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  • Ivar Lugtenburg's avatar
    Fixed 1 bug & added some new functionalities: · 4fa528d3
    Ivar Lugtenburg authored
    - Fixed bug; Page navigation now reverts to the last page, when a page is requested that is too high.
    - Added the possibility to pass a callback function to lovd_AJAX_viewListSubmit() that will be executed when the viewList is done loading.
    - Added the possibility to add checkboxes to all entries in a viewList and a menu that allows you to perform actions to these entries.
    - Added a JS function cancelParentEvent() that prevents events from propagating to the parent elements.
    - Added a JS function lovd_recordCheckChanges() that records clicked checkboxes in a viewList and sends these ids to the viewList PHP code through GET.
    - Added a JS function lovd_showOptions() that shows a list of options(e.g. "select all/select none") in a small popup window.
    - Rewrote parts of the submission process code.
    - Implemented the new lovd_buildOptionTable() into the submission process.
    - Implemented a functionality to confirm ealier found variants with a screening.
    - Implemented a function generateRowID() in objects.php that sets the proper row_id in viewLists, because we needed this code in other parts of the viewList as well.
    - When removing a transcript from the variant descriptions LOVD will show a warning when the red cross is clicked.
    git-svn-id: a7477d18-a37e-46de-aef1-57953c184492