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  • Fokkema's avatar
    Released 3.0-alpha-06: · b18e99ef
    Fokkema authored
    - Fixed bug; The viewLists of individuals, screenings and phenotypes has no functional anchor.
    - Fixed bug; "Owned by" and "Status" fields are now only editable for curators and higher. The status of entries edited by the data owner, will be lowered to Marked, if it was set to Public.
    - Fixed bug; Gene 'ASL' was hard coded in the VariantOnTranscript viewEntry code.
    - Fixed bug; Typing in a non-existing combo of VariantID and TranscriptID resulted in a query error without an error message.
    - Fixed bug; When leaving a Date data field empty, the database stored "0000-00-00".
    - Each object now has a fixed $aCheckMandatory array, since it's actually senseless to construct it using lots of conditions. Anyway fields in there will only be mandatory, when the field is actually in the generated form.
    - Fixed bug; When editing a variant with effects on multiple transcripts, changes to only the first transcript was stored.
    - Fixed bug; Internet Explorer users could be having some trouble with links from the "variants affecting transcripts" page, because Internet Explorer's Javascript engine does not respect the <BASE> tag.
    - The screenings edit form did not remove the user's password when the form was returned to the user.
    - Some minor code cleanups.
    git-svn-id: a7477d18-a37e-46de-aef1-57953c184492