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  • Fokkema's avatar
    Improved viewList() with two new features and few other changes: · 90250ba3
    Fokkema authored
    - viewList() can now skip (permanently hide) columns when called.
      * Implemented this in genes.php for listing of gene's transcripts and in transcripts.php for listing of variants on this transcript.
    - viewList() can now hide the navigation buttons when called. Pagination is automatically turned off when this option is activated.
      * Implemented this in genes.php for listing of gene's transcripts.
    - Implemented /diseases/ABBREVIATION link to /diseases/ID or a viewList() when more than one disease match the given abbreviation.
    - Reverting move of favicon.ico.
    - Minor changes to inc-top.php to prepare a bit for the dropdown menu feature that is planned to be implemented.
    - Fixed minor bug: lovd_queryDB() assumed LOG_EVENT was defined when there was an error and it was requested to halt the system.
    git-svn-id: a7477d18-a37e-46de-aef1-57953c184492