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  • Fokkema's avatar
    Fixed some bugs and added Selenium tests: · deb5093e
    Fokkema authored
    - Added new pictures for manual to SVN as well.
    - Fixed bug; The individual's status should of course be hidden from the VOG, Screening and Phenotype VE's, unless the user is at lease Collaborator level user.
    - Fixed bug; In emails sent when an entry had been edited, the "Edited by" field was numeric, instead of showing the user's names.
    - Fixed awkward non-standard order of the "Data status" field in the submission emails.
    - The users list now shows which users already have their ORCID ID filled in, and you can now sort on username.
    - Fixed bug; When LOVD could not send an email, the error was logged twice.
    - Prepared the database for email and ORCID ID verification.
    - Added a whole bunch of Selenium unit tests: create gene, create manager, create curator (and assign to gene), create submitter, uninstall LOVD. Alle unit tests are now also grouped into a Selenium test suite.
    - Added proper assertion at the end of the Selenium LOVD install test.
    - Removed example Selenium test.
    git-svn-id: a7477d18-a37e-46de-aef1-57953c184492