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  • van den Berg's avatar
    No longer merge fastq files · 8670b32a
    van den Berg authored
    Instead of merging fastq files as the first step of the pipeline, merge
    as late as possible to make better use of parallelism, and to prevent
    unnecessary reading/writing of all data. Currently, reads are trimmed
    and mapped per read group, and are merge in the picard MarkDuplicates
    step. Therefore, samples are merged as a side effect of another task
    that was performed as well.
    Additionally, fastq processing is now done in a single step using
    cutadapt, instead of using both sickle and cutadapt sequentially.
    As part of these changes, the following changes were made:
     - Use cutadapt to trim both adapters and low quality reads
     - Run bwa align on each readgroup independently
     - Run fastqc on each readgroup independenly
     - Pass multiple bam files to picard MarkDuplicates
     - Remove script
     - Remove fastqc_stats
     - Remove fastqc coverage from covstats
     - Update test data for slight differences in output vcf files
     - Add tests for fastqc zip files