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  • jhoogenboom's avatar
    Laying foundations · 160594c5
    jhoogenboom authored
    * Introducing a new, extended library file format to support
      allele name generation.  The new libconvert tool can convert
      TSSV libraries to the new format and vice versa.
    * Added functions for converting between raw sequences, TSSV-style
      sequences, and allele names.
    * Added global -d/--debug option.
    Stuttermark updates:
    * Stuttermark now automatically converts input sequences to
      TSSV-style if a library is provided.
    * Stuttermark will no longer crash if there is no 'name' column.
      Instead, all sequences are taken to belong to the same marker.
    New tools:
    * libconvert converts between FDSTools and TSSV library formats.
    * seqconvert converts between raw sequences, TSSV-style sequences,
      and allele names.
    * allelefinder detects the true alleles in reference samples.