diff --git a/remotes/remotes_handouts.tex b/remotes/remotes_handouts.tex
index 3008d540a04e136a9466bf7e102fd81a7806d7de..bcd6559c323603a7b2b4c66be6af4dc86dc2c381 100644
--- a/remotes/remotes_handouts.tex
+++ b/remotes/remotes_handouts.tex
@@ -15,10 +15,30 @@ Please take the following into account with respect to our GitLab server:
   \item If you don't have an LUMC account, ask us to create a GitLab account
     for you and select {\em Standard} instead of {\em LDAP} on the login
-  \item Our GitLab server is very similar (in fact, it is a clone) to the
-    popular online GitHub (\url{https://github.com}) and Bitbucket
-    (\url{https://bitbucket.org}) services.
+It is convenient to set up an ssh key on GitLab. Make one as follows (you can leave all fields blank):
+  $ ssh-keygen
+  Enter file in which to save the key (/home/<username>/.ssh/id_rsa):
+  Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
+  Enter same passphrase again:
+Open \url{https://git.lumc.nl} in your browser and log in.
+Click on your avatar (top-right corner), choose ``Settings'', and then go the ``SSH Keys'' page.
+Copy your ssh key, retrieved with the following \lstinline{cat} command, and paste it in the ``Key'' field:
+  $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
+Give your key a title (e.g., ``Course machine'') and press the ``Add key'' button.
 \subsubsection*{Add your repository to GitLab}