVariantRecalibration(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with Biop
   def addIndelVariantRecalibrator(inputVcf: File, dir: String): File = {
-    val indelRecal = VariantRecalibrator(this, inputVcf, swapExt(dir, inputVcf, ".vcf", ".indel.recal"), 
-                                               swapExt(dir, inputVcf, ".vcf", ".indel.tranches"), indel = true)
+    val indelRecal = VariantRecalibrator(this, inputVcf, swapExt(dir, inputVcf, ".vcf", ".indel.recal"),
+      swapExt(dir, inputVcf, ".vcf", ".indel.tranches"), indel = true)
     if (!indelRecal.resource.isEmpty) {
-      val indelApply = ApplyRecalibration(this, inputVcf, swapExt(dir, inputVcf, ".vcf", ".indel.recal.vcf"), 
-                                                indelRecal.recal_file, indelRecal.tranches_file, indel = true)
+      val indelApply = ApplyRecalibration(this, inputVcf, swapExt(dir, inputVcf, ".vcf", ".indel.recal.vcf"),
+        indelRecal.recal_file, indelRecal.tranches_file, indel = true)
       return indelApply.out
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class GatkVariantRecalibration(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with Biop
   def addVariantAnnotator(inputvcf: File, bamfiles: List[File], dir: String): File = {
-    val variantAnnotator = VariantAnnotator(this, inputvcf, bamfiles, swapExt(dir, inputvcf, ".vcf", ".anotated.vcf")) 
+    val variantAnnotator = VariantAnnotator(this, inputvcf, bamfiles, swapExt(dir, inputvcf, ".vcf", ".anotated.vcf"))
     return variantAnnotator.out
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVariantcalling.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVariantcalling.scala
index bf63aaaf4341ded9f33efe100ad0da1c04dfc0fd..c39a2fc85531cac296f4f77cb39ecb0495d57f55 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVariantcalling.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVariantcalling.scala
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 package nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.pipelines.gatk
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.{ BiopetQScript, PipelineCommand}
+import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.{ BiopetQScript, PipelineCommand }
 import java.io.File
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.tools.{ MpileupToVcf, VcfFilter }
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.gatk.{AnalyzeCovariates,BaseRecalibrator,GenotypeGVCFs,HaplotypeCaller,IndelRealigner,PrintReads,RealignerTargetCreator, SelectVariants, CombineVariants, UnifiedGenotyper}
+import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.gatk.{ AnalyzeCovariates, BaseRecalibrator, GenotypeGVCFs, HaplotypeCaller, IndelRealigner, PrintReads, RealignerTargetCreator, SelectVariants, CombineVariants, UnifiedGenotyper }
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.picard.MarkDuplicates
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.QScript
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.TaggedFile
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ class GatkVariantcalling(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScr
   def this() = this(null)
   val scriptOutput = new GatkVariantcalling.ScriptOutput
   @Input(doc = "Bam files (should be deduped bams)", shortName = "BAM")
   var inputBams: List[File] = Nil
   @Input(doc = "Raw vcf file", shortName = "raw")
   var rawVcfInput: File = _
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class GatkVariantcalling(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScr
   @Argument(doc = "Sample name", required = false)
   var sampleID: String = _
   var preProcesBams: Option[Boolean] = None
   var variantcalling: Boolean = true
   var doublePreProces: Option[Boolean] = None
@@ -55,20 +55,20 @@ class GatkVariantcalling(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScr
     else if (!outputDir.endsWith("/")) outputDir += "/"
-  private def doublePreProces(files:List[File]): List[File] = {
-      if (files.size == 1) return files
-      if (files.isEmpty) throw new IllegalStateException("Files can't be empty")
-      if (!doublePreProces.get) return files
-      val markDub = MarkDuplicates(this, files, new File(outputDir + outputName + ".dedup.bam"))
-      if (dbsnp != null) {
-        add(markDub, isIntermediate = true)
-        List(addIndelRealign(markDub.output, outputDir, isIntermediate = false))
-      } else {
-        add(markDub, isIntermediate = true)
-        List(markDub.output)
-      }
+  private def doublePreProces(files: List[File]): List[File] = {
+    if (files.size == 1) return files
+    if (files.isEmpty) throw new IllegalStateException("Files can't be empty")
+    if (!doublePreProces.get) return files
+    val markDub = MarkDuplicates(this, files, new File(outputDir + outputName + ".dedup.bam"))
+    if (dbsnp != null) {
+      add(markDub, isIntermediate = true)
+      List(addIndelRealign(markDub.output, outputDir, isIntermediate = false))
+    } else {
+      add(markDub, isIntermediate = true)
+      List(markDub.output)
+  }
   def biopetScript() {
     scriptOutput.bamFiles = if (preProcesBams.get) {
       var bamFiles: List[File] = Nil
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ class GatkVariantcalling(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScr
     } else if (inputBams.size > 1 && doublePreProces.get) {
     } else inputBams
     if (variantcalling) {
       var mergBuffer: SortedMap[String, File] = SortedMap()
       if (sampleID != null && (useHaplotypecaller.get || config("joint_genotyping", default = false).getBoolean)) {
         val hcGvcf = new HaplotypeCaller(this)
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class GatkVariantcalling(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScr
         scriptOutput.gvcfFile = hcGvcf.out
       if (useHaplotypecaller.get) {
         if (sampleID != null) {
           val genotypeGVCFs = GenotypeGVCFs(this, List(scriptOutput.gvcfFile), outputDir + outputName + ".hc.discovery.vcf.gz")
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class GatkVariantcalling(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScr
         mergBuffer += ("1.HC-Discovery" -> scriptOutput.hcVcfFile)
       if (useUnifiedGenotyper.get) {
         val ugVcf = new UnifiedGenotyper(this)
         ugVcf.input_file = scriptOutput.bamFiles
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class GatkVariantcalling(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScr
         scriptOutput.ugVcfFile = ugVcf.out
         mergBuffer += ("2.UG-Discovery" -> scriptOutput.ugVcfFile)
       // Generate raw vcf
       if (sampleID != null && scriptOutput.bamFiles.size == 1) {
         val m2v = new MpileupToVcf(this)
@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ class GatkVariantcalling(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScr
         scriptOutput.rawVcfFile = m2v.output
         val vcfFilter = new VcfFilter(this)
-        vcfFilter.defaults ++= Map("min_sample_depth" -> 8, 
-                                   "min_alternate_depth" -> 2, 
-                                   "min_samples_pass" -> 1, 
-                                   "filter_ref_calls" -> true)
+        vcfFilter.defaults ++= Map("min_sample_depth" -> 8,
+          "min_alternate_depth" -> 2,
+          "min_samples_pass" -> 1,
+          "filter_ref_calls" -> true)
         vcfFilter.inputVcf = m2v.output
         vcfFilter.outputVcf = this.swapExt(outputDir, m2v.output, ".vcf", ".filter.vcf.gz")
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class GatkVariantcalling(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScr
       } else if (rawVcfInput != null) scriptOutput.rawFilterVcfFile = rawVcfInput
       if (scriptOutput.rawFilterVcfFile == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Files can't be empty")
       mergBuffer += ("9.raw" -> scriptOutput.rawFilterVcfFile)
       if (useAllelesOption.get) {
         val alleleOnly = new CommandLineFunction {
           @Input val input: File = scriptOutput.rawFilterVcfFile
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class GatkVariantcalling(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScr
           def commandLine = "zcat " + input + " | cut -f1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 | bgzip -c > " + output + " && tabix -pvcf " + output
         add(alleleOnly, isIntermediate = true)
         if (useHaplotypecaller.get) {
           val hcAlleles = new HaplotypeCaller(this)
           hcAlleles.input_file = scriptOutput.bamFiles
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class GatkVariantcalling(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScr
           scriptOutput.hcAlleleVcf = hcAlleles.out
           mergBuffer += ("3.HC-alleles" -> hcAlleles.out)
         if (useUnifiedGenotyper.get) {
           val ugAlleles = new UnifiedGenotyper(this)
           ugAlleles.input_file = scriptOutput.bamFiles
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class GatkVariantcalling(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScr
-      def removeNoneVariants(input:File): File = {
+      def removeNoneVariants(input: File): File = {
         val output = input.getAbsolutePath.stripSuffix(".vcf.gz") + ".variants_only.vcf.gz"
         val sv = SelectVariants(this, input, output)
         sv.excludeFiltered = true
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class GatkVariantcalling(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScr
-      def mergeList = mergBuffer map {case (key, file) => TaggedFile(removeNoneVariants(file), "name=" + key)}
+      def mergeList = mergBuffer map { case (key, file) => TaggedFile(removeNoneVariants(file), "name=" + key) }
       val cvFinal = CombineVariants(this, mergeList.toList, outputDir + outputName + ".final.vcf.gz")
       scriptOutput.finalVcfFile = cvFinal.out
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class GatkVariantcalling(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScr
   def addBaseRecalibrator(inputBam: File, dir: String, isIntermediate: Boolean = false): File = {
     val baseRecalibrator = BaseRecalibrator(this, inputBam, swapExt(dir, inputBam, ".bam", ".baserecal")) //with gatkArguments {
     if (baseRecalibrator.knownSites.isEmpty) {
       logger.warn("No Known site found, skipping base recalibration, file: " + inputBam)
       return inputBam
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVcfSampleCompare.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVcfSampleCompare.scala
index 137e6bd4ad531e19d0f0d5348dc2d927bfe2ebe0..2ed691bb0d52b94a07b8ccef7c84909cbf3ff372 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVcfSampleCompare.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/GatkVcfSampleCompare.scala
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.gatk.CombineVariants
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.gatk.SelectVariants
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.QScript
-import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.{ CommandLineGATK, VariantEval}
+import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.{ CommandLineGATK, VariantEval }
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.{ Input, Argument }
 class GatkVcfSampleCompare(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
@@ -20,24 +20,24 @@ class GatkVcfSampleCompare(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQS
   @Argument(doc = "Target bed", shortName = "targetBed", required = false)
   var targetBed: List[File] = Nil
   @Argument(doc = "Samples", shortName = "sample", required = false)
   var samples: List[String] = Nil
   var vcfFile: File = _
-  var sampleVcfs:Map[String, File] = Map()
+  var sampleVcfs: Map[String, File] = Map()
   def generalSampleDir = outputDir + "samples/"
   trait gatkArguments extends CommandLineGATK {
     this.reference_sequence = reference
     this.memoryLimit = 2
     this.jobResourceRequests :+= "h_vmem=4G"
   def init() {
     if (reference == null) reference = config("reference")
-    if (config.contains("target_bed")) 
-      for (bed <- config("target_bed").getList) 
+    if (config.contains("target_bed"))
+      for (bed <- config("target_bed").getList)
         targetBed :+= bed.toString
     if (outputDir == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Missing Output directory on gatk module")
     else if (!outputDir.endsWith("/")) outputDir += "/"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class GatkVcfSampleCompare(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQS
     } else vcfFiles.head
     for (sample <- samples) {
       sampleVcfs += (sample -> new File(generalSampleDir + sample + File.separator + sample + ".vcf"))
       val selectVariants = SelectVariants(this, vcfFile, sampleVcfs(sample))
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class GatkVcfSampleCompare(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQS
       selectVariants.excludeNonVariants = true
     val sampleCompareMetrics = new SampleCompareMetrics(this)
     sampleCompareMetrics.samples = samples
     sampleCompareMetrics.sampleDir = generalSampleDir
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ class GatkVcfSampleCompare(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQS
     sampleCompareMetrics.indelRelFile = outputDir + "compare.indel.rel.tsv"
     sampleCompareMetrics.indelAbsFile = outputDir + "compare.indel.abs.tsv"
     sampleCompareMetrics.totalFile = outputDir + "total.tsv"
-    for ((sample,sampleVcf) <- sampleVcfs) {
+    for ((sample, sampleVcf) <- sampleVcfs) {
       val sampleDir = generalSampleDir + sample + File.separator
-      for ((compareSample,compareSampleVcf) <- sampleVcfs) {
+      for ((compareSample, compareSampleVcf) <- sampleVcfs) {
         val variantEval = new VariantEval with gatkArguments
         variantEval.eval = Seq(sampleVcf)
         variantEval.comp = Seq(compareSampleVcf)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/SampleCompareMetrics.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/SampleCompareMetrics.scala
index 8c111d15dd962a11205e4daa83e2202ef4f698a0..b66ac47c353a84a3093d61a343d294cc2af93c58 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/SampleCompareMetrics.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/gatk/SampleCompareMetrics.scala
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.R.RScriptExecutor
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.{ Output, Argument }
 import scala.io.Source
-import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.R.{RScriptLibrary, RScriptExecutor}
+import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.R.{ RScriptLibrary, RScriptExecutor }
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.io.Resource
 import scala.collection.mutable.Map
 import scala.math._
@@ -17,39 +17,39 @@ class SampleCompareMetrics(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetJavaCommandLine
   @Argument(doc = "Sample Dir", shortName = "sampleDir", required = true)
   var sampleDir: String = _
   @Argument(doc = "Samples", shortName = "sample", required = true)
   var samples: List[String] = Nil
   @Argument(doc = "File sufix", shortName = "sufix", required = false)
   var fileSufix: String = _
   @Output(doc = "snpRelFile", shortName = "snpRelFile", required = true)
   var snpRelFile: File = _
   @Output(doc = "snpAbsFile", shortName = "snpAbsFile", required = true)
   var snpAbsFile: File = _
   @Output(doc = "indelRelFile", shortName = "indelRelFile", required = true)
   var indelRelFile: File = _
   @Output(doc = "indelAbsFile", shortName = "indelAbsFile", required = true)
   var indelAbsFile: File = _
   @Output(doc = "totalFile", shortName = "totalFile", required = true)
   var totalFile: File = _
   override val defaultVmem = "8G"
   memoryLimit = Option(4.0)
-  override def commandLine = super.commandLine + 
-    required("-sampleDir", sampleDir) + 
-    repeat("-sample", samples) + 
-    optional("-fileSufix", fileSufix) + 
-    required("-snpRelFile", snpRelFile) + 
-    required("-snpAbsFile", snpAbsFile) + 
-    required("-indelRelFile", indelRelFile) + 
-    required("-indelAbsFile", indelAbsFile) + 
+  override def commandLine = super.commandLine +
+    required("-sampleDir", sampleDir) +
+    repeat("-sample", samples) +
+    optional("-fileSufix", fileSufix) +
+    required("-snpRelFile", snpRelFile) +
+    required("-snpAbsFile", snpAbsFile) +
+    required("-indelRelFile", indelRelFile) +
+    required("-indelAbsFile", indelAbsFile) +
     required("-totalFile", totalFile)
@@ -66,41 +66,41 @@ object SampleCompareMetrics {
    * @param args the command line arguments
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     for (t <- 0 until args.size) {
       args(t) match {
-        case "-sample" => samples +:= args(t+1)
-        case "-sampleDir" => sampleDir = args(t+1)
-        case "-fileSufix" => fileSufix = args(t+1)
-        case "-snpRelFile" => snpRelFile = new File(args(t+1))
-        case "-snpAbsFile" => snpAbsFile = new File(args(t+1))
-        case "-indelRelFile" => indelRelFile = new File(args(t+1))
-        case "-indelAbsFile" => indelAbsFile = new File(args(t+1))
-        case "-totalFile" => totalFile = new File(args(t+1))
-        case _ =>
+        case "-sample"       => samples +:= args(t + 1)
+        case "-sampleDir"    => sampleDir = args(t + 1)
+        case "-fileSufix"    => fileSufix = args(t + 1)
+        case "-snpRelFile"   => snpRelFile = new File(args(t + 1))
+        case "-snpAbsFile"   => snpAbsFile = new File(args(t + 1))
+        case "-indelRelFile" => indelRelFile = new File(args(t + 1))
+        case "-indelAbsFile" => indelAbsFile = new File(args(t + 1))
+        case "-totalFile"    => totalFile = new File(args(t + 1))
+        case _               =>
     if (sampleDir == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No sampleDir, use -sampleDir")
     else if (!sampleDir.endsWith("/")) sampleDir += "/"
     val regex = """\W+""".r
-    val snpsOverlap: Map[(String,String), Int] = Map()
-    val indelsOverlap: Map[(String,String), Int] = Map()
+    val snpsOverlap: Map[(String, String), Int] = Map()
+    val indelsOverlap: Map[(String, String), Int] = Map()
     val snpsTotal: Map[String, Int] = Map()
     val indelsTotal: Map[String, Int] = Map()
     for (sample1 <- samples; sample2 <- samples) {
       val reader = Source.fromFile(new File(sampleDir + sample1 + "/" + sample1 + "-" + sample2 + fileSufix))
       for (line <- reader.getLines) {
         regex.split(line) match {
-          case Array(_,_,_,varType, all, novel, overlap, rate, _*) => {
+          case Array(_, _, _, varType, all, novel, overlap, rate, _*) => {
             varType match {
               case "SNP" => {
-                  snpsOverlap += (sample1, sample2) -> overlap.toInt
-                  snpsTotal += sample1 -> all.toInt
+                snpsOverlap += (sample1, sample2) -> overlap.toInt
+                snpsTotal += sample1 -> all.toInt
               case "INDEL" => {
-                  indelsOverlap += (sample1, sample2) -> overlap.toInt
-                  indelsTotal += sample1 -> all.toInt
+                indelsOverlap += (sample1, sample2) -> overlap.toInt
+                indelsTotal += sample1 -> all.toInt
               case _ =>
@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ object SampleCompareMetrics {
     val snpRelWritter = new PrintWriter(snpRelFile)
     val snpAbsWritter = new PrintWriter(snpAbsFile)
     val indelRelWritter = new PrintWriter(indelRelFile)
     val indelAbsWritter = new PrintWriter(indelAbsFile)
     val allWritters = List(snpRelWritter, snpAbsWritter, indelRelWritter, indelAbsWritter)
     for (writter <- allWritters) writter.println(samples.mkString("\t", "\t", ""))
     for (sample1 <- samples) {
@@ -129,14 +129,14 @@ object SampleCompareMetrics {
       for (writter <- allWritters) writter.println()
     for (writter <- allWritters) writter.close()
     val totalWritter = new PrintWriter(totalFile)
-    for (sample <- samples) 
+    for (sample <- samples)
       totalWritter.println(sample + "\t" + snpsTotal(sample) + "\t" + indelsTotal(sample))
-    def plot(file:File) {
+    def plot(file: File) {
       val executor = new RScriptExecutor
       executor.addScript(new Resource("plotHeatmap.R", getClass))
       executor.addArgs(file, file.getAbsolutePath.stripSuffix(".tsv") + ".png", file.getAbsolutePath.stripSuffix(".tsv") + ".clustering.png")
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/mapping/Mapping.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/mapping/Mapping.scala
index d3085d3447cafaaf8579ed684fdead1c5c3c1e36..ad1406f566dab1c061e7cb52f7feae8e9c260df9 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/mapping/Mapping.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/mapping/Mapping.scala
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import java.io.File
 import java.util.Date
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.{ BiopetQScript, PipelineCommand }
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.tools.FastqSplitter
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.aligners.{ Bwa, Star , Bowtie, Stampy}
-import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.picard.{MarkDuplicates, SortSam, MergeSamFiles, AddOrReplaceReadGroups}
+import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.aligners.{ Bwa, Star, Bowtie, Stampy }
+import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.picard.{ MarkDuplicates, SortSam, MergeSamFiles, AddOrReplaceReadGroups }
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.pipelines.bammetrics.BamMetrics
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.pipelines.flexiprep.Flexiprep
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.QScript
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class Mapping(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
   @Argument(doc = "Skip metrics", shortName = "skipmetrics", required = false)
   var skipMetrics: Boolean = false
   @Argument(doc = "Aligner", shortName = "ALN", required = false)
   var aligner: String = _
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class Mapping(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
   @Argument(doc = "Chunking", shortName = "chunking", required = false)
   var chunking: Boolean = false
   @Argument(doc = "Number of chunks, when not defined pipeline will automatic calculate number of chunks", shortName = "numberChunks", required = false)
   var numberChunks: Option[Int] = None
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class Mapping(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
   var paired: Boolean = false
   var defaultAligner = "bwa"
   val flexiprep = new Flexiprep(this)
   def init() {
     for (file <- configfiles) globalConfig.loadConfigFile(file)
     if (aligner == null) aligner = config("aligner", default = defaultAligner)
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class Mapping(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
         else {
           val chunkSize: Int = config("chunksize", (1 << 30))
           val filesize = if (input_R1.getName.endsWith(".gz") || input_R1.getName.endsWith(".gzip")) input_R1.length * 3
-                         else input_R1.length
+          else input_R1.length
           numberChunks = Option(ceil(filesize.toDouble / chunkSize).toInt)
@@ -146,8 +146,9 @@ class Mapping(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
       val chunkDir = outputDir + "chunks/" + t + "/"
       chunks += (chunkDir -> (removeGz(chunkDir + fastq_R1.getName),
         if (paired) removeGz(chunkDir + fastq_R2.getName) else ""))
-    } else chunks += (outputDir -> (flexiprep.extractIfNeeded(fastq_R1, flexiprep.outputDir),
-                        flexiprep.extractIfNeeded(fastq_R2, flexiprep.outputDir)))
+    }
+    else chunks += (outputDir -> (flexiprep.extractIfNeeded(fastq_R1, flexiprep.outputDir),
+      flexiprep.extractIfNeeded(fastq_R2, flexiprep.outputDir)))
     if (chunking) {
       val fastSplitter_R1 = new FastqSplitter(this)
@@ -176,16 +177,16 @@ class Mapping(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
         fastq_R1_output :+= R1
         fastq_R2_output :+= R2
       val outputBam = new File(chunkDir + outputName + ".bam")
       bamFiles :+= outputBam
       aligner match {
-        case "bwa" => addBwa(R1, R2, outputBam, deps)
-        case "bowtie" => addBowtie(R1, R2, outputBam, deps)
-        case "stampy" => addStampy(R1, R2, outputBam, deps)
-        case "star" => addStar(R1, R2, outputBam, deps)
+        case "bwa"        => addBwa(R1, R2, outputBam, deps)
+        case "bowtie"     => addBowtie(R1, R2, outputBam, deps)
+        case "stampy"     => addStampy(R1, R2, outputBam, deps)
+        case "star"       => addStar(R1, R2, outputBam, deps)
         case "star-2pass" => addStar2pass(R1, R2, outputBam, deps)
-        case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Option Aligner: '" + aligner + "' is not valid")
+        case _            => throw new IllegalStateException("Option Aligner: '" + aligner + "' is not valid")
       if (config("chunk_metrics", default = false))
         addAll(BamMetrics(this, outputBam, chunkDir + "metrics/").functions)
@@ -204,13 +205,13 @@ class Mapping(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
       bamFile = mergeSamFile.output
     if (!skipMetrics) addAll(BamMetrics(this, bamFile, outputDir + "metrics/").functions)
     outputFiles += ("finalBamFile" -> bamFile)
-  def addBwa(R1:File, R2:File, output:File, deps:List[File]): File = {
+  def addBwa(R1: File, R2: File, output: File, deps: List[File]): File = {
     val bwaCommand = new Bwa(this)
     bwaCommand.R1 = R1
     if (paired) bwaCommand.R2 = R2
@@ -223,9 +224,9 @@ class Mapping(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
     return sortSam.output
-  def addStampy(R1:File, R2:File, output:File, deps:List[File]): File = {
+  def addStampy(R1: File, R2: File, output: File, deps: List[File]): File = {
     var RG: String = "ID:" + RGID + ","
     RG += "SM:" + RGSM + ","
     RG += "LB:" + RGLB + ","
@@ -249,8 +250,8 @@ class Mapping(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
     return sortSam.output
-  def addBowtie(R1:File, R2:File, output:File, deps:List[File]): File = {
+  def addBowtie(R1: File, R2: File, output: File, deps: List[File]): File = {
     val bowtie = new Bowtie(this)
     bowtie.R1 = R1
     if (paired) bowtie.R2 = R2
@@ -259,19 +260,19 @@ class Mapping(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
     add(bowtie, isIntermediate = true)
     return addAddOrReplaceReadGroups(bowtie.output, output)
-  def addStar(R1:File, R2:File, output:File, deps:List[File]): File = {
+  def addStar(R1: File, R2: File, output: File, deps: List[File]): File = {
     val starCommand = Star(this, R1, if (paired) R2 else null, outputDir, isIntermediate = true, deps = deps)
     return addAddOrReplaceReadGroups(starCommand.outputSam, output)
-  def addStar2pass(R1:File, R2:File, output:File, deps:List[File]): File = {
+  def addStar2pass(R1: File, R2: File, output: File, deps: List[File]): File = {
     val starCommand = Star._2pass(this, R1, if (paired) R2 else null, outputDir, isIntermediate = true, deps = deps)
     return addAddOrReplaceReadGroups(starCommand._1, output)
   def addAddOrReplaceReadGroups(input: File, output: File): File = {
     val addOrReplaceReadGroups = AddOrReplaceReadGroups(this, input, output)
     addOrReplaceReadGroups.createIndex = true
@@ -305,7 +306,7 @@ class Mapping(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with BiopetQScript {
 object Mapping extends PipelineCommand {
-  def loadFromLibraryConfig(root: Configurable, runConfig: Map[String, Any], sampleConfig: Map[String, Any], 
+  def loadFromLibraryConfig(root: Configurable, runConfig: Map[String, Any], sampleConfig: Map[String, Any],
                             runDir: String, startJobs: Boolean = true): Mapping = {
     val mapping = new Mapping(root)
@@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ object Mapping extends PipelineCommand {
     if (runConfig.contains("PU")) mapping.RGPU = runConfig("PU").toString
     if (runConfig.contains("CN")) mapping.RGCN = runConfig("CN").toString
     mapping.outputDir = runDir
     if (startJobs) {
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/sage/Sage.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/sage/Sage.scala
index 36da78d18051e41b59085f98340a0575ef9ea89c..937b84261a20935025aeb79c4f555a7fdfb6827b 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/sage/Sage.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/sage/Sage.scala
@@ -18,45 +18,45 @@ import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.function._
 class Sage(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScript {
   def this() = this(null)
   @Input(doc = "countBed", required = false)
-  var countBed : File = _
+  var countBed: File = _
   @Input(doc = "squishedCountBed, by suppling this file the auto squish job will be skipped", required = false)
-  var squishedCountBed : File = _
+  var squishedCountBed: File = _
   @Input(doc = "Transcriptome, used for generation of tag library", required = false)
-  var transcriptome : File = _
-  var tagsLibrary : File = _
+  var transcriptome: File = _
+  var tagsLibrary: File = _
   defaults ++= Map("bowtie" -> Map(
-                  "m" -> 1,
-                  "k" -> 1,
-                  "best" -> true,
-                  "strata" -> true,
-                  "seedmms" -> 1
-                )
-              )
+    "m" -> 1,
+    "k" -> 1,
+    "best" -> true,
+    "strata" -> true,
+    "seedmms" -> 1
+  )
+  )
   class LibraryOutput extends AbstractLibraryOutput {
     var mappedBamFile: File = _
     var prefixFastq: File = _
   class SampleOutput extends AbstractSampleOutput {
   def init() {
     if (!outputDir.endsWith("/")) outputDir += "/"
     if (countBed == null) countBed = config("count_bed")
     if (squishedCountBed == null) squishedCountBed = config("squished_count_bed")
     if (tagsLibrary == null) tagsLibrary = config("tags_library")
     if (transcriptome == null) transcriptome = config("transcriptome")
-    if (transcriptome == null && tagsLibrary == null) 
+    if (transcriptome == null && tagsLibrary == null)
       throw new IllegalStateException("No transcriptome or taglib found")
-    if (countBed == null && squishedCountBed == null) 
+    if (countBed == null && squishedCountBed == null)
       throw new IllegalStateException("No bedfile supplied, please add a countBed or squishedCountBed")
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class Sage(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScript {
       squishedCountBed = squishBed.output
     if (tagsLibrary == null) {
       val cdl = new SageCreateLibrary(this)
       cdl.input = transcriptome
@@ -77,38 +77,38 @@ class Sage(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScript {
       tagsLibrary = cdl.output
   // Called for each sample
   def runSingleSampleJobs(sampleConfig: Map[String, Any]): SampleOutput = {
     val sampleOutput = new SampleOutput
     var libraryBamfiles: List[File] = List()
     var libraryFastqFiles: List[File] = List()
     val sampleID: String = sampleConfig("ID").toString
-    val sampleDir: String = globalSampleDir + sampleID + "/" 
+    val sampleDir: String = globalSampleDir + sampleID + "/"
     for ((library, libraryFiles) <- runLibraryJobs(sampleConfig)) {
       libraryFastqFiles +:= libraryFiles.prefixFastq
       libraryBamfiles +:= libraryFiles.mappedBamFile
     val bamFile: File = if (libraryBamfiles.size == 1) libraryBamfiles.head
-                  else if (libraryBamfiles.size > 1) {
-                    val mergeSamFiles = MergeSamFiles(this, libraryBamfiles, sampleDir)
-                    add(mergeSamFiles)
-                    mergeSamFiles.output
-                  } else null
+    else if (libraryBamfiles.size > 1) {
+      val mergeSamFiles = MergeSamFiles(this, libraryBamfiles, sampleDir)
+      add(mergeSamFiles)
+      mergeSamFiles.output
+    } else null
     val fastqFile: File = if (libraryFastqFiles.size == 1) libraryFastqFiles.head
-                  else if (libraryFastqFiles.size > 1) {
-                    val cat = Cat.apply(this, libraryFastqFiles, sampleDir + sampleID + ".fastq")
-                    add(cat)
-                    cat.output
-                  } else null
+    else if (libraryFastqFiles.size > 1) {
+      val cat = Cat.apply(this, libraryFastqFiles, sampleDir + sampleID + ".fastq")
+      add(cat)
+      cat.output
+    } else null
     addBedtoolsCounts(bamFile, sampleID, sampleDir)
     addTablibCounts(fastqFile, sampleID, sampleDir)
     return sampleOutput
@@ -129,14 +129,14 @@ class Sage(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScript {
-      val flexiprepOutput = for ((key,file) <- flexiprep.outputFiles if key.endsWith("output_R1")) yield file
+      val flexiprepOutput = for ((key, file) <- flexiprep.outputFiles if key.endsWith("output_R1")) yield file
       val prefixFastq = PrefixFastq.apply(this, flexiprepOutput.head, runDir)
       prefixFastq.prefix = config("sage_tag", default = "CATG")
       prefixFastq.deps +:= flexiprep.outputFiles("fastq_input_R1")
       libraryOutput.prefixFastq = prefixFastq.output
       val mapping = new Mapping(this)
       mapping.skipFlexiprep = true
       mapping.skipMarkduplicates = true
@@ -151,45 +151,45 @@ class Sage(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScript {
       if (config("library_counts", default = false).getBoolean) {
         addBedtoolsCounts(mapping.outputFiles("finalBamFile"), sampleID + "-" + runID, runDir)
         addTablibCounts(prefixFastq.output, sampleID + "-" + runID, runDir)
       libraryOutput.mappedBamFile = mapping.outputFiles("finalBamFile")
     } else this.logger.error("Sample: " + sampleID + ": No R1 found for run: " + runConfig)
     return libraryOutput
-  def addBedtoolsCounts(bamFile:File, outputPrefix: String, outputDir: String) {
-    val bedtoolsSense = BedtoolsCoverage(this, bamFile, squishedCountBed, outputDir + outputPrefix + ".genome.sense.coverage", 
-                         depth = false, sameStrand = true, diffStrand = false)
+  def addBedtoolsCounts(bamFile: File, outputPrefix: String, outputDir: String) {
+    val bedtoolsSense = BedtoolsCoverage(this, bamFile, squishedCountBed, outputDir + outputPrefix + ".genome.sense.coverage",
+      depth = false, sameStrand = true, diffStrand = false)
     val countSense = new BedtoolsCoverageToCounts(this)
     countSense.input = bedtoolsSense.output
     countSense.output = outputDir + outputPrefix + ".genome.sense.counts"
-    val bedtoolsAntisense = BedtoolsCoverage(this, bamFile, squishedCountBed, outputDir + outputPrefix + ".genome.antisense.coverage", 
-                         depth = false, sameStrand = false, diffStrand = true)
+    val bedtoolsAntisense = BedtoolsCoverage(this, bamFile, squishedCountBed, outputDir + outputPrefix + ".genome.antisense.coverage",
+      depth = false, sameStrand = false, diffStrand = true)
     val countAntisense = new BedtoolsCoverageToCounts(this)
     countAntisense.input = bedtoolsAntisense.output
     countAntisense.output = outputDir + outputPrefix + ".genome.antisense.counts"
-    val bedtools = BedtoolsCoverage(this, bamFile, squishedCountBed, outputDir + outputPrefix + ".genome.coverage", 
-                         depth = false, sameStrand = false, diffStrand = false)
+    val bedtools = BedtoolsCoverage(this, bamFile, squishedCountBed, outputDir + outputPrefix + ".genome.coverage",
+      depth = false, sameStrand = false, diffStrand = false)
     val count = new BedtoolsCoverageToCounts(this)
     count.input = bedtools.output
     count.output = outputDir + outputPrefix + ".genome.counts"
     add(bedtoolsSense, countSense, bedtoolsAntisense, countAntisense, bedtools, count)
-  def addTablibCounts(fastq:File, outputPrefix: String, outputDir: String) {
+  def addTablibCounts(fastq: File, outputPrefix: String, outputDir: String) {
     val countFastq = new SageCountFastq(this)
     countFastq.input = fastq
     countFastq.output = outputDir + outputPrefix + ".raw.counts"
     val createTagCounts = new SageCreateTagCounts(this)
     createTagCounts.input = countFastq.output
     createTagCounts.tagLib = tagsLibrary
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/yamsvp/Yamsvp.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/yamsvp/Yamsvp.scala
index 16460f0fd66978f98ba79268cbf93e2a10425e00..10aef464b610c43571398d6285d3ddd7bc9c5b3c 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/yamsvp/Yamsvp.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/pipelines/yamsvp/Yamsvp.scala
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.sambamba.{ SambambaIndex, SambambaMerge }
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.svcallers.pindel.Pindel
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.extensions.svcallers.{ Breakdancer, Clever }
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.pipelines.mapping.Mapping
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.QScript
@@ -67,7 +66,6 @@ class Yamsvp(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScript {
     val sampleDir: String = outputDir + sampleID + "/"
     val alignmentDir: String = sampleDir + "alignment/"
     val svcallingDir: String = sampleDir + "svcalls/"
     sampleOutput.libraries = runLibraryJobs(sampleConfig)
@@ -76,7 +74,7 @@ class Yamsvp(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScript {
       libraryBamfiles ++= List(libraryOutput.mappedBamFile)
-    val bamFile: File = 
+    val bamFile: File =
       if (libraryBamfiles.size == 1) libraryBamfiles.head
       else if (libraryBamfiles.size > 1) {
         val mergeSamFiles = new SambambaMerge(root)
@@ -85,10 +83,10 @@ class Yamsvp(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScript {
       } else null
     val bamIndex = SambambaIndex(root, bamFile)
     /// bamfile will be used as input for the SV callers. First run Clever
     //    val cleverVCF : File = sampleDir + "/" + sampleID + ".clever.vcf"
@@ -104,12 +102,12 @@ class Yamsvp(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScript {
     // for pindel we should use per library config collected into one config file
-//    val pindelDir = svcallingDir + sampleID + ".pindel/"
-//    val pindel = Pindel(this, bamFile, this.reference, pindelDir)
-//    sampleOutput.vcf += ("pindel" -> List(pindel.outputvcf))
-//    addAll(pindel.functions)
+    //    val pindelDir = svcallingDir + sampleID + ".pindel/"
+    //    val pindel = Pindel(this, bamFile, this.reference, pindelDir)
+    //    sampleOutput.vcf += ("pindel" -> List(pindel.outputvcf))
+    //    addAll(pindel.functions)
+    //
+    //    
     return sampleOutput
@@ -117,12 +115,12 @@ class Yamsvp(val root: Configurable) extends QScript with MultiSampleQScript {
   def runSingleLibraryJobs(runConfig: Map[String, Any], sampleConfig: Map[String, Any]): LibraryOutput = {
     val libraryOutput = new LibraryOutput
     val runID: String = runConfig("ID").toString
     val sampleID: String = sampleConfig("ID").toString
     val alignmentDir: String = outputDir + sampleID + "/alignment/"
     val runDir: String = alignmentDir + "run_" + runID + "/"
     if (runConfig.contains("R1")) {
       val mapping = new Mapping(this)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/CoverageStats.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/CoverageStats.scala
index fc1ffb12a499e33dc0687d2c917bbfb92a8ef158..11ac6281796563659929670e9a2158371dc5d926 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/CoverageStats.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/CoverageStats.scala
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class CoverageStats(val root: Configurable) extends PythonCommandLineFunction {
   @Output(doc = "plot File (png)")
   var plot: File = _
   override val defaultVmem = "12G"
   def cmdLine = getPythonCommand +
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/FastqSync.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/FastqSync.scala
index f98f9299a636abbe9fac47bff98c543afdd9ebc7..01d65e4eea8e2a947b0cd412b66de872798178fe 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/FastqSync.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/FastqSync.scala
@@ -35,33 +35,33 @@ class FastqSync(val root: Configurable) extends PythonCommandLineFunction {
   def cmdLine = {
     getPythonCommand +
-    required(input_start_fastq) +
-    required(input_R1) +
-    required(input_R2) +
-    required(output_R1) +
-    required(output_R2) +
-    " > " +
-    required(output_stats)
+      required(input_start_fastq) +
+      required(input_R1) +
+      required(input_R2) +
+      required(output_R1) +
+      required(output_R2) +
+      " > " +
+      required(output_stats)
   def getSummary: Json = {
     val R1_filteredR = """Filtered (\d*) reads from first read file.""".r
     val R2_filteredR = """Filtered (\d*) reads from second read file.""".r
     val readsLeftR = """Synced read files contain (\d*) reads.""".r
     var R1_filtered = 0
     var R2_filtered = 0
     var readsLeft = 0
     if (output_stats.exists) for (line <- Source.fromFile(output_stats).getLines) {
       line match {
         case R1_filteredR(m) => R1_filtered = m.toInt
         case R2_filteredR(m) => R2_filtered = m.toInt
-        case readsLeftR(m) => readsLeft = m.toInt
-        case _ => 
+        case readsLeftR(m)   => readsLeft = m.toInt
+        case _               =>
     return ("num_reads_discarded_R1" := R1_filtered) ->:
       ("num_reads_discarded_R2" := R2_filtered) ->:
       ("num_reads_kept" := readsLeft) ->:
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ class FastqSync(val root: Configurable) extends PythonCommandLineFunction {
 object FastqSync {
-  def apply(root: Configurable, input_start_fastq:File, input_R1:File, input_R2:File, 
-            output_R1:File, output_R2:File, output_stats:File): FastqSync = {
+  def apply(root: Configurable, input_start_fastq: File, input_R1: File, input_R2: File,
+            output_R1: File, output_R2: File, output_stats: File): FastqSync = {
     val fastqSync = new FastqSync(root)
     fastqSync.input_start_fastq = input_start_fastq
     fastqSync.input_R1 = input_R1
@@ -81,18 +81,18 @@ object FastqSync {
     fastqSync.output_stats = output_stats
     return fastqSync
   def mergeSummaries(jsons: List[Json]): Json = {
     var R1_filtered = 0
     var R2_filtered = 0
     var readsLeft = 0
     for (json <- jsons) {
       R1_filtered += json.field("num_reads_discarded_R1").get.numberOrZero.toInt
       R2_filtered += json.field("num_reads_discarded_R2").get.numberOrZero.toInt
       readsLeft += json.field("num_reads_kept").get.numberOrZero.toInt
     return ("num_reads_discarded_R1" := R1_filtered) ->:
       ("num_reads_discarded_R2" := R2_filtered) ->:
       ("num_reads_kept" := readsLeft) ->:
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/SquishBed.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/SquishBed.scala
index f41fd754771b055fdb33a4de1b88dcad2f0a0490..85c40191fa42fada02aa378dca9c2e9dd4b37277 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/SquishBed.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/SquishBed.scala
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ class SquishBed(val root: Configurable) extends PythonCommandLineFunction {
   @Output(doc = "output File")
   var output: File = _
   def cmdLine = getPythonCommand +
-    required(input) + 
+    required(input) +
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/prefixFastq.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/prefixFastq.scala
index 07070727a2af455e956fd02bb8ebe754ad53a795..0411eb46ad1087d36b7c1c7b52d87a6fc42540c9 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/prefixFastq.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/scripts/prefixFastq.scala
@@ -16,17 +16,17 @@ class PrefixFastq(val root: Configurable) extends PythonCommandLineFunction {
   @Argument(doc = "Prefix sequence")
   var prefix: String = "CATG"
   @Argument(doc = "Input file is gziped", required = false)
   var gzip: Boolean = _
   override def beforeCmd {
     if (input.getName.endsWith(".gzip") || input.getName.endsWith("gz")) gzip = true
   def cmdLine = getPythonCommand +
-    required("-o", output) + 
-    required("--prefix", prefix) + 
+    required("-o", output) +
+    required("--prefix", prefix) +
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/BedToInterval.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/BedToInterval.scala
index 550853dff22d871690bb71631b80d6c55dc19698..436a4ff083eea141b3a45dda18d024022a0960e0 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/BedToInterval.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/BedToInterval.scala
@@ -45,24 +45,27 @@ object BedToInterval extends ToolCommand {
     return bedToInterval
-  case class Args (inputFile:File = null, outputFile:File = null, bamFile:File = null) extends AbstractArgs
+  case class Args(inputFile: File = null, outputFile: File = null, bamFile: File = null) extends AbstractArgs
   class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
-    opt[File]('I', "inputFile") required() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(inputFile = x) }
-    opt[File]('o', "output") required() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(outputFile = x) }
-    opt[File]('b', "bam") required() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(bamFile = x) }
+    opt[File]('I', "inputFile") required () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(inputFile = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]('o', "output") required () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(outputFile = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]('b', "bam") required () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(bamFile = x)
+    }
    * @param args the command line arguments
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val argsParser = new OptParser
     val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)
     val writer = new PrintWriter(commandArgs.outputFile)
     val inputSam = new SAMFileReader(commandArgs.bamFile)
@@ -72,19 +75,16 @@ object BedToInterval extends ToolCommand {
       record.getSequenceName -> record.getSequenceLength
-    val refsMap = Map(refs:_*)
+    val refsMap = Map(refs: _*)
     val bedFile = Source.fromFile(commandArgs.inputFile)
     for (
-        line <- bedFile.getLines;
-        val split = line.split("\t")
-        if split.size >= 3;
-        val chr = split(0);
-        val start = split(1);
-        val stop = split(2)
-        if start forall Character.isDigit
-        if stop forall Character.isDigit
-      ) {
+      line <- bedFile.getLines;
+      val split = line.split("\t") if split.size >= 3;
+      val chr = split(0);
+      val start = split(1);
+      val stop = split(2) if start forall Character.isDigit if stop forall Character.isDigit
+    ) {
       if (!refsMap.contains(chr)) throw new IllegalStateException("Chr '" + chr + "' in bed file not found in bam file")
       writer.write(chr + "\t" + start + "\t" + stop + "\t")
       if (split.length >= 6 && (split(5) == "+" || split(5) == "-")) writer.write(split(5))
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/BedtoolsCoverageToCounts.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/BedtoolsCoverageToCounts.scala
index 004d322caabfb8fe0dd24ad793b14b141371d30b..ff818d111d9e44a334d035ec3e492e97d51e89e7 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/BedtoolsCoverageToCounts.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/BedtoolsCoverageToCounts.scala
@@ -16,38 +16,40 @@ class BedtoolsCoverageToCounts(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetJavaCommand
   @Input(doc = "Input fasta", shortName = "input", required = true)
   var input: File = _
   @Output(doc = "Output tag library", shortName = "output", required = true)
   var output: File = _
   override val defaultVmem = "8G"
   memoryLimit = Option(4.0)
-  override def commandLine = super.commandLine + 
-    required("-I", input) + 
+  override def commandLine = super.commandLine +
+    required("-I", input) +
     required("-o", output)
 object BedtoolsCoverageToCounts extends ToolCommand {
-  case class Args (input:File = null, output:File = null) extends AbstractArgs
+  case class Args(input: File = null, output: File = null) extends AbstractArgs
   class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
-    opt[File]('I', "input") required() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(input = x) }
-    opt[File]('o', "output") required() unbounded() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(output = x) }
+    opt[File]('I', "input") required () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(input = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]('o', "output") required () unbounded () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(output = x)
+    }
    * @param args the command line arguments
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val argsParser = new OptParser
     val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)
     if (!commandArgs.input.exists) throw new IllegalStateException("Input file not found, file: " + commandArgs.input)
-    val counts:Map[String, Long] = Map()
+    val counts: Map[String, Long] = Map()
     for (line <- Source.fromFile(commandArgs.input).getLines) {
       val values = line.split("\t")
       val gene = values(3)
@@ -55,11 +57,11 @@ object BedtoolsCoverageToCounts extends ToolCommand {
       if (counts.contains(gene)) counts(gene) += count
       else counts += gene -> count
-    val sortedCounts:SortedMap[String, Long] = SortedMap(counts.toArray:_*)
+    val sortedCounts: SortedMap[String, Long] = SortedMap(counts.toArray: _*)
     val writer = new PrintWriter(commandArgs.output)
-    for ((seq,count) <- sortedCounts) {
+    for ((seq, count) <- sortedCounts) {
       if (count > 0) writer.println(seq + "\t" + count)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/BiopetFlagstat.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/BiopetFlagstat.scala
index 361c6e6c8b6cbb80a5696ea7ff027d8dd82a522e..8465f45637bd2f8aec6976ec814d49d00636d338 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/BiopetFlagstat.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/BiopetFlagstat.scala
@@ -38,41 +38,43 @@ object BiopetFlagstat extends ToolCommand {
     flagstat.output = new File(outputDir, input.getName.stripSuffix(".bam") + ".biopetflagstat")
     return flagstat
-  case class Args (inputFile:File = null, region:Option[String] = None) extends AbstractArgs
+  case class Args(inputFile: File = null, region: Option[String] = None) extends AbstractArgs
   class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
-    opt[File]('I', "inputFile") required() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(inputFile = x) } text("out is a required file property")
-    opt[String]('r', "region") valueName("<chr:start-stop>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(region = Some(x)) } text("out is a required file property")
+    opt[File]('I', "inputFile") required () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(inputFile = x)
+    } text ("out is a required file property")
+    opt[String]('r', "region") valueName ("<chr:start-stop>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(region = Some(x))
+    } text ("out is a required file property")
    * @param args the command line arguments
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val argsParser = new OptParser
-    val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)    
+    val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)
     val inputSam = new SAMFileReader(commandArgs.inputFile)
     val iterSam = if (commandArgs.region == None) inputSam.iterator else {
       val regionRegex = """(.*):(.*)-(.*)""".r
       commandArgs.region.get match {
         case regionRegex(chr, start, stop) => inputSam.query(chr, start.toInt, stop.toInt, false)
-        case _ => sys.error("Region wrong format")
+        case _                             => sys.error("Region wrong format")
     val flagstatCollector = new FlagstatCollector
     val m = 10
     val max = 60
     for (t <- 0 to (max / m))
       flagstatCollector.addFunction("MAPQ>" + (t * m), record => record.getMappingQuality > (t * m))
-    flagstatCollector.addFunction("First normal, second read inverted (paired end orientation)", record => { 
-      if (record.getReadPairedFlag && 
-          record.getReferenceIndex == record.getMateReferenceIndex && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag != record.getMateNegativeStrandFlag &&
+    flagstatCollector.addFunction("First normal, second read inverted (paired end orientation)", record => {
+      if (record.getReadPairedFlag &&
+        record.getReferenceIndex == record.getMateReferenceIndex && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag != record.getMateNegativeStrandFlag &&
         ((record.getFirstOfPairFlag && !record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag && record.getAlignmentStart < record.getMateAlignmentStart) ||
           (record.getFirstOfPairFlag && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag && record.getAlignmentStart > record.getMateAlignmentStart) ||
           (record.getSecondOfPairFlag && !record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag && record.getAlignmentStart < record.getMateAlignmentStart) ||
@@ -80,8 +82,8 @@ object BiopetFlagstat extends ToolCommand {
       else false
     flagstatCollector.addFunction("First normal, second read normal", record => {
-      if (record.getReadPairedFlag && 
-          record.getReferenceIndex == record.getMateReferenceIndex && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag == record.getMateNegativeStrandFlag &&
+      if (record.getReadPairedFlag &&
+        record.getReferenceIndex == record.getMateReferenceIndex && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag == record.getMateNegativeStrandFlag &&
         ((record.getFirstOfPairFlag && !record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag && record.getAlignmentStart < record.getMateAlignmentStart) ||
           (record.getFirstOfPairFlag && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag && record.getAlignmentStart > record.getMateAlignmentStart) ||
           (record.getSecondOfPairFlag && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag && record.getAlignmentStart < record.getMateAlignmentStart) ||
@@ -89,8 +91,8 @@ object BiopetFlagstat extends ToolCommand {
       else false
     flagstatCollector.addFunction("First inverted, second read inverted", record => {
-      if (record.getReadPairedFlag && 
-          record.getReferenceIndex == record.getMateReferenceIndex && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag == record.getMateNegativeStrandFlag &&
+      if (record.getReadPairedFlag &&
+        record.getReferenceIndex == record.getMateReferenceIndex && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag == record.getMateNegativeStrandFlag &&
         ((record.getFirstOfPairFlag && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag && record.getAlignmentStart < record.getMateAlignmentStart) ||
           (record.getFirstOfPairFlag && !record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag && record.getAlignmentStart > record.getMateAlignmentStart) ||
           (record.getSecondOfPairFlag && !record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag && record.getAlignmentStart < record.getMateAlignmentStart) ||
@@ -98,8 +100,8 @@ object BiopetFlagstat extends ToolCommand {
       else false
     flagstatCollector.addFunction("First inverted, second read normal", record => {
-      if (record.getReadPairedFlag && 
-          record.getReferenceIndex == record.getMateReferenceIndex && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag != record.getMateNegativeStrandFlag &&
+      if (record.getReadPairedFlag &&
+        record.getReferenceIndex == record.getMateReferenceIndex && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag != record.getMateNegativeStrandFlag &&
         ((record.getFirstOfPairFlag && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag && record.getAlignmentStart < record.getMateAlignmentStart) ||
           (record.getFirstOfPairFlag && !record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag && record.getAlignmentStart > record.getMateAlignmentStart) ||
           (record.getSecondOfPairFlag && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag && record.getAlignmentStart < record.getMateAlignmentStart) ||
@@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ object BiopetFlagstat extends ToolCommand {
     flagstatCollector.addFunction("Mate in same strand", record => record.getReadPairedFlag && record.getReadNegativeStrandFlag && record.getMateNegativeStrandFlag &&
       record.getReferenceIndex == record.getMateReferenceIndex)
     flagstatCollector.addFunction("Mate on other chr", record => record.getReadPairedFlag && record.getReferenceIndex != record.getMateReferenceIndex)
     logger.info("Start reading file: " + commandArgs.inputFile)
     for (record <- iterSam) {
       if (flagstatCollector.readsCount % 1e6 == 0 && flagstatCollector.readsCount > 0)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/CheckAllelesVcfInBam.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/CheckAllelesVcfInBam.scala
index 315a8db8c8b2743c81cdb618685a6eabf381891f..867eb36ad2b17e19cbb3b8d93bc894ef50c05dae 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/CheckAllelesVcfInBam.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/CheckAllelesVcfInBam.scala
@@ -36,60 +36,64 @@ import scala.math._
 object CheckAllelesVcfInBam extends ToolCommand {
-  case class Args (inputFile:File = null, outputFile:File = null, samples:List[String] = Nil, 
-                   bamFiles:List[File] = Nil, minMapQual:Int = 1) extends AbstractArgs
+  case class Args(inputFile: File = null, outputFile: File = null, samples: List[String] = Nil,
+                  bamFiles: List[File] = Nil, minMapQual: Int = 1) extends AbstractArgs
   class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
-    opt[File]('I', "inputFile") required() maxOccurs(1) valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(inputFile = x) }
-    opt[File]('o', "outputFile") required() maxOccurs(1) valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(outputFile = x) }
-    opt[String]('s', "sample") unbounded() minOccurs(1) action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(samples = x :: c.samples) }
-    opt[File]('b', "bam") unbounded() minOccurs(1) action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(bamFiles = x :: c.bamFiles) }
-    opt[Int]('m', "min_mapping_quality") maxOccurs(1) action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(minMapQual = c.minMapQual) }
+    opt[File]('I', "inputFile") required () maxOccurs (1) valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(inputFile = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]('o', "outputFile") required () maxOccurs (1) valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(outputFile = x)
+    }
+    opt[String]('s', "sample") unbounded () minOccurs (1) action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(samples = x :: c.samples)
+    }
+    opt[File]('b', "bam") unbounded () minOccurs (1) action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(bamFiles = x :: c.bamFiles)
+    }
+    opt[Int]('m', "min_mapping_quality") maxOccurs (1) action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(minMapQual = c.minMapQual)
+    }
-  private class CountReport (
+  private class CountReport(
     var notFound: Int = 0,
     var aCounts: mutable.Map[String, Int] = mutable.Map(),
     var duplicateReads: Int = 0,
-    var lowMapQualReads: Int = 0
-  )
+    var lowMapQualReads: Int = 0)
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val argsParser = new OptParser
     val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)
     if (commandArgs.bamFiles.size != commandArgs.samples.size)
       logger.warn("Number of samples is diffrent then number of bam files, left over will be removed")
-    val bamReaders:Map[String,SAMFileReader] = Map(commandArgs.samples zip commandArgs.bamFiles.map(x => new SAMFileReader(x)):_*)
+    val bamReaders: Map[String, SAMFileReader] = Map(commandArgs.samples zip commandArgs.bamFiles.map(x => new SAMFileReader(x)): _*)
     val bamHeaders = bamReaders.map(x => (x._1, x._2.getFileHeader))
     val reader = new VCFFileReader(commandArgs.inputFile, false)
     val writer = new AsyncVariantContextWriter(new VariantContextWriterBuilder().setOutputFile(commandArgs.outputFile).build)
     val header = reader.getFileHeader
-    for ((sample,_) <- bamReaders) {
-      header.addMetaDataLine(new VCFInfoHeaderLine("BAM-AD-" + sample, 
-                              VCFHeaderLineCount.UNBOUNDED, VCFHeaderLineType.Integer, "Allele depth, ref and alt on order of vcf file"))
-      header.addMetaDataLine(new VCFInfoHeaderLine("BAM-DP-" + sample, 
-                              1, VCFHeaderLineType.Integer, "Total reads on this location"))
+    for ((sample, _) <- bamReaders) {
+      header.addMetaDataLine(new VCFInfoHeaderLine("BAM-AD-" + sample,
+        VCFHeaderLineCount.UNBOUNDED, VCFHeaderLineType.Integer, "Allele depth, ref and alt on order of vcf file"))
+      header.addMetaDataLine(new VCFInfoHeaderLine("BAM-DP-" + sample,
+        1, VCFHeaderLineType.Integer, "Total reads on this location"))
     for (vcfRecord <- reader) {
-      val countReports: Map[String,CountReport] = bamReaders.map(x => (x._1, new CountReport))
+      val countReports: Map[String, CountReport] = bamReaders.map(x => (x._1, new CountReport))
       val refAllele = vcfRecord.getReference.getBaseString
       for ((sample, bamReader) <- bamReaders) {
-        val queryInterval = new QueryInterval(bamHeaders(sample).getSequenceIndex(vcfRecord.getChr), 
-                                                            vcfRecord.getStart, vcfRecord.getStart + refAllele.size - 1)
+        val queryInterval = new QueryInterval(bamHeaders(sample).getSequenceIndex(vcfRecord.getChr),
+          vcfRecord.getStart, vcfRecord.getStart + refAllele.size - 1)
         val bamIter = bamReader.query(Array(queryInterval), false)
-        def filterRead(samRecord:SAMRecord): Boolean = {
+        def filterRead(samRecord: SAMRecord): Boolean = {
           if (samRecord.getDuplicateReadFlag) {
             countReports(sample).duplicateReads += 1
             return true
@@ -102,26 +106,26 @@ object CheckAllelesVcfInBam extends ToolCommand {
           return false
         val counts = for (samRecord <- bamIter if !filterRead(samRecord)) {
           checkAlles(samRecord, vcfRecord) match {
-            case Some(a) => if (countReports(sample).aCounts.contains(a)) countReports(sample).aCounts(a) += 1 
-                            else countReports(sample).aCounts += (a -> 1)
+            case Some(a) => if (countReports(sample).aCounts.contains(a)) countReports(sample).aCounts(a) += 1
+            else countReports(sample).aCounts += (a -> 1)
             case _ => countReports(sample).notFound += 1
-        }        
+        }
       val builder = new VariantContextBuilder(vcfRecord)
-      for ((k,v) <- countReports) {
+      for ((k, v) <- countReports) {
         val s = for (allele <- vcfRecord.getAlleles) yield {
           val s = allele.getBaseString
           if (v.aCounts.contains(s)) v.aCounts(s)
           else 0
         builder.attribute("BAM-AD-" + k, s.mkString(","))
-        builder.attribute("BAM-DP-" + k, (0 /: s) (_ + _) + v.notFound)
+        builder.attribute("BAM-DP-" + k, (0 /: s)(_ + _) + v.notFound)
@@ -129,32 +133,32 @@ object CheckAllelesVcfInBam extends ToolCommand {
-  def checkAlles(samRecord:SAMRecord, vcfRecord:VariantContext): Option[String] = {
+  def checkAlles(samRecord: SAMRecord, vcfRecord: VariantContext): Option[String] = {
     val readStartPos = List.range(0, samRecord.getReadBases.length)
-        .find(x => samRecord.getReferencePositionAtReadPosition(x+1) == vcfRecord.getStart) getOrElse { return None }
+      .find(x => samRecord.getReferencePositionAtReadPosition(x + 1) == vcfRecord.getStart) getOrElse { return None }
     val readBases = samRecord.getReadBases()
     val alleles = vcfRecord.getAlleles.map(x => x.getBaseString)
     val refAllele = alleles.head
     var maxSize = 1
     for (allele <- alleles if allele.size > maxSize) maxSize = allele.size
-    val readC = for (t <- readStartPos until readStartPos+maxSize if t < readBases.length) yield readBases(t).toChar
-    val allelesInRead = mutable.Set(alleles.filter(readC.mkString.startsWith(_)):_*)
+    val readC = for (t <- readStartPos until readStartPos + maxSize if t < readBases.length) yield readBases(t).toChar
+    val allelesInRead = mutable.Set(alleles.filter(readC.mkString.startsWith(_)): _*)
     // Removal of insertions that are not really in the cigarstring
     for (allele <- allelesInRead if allele.size > refAllele.size) {
       val refPos = for (t <- refAllele.size until allele.size) yield samRecord.getReferencePositionAtReadPosition(readStartPos + t + 1)
       if (refPos.exists(_ > 0)) allelesInRead -= allele
     // Removal of alleles that are not really in the cigarstring
     for (allele <- allelesInRead) {
       val readPosAfterAllele = samRecord.getReferencePositionAtReadPosition(readStartPos + allele.size + 1)
       val vcfPosAfterAllele = vcfRecord.getStart + refAllele.size
-      if (readPosAfterAllele != vcfPosAfterAllele && 
-          (refAllele.size != allele.size || (refAllele.size == allele.size && readPosAfterAllele < 0))) allelesInRead -= allele
+      if (readPosAfterAllele != vcfPosAfterAllele &&
+        (refAllele.size != allele.size || (refAllele.size == allele.size && readPosAfterAllele < 0))) allelesInRead -= allele
     for (allele <- allelesInRead if allele.size >= refAllele.size) {
       if (allelesInRead.exists(_.size > allele.size)) allelesInRead -= allele
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/ExtractAlignedFastq.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/ExtractAlignedFastq.scala
index 83a607de4a035013cbf82072223f533380ff942c..d0f09baaa820b1a57ed181f66c25996faf9330a6 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/ExtractAlignedFastq.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/ExtractAlignedFastq.scala
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ object ExtractAlignedFastq extends ToolCommand {
     def getSequenceIndex(name: String): Int = inAlnReader.getFileHeader.getSequenceIndex(name) match {
-      case x if x >= 0  =>
+      case x if x >= 0 =>
-      case otherwise    =>
+      case otherwise =>
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Chromosome " + name + " is not found in the alignment file")
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/FastqSplitter.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/FastqSplitter.scala
index c59d8a2464797f03eca4e0f7b2d6c3e0965ab624..9a95d2435c6ad44020a0438cac8ed3e7ce55df8c 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/FastqSplitter.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/FastqSplitter.scala
@@ -24,22 +24,24 @@ class FastqSplitter(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetJavaCommandLineFunctio
 object FastqSplitter extends ToolCommand {
-  case class Args (inputFile:File = null, outputFile:List[File] = Nil) extends AbstractArgs
+  case class Args(inputFile: File = null, outputFile: List[File] = Nil) extends AbstractArgs
   class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
-    opt[File]('I', "inputFile") required() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(inputFile = x) } text("out is a required file property")
-    opt[File]('o', "output") required() unbounded() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(outputFile = x :: c.outputFile) } text("out is a required file property")
+    opt[File]('I', "inputFile") required () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(inputFile = x)
+    } text ("out is a required file property")
+    opt[File]('o', "output") required () unbounded () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(outputFile = x :: c.outputFile)
+    } text ("out is a required file property")
    * @param args the command line arguments
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val argsParser = new OptParser
-    val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)  
+    val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)
     val groupsize = 100
     val output = for (file <- commandArgs.outputFile) yield new PrintWriter(file)
     val inputStream = {
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/FindRepeatsPacBio.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/FindRepeatsPacBio.scala
index add0849bc4e60e4df8662c5432dad0c197b26631..b6c9690bc90b45c2f9376f69b574e73157f39f06 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/FindRepeatsPacBio.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/FindRepeatsPacBio.scala
@@ -26,40 +26,44 @@ import scala.io.Source
 import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
 object FindRepeatsPacBio extends ToolCommand {
-  case class Args (inputBam:File = null, inputBed:File = null) extends AbstractArgs
+  case class Args(inputBam: File = null, inputBed: File = null) extends AbstractArgs
   class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
-    opt[File]('I', "inputBam") required() maxOccurs(1) valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(inputBam = x) }
-    opt[File]('b', "inputBed") required() maxOccurs(1) valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(inputBed = x) } text("output file, default to stdout")
+    opt[File]('I', "inputBam") required () maxOccurs (1) valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(inputBam = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]('b', "inputBed") required () maxOccurs (1) valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(inputBed = x)
+    } text ("output file, default to stdout")
    * @param args the command line arguments
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val argsParser = new OptParser
     val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)
     val bamReader = new SAMFileReader(commandArgs.inputBam)
     val bamHeader = bamReader.getFileHeader
-    val header = List("chr", "startPos", "stopPos","Repeat_seq", "repeatLength", 
-                      "original_Repeat_readLength", "Calculated_repeat_readLength", 
-                      "minLength", "maxLength", "inserts", "deletions", "notSpan")
+    val header = List("chr", "startPos", "stopPos", "Repeat_seq", "repeatLength",
+      "original_Repeat_readLength", "Calculated_repeat_readLength",
+      "minLength", "maxLength", "inserts", "deletions", "notSpan")
-    for (bedLine <- Source.fromFile(commandArgs.inputBed).getLines;
-      val values = bedLine.split("\t"); if values.size >= 3) {
+    for (
+      bedLine <- Source.fromFile(commandArgs.inputBed).getLines;
+      val values = bedLine.split("\t"); if values.size >= 3
+    ) {
       val interval = new QueryInterval(bamHeader.getSequenceIndex(values(0)), values(1).toInt, values(2).toInt)
       val bamIter = bamReader.query(Array(interval), false)
-      val results = for (samRecord <-bamIter) yield procesSamrecord(samRecord, interval)
+      val results = for (samRecord <- bamIter) yield procesSamrecord(samRecord, interval)
       val chr = values(0)
       val startPos = values(1)
       val stopPos = values(2)
-      val typeRepeat: String = if (values.size >= 15) values(14) else ""    
+      val typeRepeat: String = if (values.size >= 15) values(14) else ""
       val repeatLength = typeRepeat.length
       val oriRepeatLength = values(2).toInt - values(1).toInt + 1
       var calcRepeatLength: List[Int] = Nil
@@ -68,48 +72,48 @@ object FindRepeatsPacBio extends ToolCommand {
       var inserts: List[String] = Nil
       var deletions: List[String] = Nil
       var notSpan = 0
       for (result <- results) {
         if (result.isEmpty) notSpan += 1
         else {
           inserts ::= result.get.ins.map(_.insert).mkString(",")
           deletions ::= result.get.dels.map(_.length).mkString(",")
-          val length = oriRepeatLength - result.get.beginDel - result.get.endDel - 
-                ((0 /: result.get.dels.map(_.length)) (_ + _)) + ((0 /: result.get.ins.map(_.insert.size)) (_ + _))
+          val length = oriRepeatLength - result.get.beginDel - result.get.endDel -
+            ((0 /: result.get.dels.map(_.length))(_ + _)) + ((0 /: result.get.ins.map(_.insert.size))(_ + _))
           calcRepeatLength ::= length
           if (length > maxLength) maxLength = length
           if (length < minLength || minLength == -1) minLength = length
-      println(List(chr, startPos, stopPos, typeRepeat, repeatLength, oriRepeatLength, calcRepeatLength.mkString(","), minLength, 
-                      maxLength, inserts.mkString("/"), deletions.mkString("/"), notSpan).mkString("\t"))
+      println(List(chr, startPos, stopPos, typeRepeat, repeatLength, oriRepeatLength, calcRepeatLength.mkString(","), minLength,
+        maxLength, inserts.mkString("/"), deletions.mkString("/"), notSpan).mkString("\t"))
-  case class Del(pos:Int, length:Int)
-  case class Ins(pos:Int, insert:String)
+  case class Del(pos: Int, length: Int)
+  case class Ins(pos: Int, insert: String)
   class Result() {
     var beginDel = 0
     var endDel = 0
     var dels: List[Del] = Nil
     var ins: List[Ins] = Nil
     var samRecord: SAMRecord = _
     override def toString = {
-      "id: " + samRecord.getReadName + "  beginDel: " + beginDel + "  endDel: " + endDel + "  dels: "  + dels + "  ins: "  + ins
+      "id: " + samRecord.getReadName + "  beginDel: " + beginDel + "  endDel: " + endDel + "  dels: " + dels + "  ins: " + ins
-  def procesSamrecord(samRecord:SAMRecord, interval:QueryInterval): Option[Result] = {
+  def procesSamrecord(samRecord: SAMRecord, interval: QueryInterval): Option[Result] = {
     val readStartPos = List.range(0, samRecord.getReadBases.length)
-          .find(x => samRecord.getReferencePositionAtReadPosition(x) >= interval.start)
+      .find(x => samRecord.getReferencePositionAtReadPosition(x) >= interval.start)
     var readPos = if (readStartPos.isEmpty) return None else readStartPos.get
     if (samRecord.getAlignmentEnd < interval.end) return None
     if (samRecord.getAlignmentStart > interval.start) return None
     var refPos = samRecord.getReferencePositionAtReadPosition(readPos)
     val result = new Result
     result.samRecord = samRecord
     result.beginDel = interval.start - refPos
@@ -119,19 +123,19 @@ object FindRepeatsPacBio extends ToolCommand {
       do {
         readPos += 1
         refPos = samRecord.getReferencePositionAtReadPosition(readPos)
-      } while(refPos < oldReadPos)
+      } while (refPos < oldReadPos)
       val readDiff = readPos - oldReadPos
       val refDiff = refPos - oldRefPos
       if (refPos > interval.end) {
         result.endDel = interval.end - oldRefPos
       } else if (readDiff > refDiff) { //Insertion
-        val insert = for (t <- oldReadPos+1 until readPos) yield samRecord.getReadBases()(t-1).toChar
+        val insert = for (t <- oldReadPos + 1 until readPos) yield samRecord.getReadBases()(t - 1).toChar
         result.ins ::= Ins(oldRefPos, insert.mkString)
       } else if (readDiff < refDiff) { // Deletion
         result.dels ::= Del(oldRefPos, refDiff - readDiff)
     return Some(result)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/MpileupToVcf.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/MpileupToVcf.scala
index a407a64de28c47de0a2c53033793a4b3c4f15a5e..52b5df3f5c5f0d9f6c007e00a48722aece6785ee 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/MpileupToVcf.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/MpileupToVcf.scala
@@ -15,82 +15,89 @@ import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
 class MpileupToVcf(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction {
   javaMainClass = getClass.getName
   @Input(doc = "Input mpileup file", shortName = "mpileup", required = false)
   var inputMpileup: File = _
   @Input(doc = "Input bam file", shortName = "bam", required = false)
   var inputBam: File = _
   @Output(doc = "Output tag library", shortName = "output", required = true)
   var output: File = _
-  var minDP:Option[Int] = config("min_dp")
-  var minAP:Option[Int] = config("min_ap")
-  var homoFraction:Option[Double] = config("homoFraction")
-  var ploidy:Option[Int] = config("ploidy")
+  var minDP: Option[Int] = config("min_dp")
+  var minAP: Option[Int] = config("min_ap")
+  var homoFraction: Option[Double] = config("homoFraction")
+  var ploidy: Option[Int] = config("ploidy")
   var sample: String = _
   var reference: String = config("reference")
   override val defaultVmem = "6G"
   memoryLimit = Option(2.0)
   if (config.contains("target_bed")) defaults ++= Map("samtoolsmpileup" -> Map("interval_bed" -> config("target_bed").getStringList.head,
-                                                                              "disable_baq" -> true, "min_map_quality" -> 1))
+    "disable_baq" -> true, "min_map_quality" -> 1))
   override def afterGraph {
     val samtoolsMpileup = new SamtoolsMpileup(this)
   override def commandLine = {
     (if (inputMpileup == null) {
       val samtoolsMpileup = new SamtoolsMpileup(this)
       samtoolsMpileup.input = inputBam
       samtoolsMpileup.cmdPipe + " | "
-    } else "") + 
-      super.commandLine + 
-      required("-o", output) + 
-      optional("--minDP", minDP) + 
+    } else "") +
+      super.commandLine +
+      required("-o", output) +
+      optional("--minDP", minDP) +
       optional("--minAP", minAP) +
       optional("--homoFraction", homoFraction) +
       optional("--ploidy", ploidy) +
-      required("--sample", sample) + 
+      required("--sample", sample) +
       (if (inputBam == null) required("-I", inputMpileup) else "")
 object MpileupToVcf extends ToolCommand {
-  case class Args (input:File = null, output:File = null, sample:String = null, minDP:Int = 8, minAP:Int = 2, 
-                   homoFraction:Double = 0.8, ploidy:Int = 2) extends AbstractArgs
+  case class Args(input: File = null, output: File = null, sample: String = null, minDP: Int = 8, minAP: Int = 2,
+                  homoFraction: Double = 0.8, ploidy: Int = 2) extends AbstractArgs
   class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
-    opt[File]('I', "input") valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(input = x) }  text("input, default is stdin")
-    opt[File]('o', "output") required() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(output = x) } text("out is a required file property")
-    opt[String]('s', "sample") required() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(sample = x) }
-    opt[Int]("minDP") required() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(minDP = x) }
-    opt[Int]("minAP") required() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(minAP = x) }
-    opt[Double]("homoFraction") required() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(homoFraction = x) }
-    opt[Int]("ploidy") required() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(ploidy = x) }
+    opt[File]('I', "input") valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(input = x)
+    } text ("input, default is stdin")
+    opt[File]('o', "output") required () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(output = x)
+    } text ("out is a required file property")
+    opt[String]('s', "sample") required () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(sample = x)
+    }
+    opt[Int]("minDP") required () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(minDP = x)
+    }
+    opt[Int]("minAP") required () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(minAP = x)
+    }
+    opt[Double]("homoFraction") required () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(homoFraction = x)
+    }
+    opt[Int]("ploidy") required () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(ploidy = x)
+    }
    * @param args the command line arguments
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val argsParser = new OptParser
     val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)
     import scala.collection.mutable.Map
     if (commandArgs.input != null && !commandArgs.input.exists) throw new IllegalStateException("Input file does not exist")
     val writer = new PrintWriter(commandArgs.output)
     writer.println("##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Total Depth\">")
@@ -105,83 +112,85 @@ object MpileupToVcf extends ToolCommand {
     writer.println("#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\tFORMAT\t" + commandArgs.sample)
     val inputStream = if (commandArgs.input != null) Source.fromFile(commandArgs.input).getLines else Source.stdin.getLines
-    class Counts(var forward:Int, var reverse:Int)
-    for (line <- inputStream; 
-         val values = line.split("\t");
-         if values.size > 5) {
+    class Counts(var forward: Int, var reverse: Int)
+    for (
+      line <- inputStream;
+      val values = line.split("\t");
+      if values.size > 5
+    ) {
       val chr = values(0)
       val pos = values(1)
       val ref = values(2)
       val reads = values(3).toInt
       val mpileup = values(4)
       val qual = values(5)
-      val counts: Map[String, Counts] = Map(ref.toUpperCase -> new Counts(0,0))
-      def addCount(s:String) {
+      val counts: Map[String, Counts] = Map(ref.toUpperCase -> new Counts(0, 0))
+      def addCount(s: String) {
         val upper = s.toUpperCase
-        if (!counts.contains(upper)) counts += upper -> new Counts(0,0)
+        if (!counts.contains(upper)) counts += upper -> new Counts(0, 0)
         if (s(0).isLower) counts(upper).reverse += 1
         else counts(upper).forward += 1
       var t = 0
       var dels = 0
-      while(t < mpileup.size) {
+      while (t < mpileup.size) {
         mpileup(t) match {
           case ',' => {
-              addCount(ref.toLowerCase)
-              t += 1
+            addCount(ref.toLowerCase)
+            t += 1
           case '.' => {
-              addCount(ref.toUpperCase)
-              t += 1
+            addCount(ref.toUpperCase)
+            t += 1
           case '^' => t += 2
           case '$' => t += 1
           case '*' => {
-              dels += 1
-              t += 1
+            dels += 1
+            t += 1
           case '+' | '-' => {
+            t += 1
+            var size = ""
+            var insert = ""
+            while (mpileup(t).isDigit) {
+              size += mpileup(t)
               t += 1
-              var size = ""
-              var insert = ""
-              while (mpileup(t).isDigit) {
-                size += mpileup(t)
-                t += 1
-              }
-              for (c <- t until t + size.toInt) insert = insert + mpileup(c)
-              t += size.toInt
+            }
+            for (c <- t until t + size.toInt) insert = insert + mpileup(c)
+            t += size.toInt
-          case 'a' | 'c' | 't' | 'g' | 'A' | 'C' | 'T' | 'G' =>  {
-              addCount(mpileup(t).toString)
-              t += 1
+          case 'a' | 'c' | 't' | 'g' | 'A' | 'C' | 'T' | 'G' => {
+            addCount(mpileup(t).toString)
+            t += 1
           case _ => t += 1
       val info: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer("DP=" + reads)
       val format: Map[String, String] = Map("DP" -> reads.toString)
       val alt: ArrayBuffer[String] = new ArrayBuffer
       format += ("RFC" -> counts(ref.toUpperCase).forward.toString)
       format += ("RRC" -> counts(ref.toUpperCase).reverse.toString)
       format += ("AD" -> (counts(ref.toUpperCase).forward + counts(ref.toUpperCase).reverse).toString)
-      if (reads >= commandArgs.minDP) for ((key, value) <- counts if key != ref.toUpperCase if value.forward+value.reverse >= commandArgs.minAP) {
+      if (reads >= commandArgs.minDP) for ((key, value) <- counts if key != ref.toUpperCase if value.forward + value.reverse >= commandArgs.minAP) {
         alt += key
         format += ("AD" -> (format("AD") + "," + (value.forward + value.reverse).toString))
-        format += ("AFC" -> ( (if (format.contains("AFC")) format("AFC") + "," else "") + value.forward))
-        format += ("ARC" -> ( (if (format.contains("ARC")) format("ARC") + "," else "") + value.reverse))
-        format += ("FREQ" -> ( (if (format.contains("FREQ")) format("FREQ") + "," else "") + 
-                              round((value.forward+value.reverse).toDouble/reads*1E4).toDouble/1E2))
+        format += ("AFC" -> ((if (format.contains("AFC")) format("AFC") + "," else "") + value.forward))
+        format += ("ARC" -> ((if (format.contains("ARC")) format("ARC") + "," else "") + value.reverse))
+        format += ("FREQ" -> ((if (format.contains("FREQ")) format("FREQ") + "," else "") +
+          round((value.forward + value.reverse).toDouble / reads * 1E4).toDouble / 1E2))
       if (alt.size > 0) {
         val ad = for (ad <- format("AD").split(",")) yield ad.toInt
         var left = reads - dels
         val gt = ArrayBuffer[Int]()
         for (p <- 0 to alt.size if gt.size < commandArgs.ploidy) {
           var max = -1
           for (a <- 0 until ad.length if ad(a) > (if (max >= 0) ad(max) else -1) && !gt.exists(_ == a)) max = a
@@ -192,9 +201,9 @@ object MpileupToVcf extends ToolCommand {
           left -= ad(max)
-        writer.println(Array(chr, pos, ".", ref.toUpperCase, alt.mkString(","), ".", ".", info.mkString(";"), 
-                                    "GT:" + format.keys.mkString(":"), gt.sortWith(_ < _).mkString("/") + ":" + format.values.mkString(":")
-                            ).mkString("\t"))
+        writer.println(Array(chr, pos, ".", ref.toUpperCase, alt.mkString(","), ".", ".", info.mkString(";"),
+          "GT:" + format.keys.mkString(":"), gt.sortWith(_ < _).mkString("/") + ":" + format.values.mkString(":")
+        ).mkString("\t"))
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/SageCountFastq.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/SageCountFastq.scala
index a07cc4b8bb8eb73aeb00d1dbc2b2880b761b6acc..b2b10550328709ed41745005d5ce8a410fd8d4ac 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/SageCountFastq.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/SageCountFastq.scala
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.ToolCommand
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.config.Configurable
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.{ Input, Output }
-import org.biojava3.sequencing.io.fastq.{SangerFastqReader, StreamListener, Fastq}
+import org.biojava3.sequencing.io.fastq.{ SangerFastqReader, StreamListener, Fastq }
 import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
 import scala.collection.SortedMap
 import scala.collection.mutable.Map
@@ -17,44 +17,46 @@ class SageCountFastq(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetJavaCommandLineFuncti
   @Input(doc = "Input fasta", shortName = "input", required = true)
   var input: File = _
   @Output(doc = "Output tag library", shortName = "output", required = true)
   var output: File = _
   override val defaultVmem = "8G"
   memoryLimit = Option(4.0)
-  override def commandLine = super.commandLine + 
-    required("-I", input) + 
+  override def commandLine = super.commandLine +
+    required("-I", input) +
     required("-o", output)
 object SageCountFastq extends ToolCommand {
-  case class Args (input:File = null, output:File = null) extends AbstractArgs
+  case class Args(input: File = null, output: File = null) extends AbstractArgs
   class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
-    opt[File]('I', "input") required() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(input = x) }
-    opt[File]('o', "output") required() unbounded() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(output = x) }
+    opt[File]('I', "input") required () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(input = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]('o', "output") required () unbounded () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(output = x)
+    }
    * @param args the command line arguments
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val argsParser = new OptParser
     val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)
     if (!commandArgs.input.exists) throw new IllegalStateException("Input file not found, file: " + commandArgs.input)
-    val counts:Map[String, Long] = Map()
+    val counts: Map[String, Long] = Map()
     val reader = new SangerFastqReader
     var count = 0
     logger.info("Reading fastq file: " + commandArgs.input)
     val fileReader = new FileReader(commandArgs.input)
     reader.stream(fileReader, new StreamListener {
-      def fastq(fastq:Fastq) {
+      def fastq(fastq: Fastq) {
         val seq = fastq.getSequence
         if (counts.contains(seq)) counts(seq) += 1
         else counts += (seq -> 1)
@@ -63,13 +65,13 @@ object SageCountFastq extends ToolCommand {
     logger.info(count + " sequences done")
-    val sortedCounts:SortedMap[String, Long] = SortedMap(counts.toArray:_*)
+    val sortedCounts: SortedMap[String, Long] = SortedMap(counts.toArray: _*)
     logger.info("Writting outputfile: " + commandArgs.output)
     val writer = new PrintWriter(commandArgs.output)
-    for ((seq,count) <- sortedCounts) {
+    for ((seq, count) <- sortedCounts) {
       writer.println(seq + "\t" + count)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/SageCreateLibrary.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/SageCreateLibrary.scala
index b339ab2471e756e654fbbe621e15a1ac7f5a36cb..61336896ed4c8f2a3140ba6143060ab6f5bd1ef4 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/SageCreateLibrary.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/SageCreateLibrary.scala
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import org.biojava3.core.sequence.DNASequence
 import org.biojava3.core.sequence.io.FastaReaderHelper
 import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.{ Input, Output }
 import scala.collection.SortedMap
-import scala.collection.mutable.{Map, Set}
+import scala.collection.mutable.{ Map, Set }
 import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
 import scala.util.matching.Regex
@@ -18,28 +18,28 @@ class SageCreateLibrary(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetJavaCommandLineFun
   @Input(doc = "Input fasta", shortName = "input", required = true)
   var input: File = _
   @Output(doc = "Output tag library", shortName = "output", required = true)
   var output: File = _
   @Output(doc = "Output no tags", shortName = "noTagsOutput", required = false)
   var noTagsOutput: File = _
   @Output(doc = "Output no anti tags library", shortName = "noAntiTagsOutput", required = false)
   var noAntiTagsOutput: File = _
   @Output(doc = "Output file all genes", shortName = "allGenes", required = false)
   var allGenesOutput: File = _
   var tag: String = config("tag", default = "CATG")
   var length: Option[Int] = config("length", default = 17)
   override val defaultVmem = "8G"
   memoryLimit = Option(4.0)
-  override def commandLine = super.commandLine + 
-    required("-I", input) + 
-    optional("--tag", tag) + 
+  override def commandLine = super.commandLine +
+    required("-I", input) +
+    optional("--tag", tag) +
     optional("--length", length) +
     optional("--notag", noTagsOutput) +
     optional("--noantitag", noAntiTagsOutput) +
@@ -47,54 +47,61 @@ class SageCreateLibrary(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetJavaCommandLineFun
 object SageCreateLibrary extends ToolCommand {
-  case class Args (input:File = null, tag:String = "CATG", length:Int = 17,output:File = null, noTagsOutput:File = null, 
-                   noAntiTagsOutput:File = null, allGenesOutput:File = null) extends AbstractArgs
+  case class Args(input: File = null, tag: String = "CATG", length: Int = 17, output: File = null, noTagsOutput: File = null,
+                  noAntiTagsOutput: File = null, allGenesOutput: File = null) extends AbstractArgs
   class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
-    opt[File]('I', "input") required() unbounded() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(input = x) }
-    opt[File]('o', "output") required() unbounded() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(output = x) }
-    opt[String]("tag") required() unbounded() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(tag = x) }
-    opt[Int]("length") required() unbounded() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(length = x) }
-    opt[File]("noTagsOutput") required() unbounded() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(noTagsOutput = x) }
-    opt[File]("noAntiTagsOutput") required() unbounded() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(noAntiTagsOutput = x) }
-    opt[File]("allGenesOutput") required() unbounded() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(allGenesOutput = x) }
+    opt[File]('I', "input") required () unbounded () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(input = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]('o', "output") required () unbounded () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(output = x)
+    }
+    opt[String]("tag") required () unbounded () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(tag = x)
+    }
+    opt[Int]("length") required () unbounded () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(length = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]("noTagsOutput") required () unbounded () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(noTagsOutput = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]("noAntiTagsOutput") required () unbounded () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(noAntiTagsOutput = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]("allGenesOutput") required () unbounded () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(allGenesOutput = x)
+    }
   var tagRegex: Regex = null
   var geneRegex = """ENSG[0-9]{11}""".r
   val tagGenesMap: Map[String, TagGenes] = Map()
   val allGenes: Set[String] = Set()
   val tagGenes: Set[String] = Set()
   val antiTagGenes: Set[String] = Set()
   class TagGenes {
     val firstTag: Set[String] = Set()
-    val allTags:Set[String] = Set()
+    val allTags: Set[String] = Set()
     val firstAntiTag: Set[String] = Set()
-    val allAntiTags:Set[String] = Set()
+    val allAntiTags: Set[String] = Set()
-  class TagResult( val firstTag: String, val allTags:List[String], val firstAntiTag: String, val allAntiTags:List[String] )
+  class TagResult(val firstTag: String, val allTags: List[String], val firstAntiTag: String, val allAntiTags: List[String])
    * @param args the command line arguments
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val argsParser = new OptParser
     val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)
     if (!commandArgs.input.exists) throw new IllegalStateException("Input file not found, file: " + commandArgs.input)
     tagRegex = (commandArgs.tag + "[CATG]{" + commandArgs.length + "}").r
     var count = 0
     System.err.println("Reading fasta file")
     val reader = FastaReaderHelper.readFastaDNASequence(commandArgs.input)
@@ -105,22 +112,22 @@ object SageCreateLibrary extends ToolCommand {
       if (count % 10000 == 0) System.err.println(count + " transcripts done")
     System.err.println(count + " transcripts done")
     System.err.println("Start sorting tags")
-    val tagGenesMapSorted:SortedMap[String, TagGenes] = SortedMap(tagGenesMap.toArray:_*)
+    val tagGenesMapSorted: SortedMap[String, TagGenes] = SortedMap(tagGenesMap.toArray: _*)
     System.err.println("Writting output files")
     val writer = new PrintWriter(commandArgs.output)
     for ((tag, genes) <- tagGenesMapSorted) {
       val line = tag + "\t" + genes.firstTag.mkString(",") +
-                       "\t" + genes.allTags.mkString(",") +
-                       "\t" + genes.firstAntiTag.mkString(",") +
-                       "\t" + genes.allAntiTags.mkString(",")
+        "\t" + genes.allTags.mkString(",") +
+        "\t" + genes.firstAntiTag.mkString(",") +
+        "\t" + genes.allAntiTags.mkString(",")
     if (commandArgs.noTagsOutput != null) {
       val writer = new PrintWriter(commandArgs.noTagsOutput)
       for (gene <- allGenes if !tagGenes.contains(gene)) {
@@ -128,7 +135,7 @@ object SageCreateLibrary extends ToolCommand {
     if (commandArgs.noAntiTagsOutput != null) {
       val writer = new PrintWriter(commandArgs.noAntiTagsOutput)
       for (gene <- allGenes if !antiTagGenes.contains(gene)) {
@@ -136,7 +143,7 @@ object SageCreateLibrary extends ToolCommand {
     if (commandArgs.allGenesOutput != null) {
       val writer = new PrintWriter(commandArgs.allGenesOutput)
       for (gene <- allGenes) {
@@ -145,44 +152,44 @@ object SageCreateLibrary extends ToolCommand {
-  def addTagresultToTaglib(name:String, tagResult:TagResult) {
+  def addTagresultToTaglib(name: String, tagResult: TagResult) {
     val id = name.split(" ").head //.stripPrefix("hg19_ensGene_")
     val geneID = geneRegex.findFirstIn(name).getOrElse("unknown_gene")
     if (tagResult.firstTag != null) {
       if (!tagGenesMap.contains(tagResult.firstTag)) tagGenesMap += (tagResult.firstTag -> new TagGenes)
     for (tag <- tagResult.allTags) {
       if (!tagGenesMap.contains(tag)) tagGenesMap += (tag -> new TagGenes)
     if (tagResult.firstAntiTag != null) {
       if (!tagGenesMap.contains(tagResult.firstAntiTag)) tagGenesMap += (tagResult.firstAntiTag -> new TagGenes)
     for (tag <- tagResult.allAntiTags) {
       if (!tagGenesMap.contains(tag)) tagGenesMap += (tag -> new TagGenes)
-  def getTags(name:String, seq: DNASequence): TagResult = {
+  def getTags(name: String, seq: DNASequence): TagResult = {
     val allTags: List[String] = for (tag <- tagRegex.findAllMatchIn(seq.getSequenceAsString).toList) yield tag.toString
     val firstTag = if (allTags.isEmpty) null else allTags.last
     val allAntiTags: List[String] = for (tag <- tagRegex.findAllMatchIn(seq.getReverseComplement.getSequenceAsString).toList) yield tag.toString
-    val firstAntiTag = if (allAntiTags.isEmpty) null else  allAntiTags.head
+    val firstAntiTag = if (allAntiTags.isEmpty) null else allAntiTags.head
     val result = new TagResult(firstTag, allTags, firstAntiTag, allAntiTags)
     addTagresultToTaglib(name, result)
     return result
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/SageCreateTagCounts.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/SageCreateTagCounts.scala
index 1bfc6e0f8606c3ed14576791f9ac50a8cfa99b04..eba1ff87f3984f5996071059dd9f05dd2163ab71 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/SageCreateTagCounts.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/SageCreateTagCounts.scala
@@ -15,62 +15,68 @@ class SageCreateTagCounts(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetJavaCommandLineF
   @Input(doc = "Raw count file", shortName = "input", required = true)
   var input: File = _
   @Input(doc = "tag library", shortName = "taglib", required = true)
   var tagLib: File = _
   @Output(doc = "Sense count file", shortName = "sense", required = true)
   var countSense: File = _
   @Output(doc = "Sense all coun filet", shortName = "allsense", required = true)
   var countAllSense: File = _
   @Output(doc = "AntiSense count file", shortName = "antisense", required = true)
   var countAntiSense: File = _
   @Output(doc = "AntiSense all count file", shortName = "allantisense", required = true)
   var countAllAntiSense: File = _
   override val defaultVmem = "8G"
   memoryLimit = Option(4.0)
-  override def commandLine = super.commandLine + 
-    required("-I", input) + 
-    required("--taglib", tagLib) + 
-    optional("--sense", countSense) + 
-    optional("--allsense", countAllSense) + 
-    optional("--antisense", countAntiSense) + 
+  override def commandLine = super.commandLine +
+    required("-I", input) +
+    required("--taglib", tagLib) +
+    optional("--sense", countSense) +
+    optional("--allsense", countAllSense) +
+    optional("--antisense", countAntiSense) +
     optional("--allantisense", countAllAntiSense)
 object SageCreateTagCounts extends ToolCommand {
-  case class Args (input:File = null, tagLib:File = null, countSense:File = null, countAllSense:File = null, 
-                   countAntiSense:File = null, countAllAntiSense:File = null) extends AbstractArgs
+  case class Args(input: File = null, tagLib: File = null, countSense: File = null, countAllSense: File = null,
+                  countAntiSense: File = null, countAllAntiSense: File = null) extends AbstractArgs
   class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
-    opt[File]('I', "input") required() unbounded() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(input = x) }
-    opt[File]('t', "tagLib") required() unbounded() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(tagLib = x) }
-    opt[File]("countSense") unbounded() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(countSense = x) }
-    opt[File]("countAllSense") unbounded() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(countAllSense = x) }
-    opt[File]("countAntiSense") unbounded() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(countAntiSense = x) }
-    opt[File]("countAllAntiSense") unbounded() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(countAllAntiSense = x) }
+    opt[File]('I', "input") required () unbounded () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(input = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]('t', "tagLib") required () unbounded () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(tagLib = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]("countSense") unbounded () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(countSense = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]("countAllSense") unbounded () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(countAllSense = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]("countAntiSense") unbounded () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(countAntiSense = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]("countAllAntiSense") unbounded () valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(countAllAntiSense = x)
+    }
    * @param args the command line arguments
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val argsParser = new OptParser
     val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)
     if (!commandArgs.input.exists) throw new IllegalStateException("Input file not found, file: " + commandArgs.input)
     val rawCounts: Map[String, Long] = Map()
     for (line <- Source.fromFile(commandArgs.input).getLines) {
       val values = line.split("\t")
@@ -79,50 +85,50 @@ object SageCreateTagCounts extends ToolCommand {
       if (rawCounts.contains(gene)) rawCounts(gene) += count
       else rawCounts += gene -> count
     val senseCounts: Map[String, Long] = Map()
     val allSenseCounts: Map[String, Long] = Map()
     val antiSenseCounts: Map[String, Long] = Map()
     val allAntiSenseCounts: Map[String, Long] = Map()
     for (line <- Source.fromFile(commandArgs.tagLib).getLines if !line.startsWith("#")) {
       val values = line.split("\t")
-      val tag = values(0) 
+      val tag = values(0)
       val sense = values(1)
       val allSense = values(2)
       val antiSense = if (values.size > 3) values(3) else ""
       val allAntiSense = if (values.size > 4) values(4) else ""
       if (!sense.isEmpty && !sense.contains(",")) {
         val count = if (rawCounts.contains(tag)) rawCounts(tag) else 0
         if (senseCounts.contains(sense)) senseCounts(sense) += count
         else senseCounts += sense -> count
       if (!allSense.isEmpty && !allSense.contains(",")) {
         val count = if (rawCounts.contains(tag)) rawCounts(tag) else 0
         if (allSenseCounts.contains(allSense)) allSenseCounts(allSense) += count
         else allSenseCounts += allSense -> count
       if (!antiSense.isEmpty && !antiSense.contains(",")) {
         val count = if (rawCounts.contains(tag)) rawCounts(tag) else 0
         if (antiSenseCounts.contains(antiSense)) antiSenseCounts(antiSense) += count
         else antiSenseCounts += antiSense -> count
       if (!allAntiSense.isEmpty && !allAntiSense.contains(",")) {
         val count = if (rawCounts.contains(tag)) rawCounts(tag) else 0
         if (allAntiSenseCounts.contains(allAntiSense)) allAntiSenseCounts(allAntiSense) += count
         else allAntiSenseCounts += allAntiSense -> count
-    def writeFile(file:File, counts:Map[String, Long]) {
-      val sorted: SortedMap[String,Long] = SortedMap(counts.toArray:_*)
+    def writeFile(file: File, counts: Map[String, Long]) {
+      val sorted: SortedMap[String, Long] = SortedMap(counts.toArray: _*)
       if (file != null) {
         val writer = new PrintWriter(file)
-        for ((gene,count) <- sorted) {
+        for ((gene, count) <- sorted) {
           if (count > 0) writer.println(gene + "\t" + count)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/VcfFilter.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/VcfFilter.scala
index dfd93ff511ac2c64792722893fbb507f8cc6f61e..d9f9c8c49aad126d42d3538e3276274b66e83d2c 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/VcfFilter.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/VcfFilter.scala
@@ -16,19 +16,19 @@ class VcfFilter(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction {
   @Input(doc = "Input vcf", shortName = "I", required = true)
   var inputVcf: File = _
   @Output(doc = "Output vcf", shortName = "o", required = false)
   var outputVcf: File = _
   var minSampleDepth: Option[Int] = _
   var minTotalDepth: Option[Int] = _
   var minAlternateDepth: Option[Int] = _
   var minSamplesPass: Option[Int] = _
   var filterRefCalls: Boolean = _
   override val defaultVmem = "8G"
   memoryLimit = Option(4.0)
   override def afterGraph {
     minSampleDepth = config("min_sample_depth")
     minTotalDepth = config("min_total_depth")
@@ -36,82 +36,90 @@ class VcfFilter(val root: Configurable) extends BiopetJavaCommandLineFunction {
     minSamplesPass = config("min_samples_pass")
     filterRefCalls = config("filter_ref_calls")
-  override def commandLine = super.commandLine + 
-    required("-I", inputVcf) + 
+  override def commandLine = super.commandLine +
+    required("-I", inputVcf) +
     required("-o", outputVcf) +
     optional("--minSampleDepth", minSampleDepth) +
     optional("--minTotalDepth", minTotalDepth) +
-    optional("--minAlternateDepth", minAlternateDepth) + 
+    optional("--minAlternateDepth", minAlternateDepth) +
     optional("--minSamplesPass", minSamplesPass) +
     conditional(filterRefCalls, "--filterRefCalls")
 object VcfFilter extends ToolCommand {
-  case class Args (inputVcf:File = null, outputVcf:File = null, minSampleDepth: Int = -1, minTotalDepth: Int = -1,
-                   minAlternateDepth: Int = -1, minSamplesPass: Int = 0, minBamAlternateDepth: Int = 0, filterRefCalls: Boolean = false) extends AbstractArgs
+  case class Args(inputVcf: File = null, outputVcf: File = null, minSampleDepth: Int = -1, minTotalDepth: Int = -1,
+                  minAlternateDepth: Int = -1, minSamplesPass: Int = 0, minBamAlternateDepth: Int = 0, filterRefCalls: Boolean = false) extends AbstractArgs
   class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
-    opt[File]('I', "inputVcf") required() maxOccurs(1) valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(inputVcf = x) }
-    opt[File]('o', "outputVcf") required() maxOccurs(1) valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(outputVcf = x) } text("output file, default to stdout")
-    opt[Int]("minSampleDepth") unbounded() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(minSampleDepth = x ) }
-    opt[Int]("minTotalDepth") unbounded() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(minTotalDepth = x ) }
-    opt[Int]("minAlternateDepth") unbounded() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(minAlternateDepth = x) }
-    opt[Int]("minSamplesPass") unbounded() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(minSamplesPass = x) }
-    opt[Int]("minBamAlternateDepth") unbounded() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(minBamAlternateDepth = x) }
-    opt[Unit]("filterRefCalls") unbounded() action { (x, c) => 
-      c.copy(filterRefCalls = true) }
+    opt[File]('I', "inputVcf") required () maxOccurs (1) valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(inputVcf = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]('o', "outputVcf") required () maxOccurs (1) valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(outputVcf = x)
+    } text ("output file, default to stdout")
+    opt[Int]("minSampleDepth") unbounded () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(minSampleDepth = x)
+    }
+    opt[Int]("minTotalDepth") unbounded () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(minTotalDepth = x)
+    }
+    opt[Int]("minAlternateDepth") unbounded () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(minAlternateDepth = x)
+    }
+    opt[Int]("minSamplesPass") unbounded () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(minSamplesPass = x)
+    }
+    opt[Int]("minBamAlternateDepth") unbounded () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(minBamAlternateDepth = x)
+    }
+    opt[Unit]("filterRefCalls") unbounded () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(filterRefCalls = true)
+    }
    * @param args the command line arguments
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val argsParser = new OptParser
     val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)
     val reader = new VCFFileReader(commandArgs.inputVcf, false)
     val header = reader.getFileHeader
     val writer = new AsyncVariantContextWriter(new VariantContextWriterBuilder().setOutputFile(commandArgs.outputVcf).build)
     val bamADFields = (for (line <- header.getInfoHeaderLines if line.getID.startsWith("BAM-AD-")) yield line.getID).toList
     val bamDPFields = (for (line <- header.getInfoHeaderLines if line.getID.startsWith("BAM-DP-")) yield line.getID).toList
     for (record <- reader) {
       val genotypes = for (genotype <- record.getGenotypes) yield {
         val DP = if (genotype.hasDP) genotype.getDP else -1
-        val AD = if (genotype.hasAD) List(genotype.getAD:_*) else Nil
-        DP >= commandArgs.minSampleDepth && 
-        (if (!AD.isEmpty) AD.tail.count(_ >= commandArgs.minAlternateDepth) > 0 else true) &&
-        !(commandArgs.filterRefCalls && genotype.isHomRef)
+        val AD = if (genotype.hasAD) List(genotype.getAD: _*) else Nil
+        DP >= commandArgs.minSampleDepth &&
+          (if (!AD.isEmpty) AD.tail.count(_ >= commandArgs.minAlternateDepth) > 0 else true) &&
+          !(commandArgs.filterRefCalls && genotype.isHomRef)
       val bamADvalues = (for (field <- bamADFields) yield {
         record.getAttribute(field, new ArrayList) match {
-          case t:ArrayList[_] if t.length > 1 => {
-              for (i <- 1 until t.size) yield {
-                t(i) match {
-                  case a:Int => a > commandArgs.minBamAlternateDepth
-                  case a:String => a.toInt > commandArgs.minBamAlternateDepth
-                  case _ => false
-                }
+          case t: ArrayList[_] if t.length > 1 => {
+            for (i <- 1 until t.size) yield {
+              t(i) match {
+                case a: Int    => a > commandArgs.minBamAlternateDepth
+                case a: String => a.toInt > commandArgs.minBamAlternateDepth
+                case _         => false
+            }
           case _ => List(false)
-      if (record.getAttributeAsInt("DP", -1) >= commandArgs.minTotalDepth && 
-          genotypes.count(_ == true) >= commandArgs.minSamplesPass &&
-          (commandArgs.minBamAlternateDepth <= 0 || bamADvalues.count(_ == true) >= commandArgs.minSamplesPass))
+      if (record.getAttributeAsInt("DP", -1) >= commandArgs.minTotalDepth &&
+        genotypes.count(_ == true) >= commandArgs.minSamplesPass &&
+        (commandArgs.minBamAlternateDepth <= 0 || bamADvalues.count(_ == true) >= commandArgs.minSamplesPass))
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/VcfToTsv.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/VcfToTsv.scala
index 3629ad74a4e8577aaf30f3d50f4183149a8d756d..1a5c374fca1990f33f321aaef8a8c3b2a9be3d83 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/VcfToTsv.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/VcfToTsv.scala
@@ -21,78 +21,85 @@ import java.io.File
 import java.io.PrintStream
 import nl.lumc.sasc.biopet.core.ToolCommand
 import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-import scala.collection.mutable.{Map, ListBuffer}
+import scala.collection.mutable.{ Map, ListBuffer }
 class VcfToTsv {
   // TODO: Queue wrapper
 object VcfToTsv extends ToolCommand {
-  case class Args (inputFile:File = null, outputFile:File = null, fields: List[String] = Nil, infoFields: List[String] = Nil,
-                   sampleFileds: List[String] = Nil, disableDefaults: Boolean = false, 
-                   allInfo:Boolean = false, allFormat:Boolean = false) extends AbstractArgs
+  case class Args(inputFile: File = null, outputFile: File = null, fields: List[String] = Nil, infoFields: List[String] = Nil,
+                  sampleFileds: List[String] = Nil, disableDefaults: Boolean = false,
+                  allInfo: Boolean = false, allFormat: Boolean = false) extends AbstractArgs
   class OptParser extends AbstractOptParser {
-    opt[File]('I', "inputFile") required() maxOccurs(1) valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(inputFile = x) }
-    opt[File]('o', "outputFile") maxOccurs(1) valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(outputFile = x) } text("output file, default to stdout")
-    opt[String]('f', "field") unbounded() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(fields = x :: c.fields) }
-    opt[String]('i', "info_field") unbounded() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(infoFields = x :: c.infoFields) }
-    opt[Unit]("all_info") unbounded() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(allInfo = true) }
-    opt[Unit]("all_format") unbounded() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(allFormat = true) }
-    opt[String]('s', "sample_field") unbounded() action { (x, c) =>
-      c.copy(sampleFileds = x :: c.sampleFileds) }
-    opt[Unit]('d', "disable_defaults") unbounded() action { (x, c) => 
-      c.copy(disableDefaults = true) }
+    opt[File]('I', "inputFile") required () maxOccurs (1) valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(inputFile = x)
+    }
+    opt[File]('o', "outputFile") maxOccurs (1) valueName ("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(outputFile = x)
+    } text ("output file, default to stdout")
+    opt[String]('f', "field") unbounded () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(fields = x :: c.fields)
+    }
+    opt[String]('i', "info_field") unbounded () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(infoFields = x :: c.infoFields)
+    }
+    opt[Unit]("all_info") unbounded () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(allInfo = true)
+    }
+    opt[Unit]("all_format") unbounded () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(allFormat = true)
+    }
+    opt[String]('s', "sample_field") unbounded () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(sampleFileds = x :: c.sampleFileds)
+    }
+    opt[Unit]('d', "disable_defaults") unbounded () action { (x, c) =>
+      c.copy(disableDefaults = true)
+    }
   val defaultFields = List("chr", "pos", "id", "ref", "alt", "qual")
   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val argsParser = new OptParser
     val commandArgs: Args = argsParser.parse(args, Args()) getOrElse sys.exit(1)
     val reader = new VCFFileReader(commandArgs.inputFile, false)
     val header = reader.getFileHeader
     val samples = header.getSampleNamesInOrder
     val allInfoFields = header.getInfoHeaderLines.map(_.getID).toList
     val allFormatFields = header.getFormatHeaderLines.map(_.getID).toList
-    val fields: Set[String] = (if (commandArgs.disableDefaults) Nil else defaultFields).toSet[String] ++ 
-          commandArgs.fields.toSet[String] ++ 
-          (if (commandArgs.allInfo) allInfoFields else commandArgs.infoFields).map("INFO-"+_) ++ {
-      val buffer: ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer()
-      for (f <- (if (commandArgs.allFormat) allFormatFields else commandArgs.sampleFileds); sample <- samples) {
-        buffer += sample+"-"+f
+    val fields: Set[String] = (if (commandArgs.disableDefaults) Nil else defaultFields).toSet[String] ++
+      commandArgs.fields.toSet[String] ++
+      (if (commandArgs.allInfo) allInfoFields else commandArgs.infoFields).map("INFO-" + _) ++ {
+        val buffer: ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer()
+        for (f <- (if (commandArgs.allFormat) allFormatFields else commandArgs.sampleFileds); sample <- samples) {
+          buffer += sample + "-" + f
+        }
+        buffer.toSet[String]
-      buffer.toSet[String]
-    }
-    val sortedFields = fields.toList.sortWith((a,b) => {
-      val aT = if (a.startsWith("INFO-")) 'i' else if (samples.exists(x => a.startsWith(x+"-"))) 'f' else 'g'
-      val bT = if (b.startsWith("INFO-")) 'i' else if (samples.exists(x => b.startsWith(x+"-"))) 'f' else 'g'
+    val sortedFields = fields.toList.sortWith((a, b) => {
+      val aT = if (a.startsWith("INFO-")) 'i' else if (samples.exists(x => a.startsWith(x + "-"))) 'f' else 'g'
+      val bT = if (b.startsWith("INFO-")) 'i' else if (samples.exists(x => b.startsWith(x + "-"))) 'f' else 'g'
       if (aT == 'g' && bT == 'g') {
         val ai = defaultFields.indexOf(a)
         val bi = defaultFields.indexOf(b)
         if (bi < 0) true
         else ai <= bi
-      }
-      else if (aT == 'g') true
+      } else if (aT == 'g') true
       else if (bT == 'g') false
       else if (aT == bT) (if (a.compareTo(b) > 0) false else true)
       else if (aT == 'i') true
       else false
     val witter = if (commandArgs.outputFile != null) new PrintStream(commandArgs.outputFile)
     else sys.process.stdout
     witter.println(sortedFields.mkString("#", "\t", ""))
     for (vcfRecord <- reader) {
       val values: Map[String, Any] = Map()
@@ -104,36 +111,36 @@ object VcfToTsv extends ToolCommand {
         val t = for (a <- vcfRecord.getAlternateAlleles) yield a.getBaseString
-      values += "qual" -> (if (vcfRecord.getPhredScaledQual == -10) "." else scala.math.round(vcfRecord.getPhredScaledQual*100.0)/100.0)
+      values += "qual" -> (if (vcfRecord.getPhredScaledQual == -10) "." else scala.math.round(vcfRecord.getPhredScaledQual * 100.0) / 100.0)
       values += "filter" -> vcfRecord.getFilters
       for ((field, content) <- vcfRecord.getAttributes) {
-        values += "INFO-"+field -> {
+        values += "INFO-" + field -> {
           content match {
-            case a:List[_] => a.mkString(",")
-            case a:Array[_] => a.mkString(",")
-            case a:java.util.ArrayList[_] => a.mkString(",")
-            case _ => content
+            case a: List[_]                => a.mkString(",")
+            case a: Array[_]               => a.mkString(",")
+            case a: java.util.ArrayList[_] => a.mkString(",")
+            case _                         => content
       for (sample <- samples) {
         val genotype = vcfRecord.getGenotype(sample)
-        values += sample+"-GT" -> {
+        values += sample + "-GT" -> {
           val l = for (g <- genotype.getAlleles) yield vcfRecord.getAlleleIndex(g)
           l.map(x => if (x < 0) "." else x).mkString("/")
-        if (genotype.hasAD) values += sample+"-AD" -> List(genotype.getAD:_*).mkString(",")
-        if (genotype.hasDP) values += sample+"-DP" -> genotype.getDP
-        if (genotype.hasGQ )values += sample+"-GQ" -> genotype.getGQ
-        if (genotype.hasPL) values += sample+"-PL" -> List(genotype.getPL:_*).mkString(",")
+        if (genotype.hasAD) values += sample + "-AD" -> List(genotype.getAD: _*).mkString(",")
+        if (genotype.hasDP) values += sample + "-DP" -> genotype.getDP
+        if (genotype.hasGQ) values += sample + "-GQ" -> genotype.getGQ
+        if (genotype.hasPL) values += sample + "-PL" -> List(genotype.getPL: _*).mkString(",")
         for ((field, content) <- genotype.getExtendedAttributes) {
-          values += sample+"-"+field -> content
+          values += sample + "-" + field -> content
       val line = for (f <- sortedFields) yield {
-        if (values.contains(f)) { 
-          values(f) 
+        if (values.contains(f)) {
+          values(f)
         } else ""
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/WipeReads.scala b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/WipeReads.scala
index d131692da08156dcc7b4fd085e71cb791bfca2c0..37eff846f598514b13d35003dfd8a191f0b1374f 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/WipeReads.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/main/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/WipeReads.scala
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import java.io.File
 import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import com.google.common.hash.{Funnel, BloomFilter, PrimitiveSink}
+import com.google.common.hash.{ Funnel, BloomFilter, PrimitiveSink }
 import htsjdk.samtools.AlignmentBlock
 import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileReader
 import htsjdk.samtools.QueryInterval
@@ -106,13 +106,13 @@ object WipeReads extends ToolCommand {
     /** Function to create iterator from refFlat file */
     def makeFeatureFromRefFlat(inFile: File): Iterator[Feature] = ???
-      // convert coordinate to 1-based fully closed
-      // parse chrom, start blocks, end blocks, strands
+    // convert coordinate to 1-based fully closed
+    // parse chrom, start blocks, end blocks, strands
     /** Function to create iterator from GTF file */
     def makeFeatureFromGtf(inFile: File): Iterator[Feature] = ???
-        // convert coordinate to 1-based fully closed
-        // parse chrom, start blocks, end blocks, strands
+    // convert coordinate to 1-based fully closed
+    // parse chrom, start blocks, end blocks, strands
     // detect interval file format from extension
     val iterFunc: (File => Iterator[Feature]) =
@@ -252,7 +252,6 @@ object WipeReads extends ToolCommand {
         (r: SAMRecord) => readGroupIds.contains(r.getReadGroup.getReadGroupId)
     val readyBam = prepIndexedInputBam()
     /* NOTE: the interval vector here should be bypass-able if we can make
@@ -285,11 +284,11 @@ object WipeReads extends ToolCommand {
       .filter(x => rgFilter(x))
       // fold starting from empty set
       .foldLeft(BloomFilter.create(SAMFunnel, bloomSize.toInt, bloomFp)
-        )((acc, rec) => {
-            acc.put(rec)
-            if (rec.getReadPairedFlag) acc.put(makeMockPair(rec))
-            acc
-          })
+      )((acc, rec) => {
+        acc.put(rec)
+        if (rec.getReadPairedFlag) acc.put(makeMockPair(rec))
+        acc
+      })
     if (filterOutMulti)
       (rec: SAMRecord) => filteredOutSet.mightContain(rec)
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/test/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/LnUnitTest.scala b/biopet-framework/src/test/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/LnUnitTest.scala
index d82d70aef47603d0c7f0a0247b947671e135eca3..76c609094230185cead8dd01789b4604beb87342 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/test/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/LnUnitTest.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/test/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/extensions/LnUnitTest.scala
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class LnUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with Matchers {
     ln.relative = true
     ln.in = new File("/dir/nested/target.txt")
     ln.out = new File("/dir/nested/link.txt")
-    ln.cmd should === ("ln -s 'target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
+    ln.cmd should ===("ln -s 'target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
   @Test(description = "Target is one level above link, relative set to true")
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class LnUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with Matchers {
     ln.relative = true
     ln.in = new File("/dir/target.txt")
     ln.out = new File("/dir/nested/link.txt")
-    ln.cmd should === ("ln -s '../target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
+    ln.cmd should ===("ln -s '../target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
   @Test(description = "Target is two levels above link, relative set to true")
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class LnUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with Matchers {
     ln.relative = true
     ln.in = new File("/target.txt")
     ln.out = new File("/dir/nested/link.txt")
-    ln.cmd should === ("ln -s '../../target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
+    ln.cmd should ===("ln -s '../../target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
   @Test(description = "Target is a child of a directory one level above link, relative set to true")
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class LnUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with Matchers {
     ln.relative = true
     ln.in = new File("/dir/another_nested/target.txt")
     ln.out = new File("/dir/nested/link.txt")
-    ln.cmd should === ("ln -s '../another_nested/target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
+    ln.cmd should ===("ln -s '../another_nested/target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
   @Test(description = "Target is one level below link, relative set to true")
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class LnUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with Matchers {
     ln.relative = true
     ln.in = new File("/dir/nested/deeper/target.txt")
     ln.out = new File("/dir/nested/link.txt")
-    ln.cmd should === ("ln -s 'deeper/target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
+    ln.cmd should ===("ln -s 'deeper/target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
   @Test(description = "Target is two levels below link, relative set to true")
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class LnUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with Matchers {
     ln.relative = true
     ln.in = new File("/dir/nested/even/deeper/target.txt")
     ln.out = new File("/dir/nested/link.txt")
-    ln.cmd should === ("ln -s 'even/deeper/target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
+    ln.cmd should ===("ln -s 'even/deeper/target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
   @Test(description = "Relative set to false")
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class LnUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with Matchers {
     ln.relative = false
     ln.in = new File("/dir/nested/target.txt")
     ln.out = new File("/dir/nested/link.txt")
-    ln.cmd should === ("ln -s '/dir/nested/target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
+    ln.cmd should ===("ln -s '/dir/nested/target.txt' '/dir/nested/link.txt'")
   // TODO: test for case where abosolute is true and input paths are relative?
diff --git a/biopet-framework/src/test/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest.scala b/biopet-framework/src/test/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest.scala
index 0dac57875f5ae3966b009d9605a2e7c7d55b5d96..19b05904b6135df1576d334668a4338494e6bd7f 100644
--- a/biopet-framework/src/test/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest.scala
+++ b/biopet-framework/src/test/scala/nl/lumc/sasc/biopet/tools/ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest.scala
@@ -42,40 +42,40 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
   @Test def testIntervalStartEnd() = {
     val obs = makeIntervalFromString(List("chr5:1000-1100")).next()
     val exp = new Interval("chr5", 1000, 1100)
-    obs.getSequence should === (exp.getSequence)
-    obs.getStart should === (exp.getStart)
-    obs.getEnd should === (exp.getEnd)
+    obs.getSequence should ===(exp.getSequence)
+    obs.getStart should ===(exp.getStart)
+    obs.getEnd should ===(exp.getEnd)
   @Test def testIntervalStartEndComma() = {
     val obs = makeIntervalFromString(List("chr5:1,000-1,100")).next()
     val exp = new Interval("chr5", 1000, 1100)
-    obs.getSequence should === (exp.getSequence)
-    obs.getStart should === (exp.getStart)
-    obs.getEnd should === (exp.getEnd)
+    obs.getSequence should ===(exp.getSequence)
+    obs.getStart should ===(exp.getStart)
+    obs.getEnd should ===(exp.getEnd)
   @Test def testIntervalStartEndDot() = {
     val obs = makeIntervalFromString(List("chr5:1.000-1.100")).next()
     val exp = new Interval("chr5", 1000, 1100)
-    obs.getSequence should === (exp.getSequence)
-    obs.getStart should === (exp.getStart)
-    obs.getEnd should === (exp.getEnd)
+    obs.getSequence should ===(exp.getSequence)
+    obs.getStart should ===(exp.getStart)
+    obs.getEnd should ===(exp.getEnd)
   @Test def testIntervalStart() = {
     val obs = makeIntervalFromString(List("chr5:1000")).next()
     val exp = new Interval("chr5", 1000, 1000)
-    obs.getSequence should === (exp.getSequence)
-    obs.getStart should === (exp.getStart)
-    obs.getEnd should === (exp.getEnd)
+    obs.getSequence should ===(exp.getSequence)
+    obs.getStart should ===(exp.getStart)
+    obs.getEnd should ===(exp.getEnd)
   @Test def testIntervalError() = {
     val thrown = intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
-    thrown.getMessage should === ("Invalid interval string: chr5:1000-")
+    thrown.getMessage should ===("Invalid interval string: chr5:1000-")
   @Test def testMemFuncIntervalError() = {
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
     val thrown = intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
       makeMembershipFunction(iv, inAln)
-    thrown.getMessage should === ("Chromosome chrP is not found in the alignment file")
+    thrown.getMessage should ===("Chromosome chrP is not found in the alignment file")
   @DataProvider(name = "singleAlnProvider1", parallel = true)
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
     val thrown = intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
       selectFastqReads(memFunc, in1, out1, in2)
-    thrown.getMessage should === ("Missing output FASTQ 2")
+    thrown.getMessage should ===("Missing output FASTQ 2")
     verify(out1, never).write(anyObject.asInstanceOf[FastqRecord])
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ class ExtractAlignedFastqUnitTest extends TestNGSuite with MockitoSugar with Mat
     val thrown = intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
       selectFastqReads(memFunc, in1, out1, outputFastq2 = out2)
-    thrown.getMessage should === ("Output FASTQ 2 supplied but there is no input FASTQ 2")
+    thrown.getMessage should ===("Output FASTQ 2 supplied but there is no input FASTQ 2")
     verify(out1, never).write(anyObject.asInstanceOf[FastqRecord])
     verify(out2, never).write(anyObject.asInstanceOf[FastqRecord])