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  • Fokkema's avatar
    Fixed a large amount of bugs and improved code for enabling default custom columns: · 4b94b0cf
    Fokkema authored
    - Added Selenium unit test for the creation of a disease, linked to a gene.
    - Implemented lovd_addAllDefaultCustomColumns() that adds custom columns to genes and diseases alike, whether new or existing. It replaces lovd_addAllDefaultCustomColumnsForGene().
    - Implemented lovd_addAllDefaultCustomColumns() for newly created diseases, replacing custom code.
    - Fixed bug; The wrong field was highlighted when trying to create a disease with a name already existing in the database.
    - Fixed bug; Genes created when importing SeattleSeq files didn't get their Entrez Gene and OMIM IDs stored.
    - Fixed problem with creating genes and transcripts when importing SeattleSeq annotated files with MySQL's strict mode on.
    - Reformatted the variant mapper a bit; improved variable names and added comments, changed structure just a bit.
    - Fixed problem with creating transcripts by the variant mapper with MySQL's strict mode on.
    - Fixed bug; Mapping variants to transcripts not yet in LOVD failed because of a bug introduced in r256.
    - Fixed bug; The RNA field was not predicted when mapping variants onto transcripts not yet in LOVD.
    git-svn-id: a7477d18-a37e-46de-aef1-57953c184492