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  • Fokkema's avatar
    Added the configuration area, fixed one bug, some other minor improvements: · 80664d9a
    Fokkema authored
    - Added the images added to the manual in r200, but which I forgot to `svn add`.
    - Added the LOVD Configuration area; just like in LOVD 2.0 it serves as a gene-specific starting page for curators.
    - Fixed bug; Curators could not open the detailed view of a variant's effect on transcripts if the variant was non-public, even though the variant lies within one of their genes.
    - When there is an LOVD update available, this is now displayed in the Setup area.
    - Curators who just logged in without referrer are sent to the configuration page instead of the genes overview, if they have a gene selected that is theirs.
    - Fixed the authorization check for the menu creation in class/template.php such that curators are properly detected.
    - Added transcript menu icons to the dropdown menu.
    git-svn-id: a7477d18-a37e-46de-aef1-57953c184492