From 89f07bac6b07802ca178700300ba5c636fd6c754 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mlefter <>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2017 11:42:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add September 6 session planning draft.

 planning/ | 142 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 142 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 planning/

diff --git a/planning/ b/planning/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..336daeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planning/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# Coordinates
+- Date: 6th of September 2017
+- Time: room is booked between 9:00 - 17:00
+- Location: J1-84 
+# Teachers
+- Bowo
+- Jeroen
+- Jonathan
+- Mihai
+# Audience
+| Department                                 | Organization                |
+| Human Genetics/ Bio -IT                    | LUMC/GenomeScan             |
+| Human Genetics                             | LUMC                        |
+| Hematology                                 | LUMC                        |
+| Cell biology                               | EMC                         |
+| Hematology                                 | LUMC                        |
+| Molecular Cell Biology                     | LUMC                        |
+| Ouderengeneeskunde                         | LUMC                        |
+| Ouderengeneeskunde                         | LUMC                        |
+| KNO                                        | LUMC                        |
+| molecular genetics                         | EMC                         |
+| Radiology                                  | Netherland Cancer Institute |
+| Hematopoiesis                              | Sanquin                     |
+| Molecular Epidemiology                     | LUMC                        |
+| Dermatology                                | LUMC                        |
+| Directorate Education and Study Programmes |                             |
+| ?                                          | Leiden University           |
+| ?                                          | Leiden University           |
+| Dermatology                                | LUMC                        |
+## Introduction (9:00 - 9:30) - Jeroen
+- version control definition
+- motivation
+- repository types:
+  * local
+  * distributed
+  * centralised
+- git history
+- GitHub and GitLab as central remotes
+- GitLab demonstration
+  * logging in
+  * landing page
+  * profile settings
+  * projects
+## Practical (9:30 - 9:45)
+- local configuration
+  *
+  *
+- remote configuration
+  * ssh key generation
+  * add ssh key to GitLab
+## Git basics (9:45 - 10:30) - Bowo
+- local repository init
+- clone an existing remote
+- hidden git directory
+- git operations overview:
+  * track files areas
+  * file states
+- config,, colored output
+- git operations flow:
+  * status
+  * add
+  * commit
+  * diff
+  * log
+  * checkout
+  * reset
+  * revert
+- .gitignore
+Posssible changes:
+- introduce already the commit graph and make it more visual for quicker understanding
+## Practical (10:30 - 11:00)
+- create a repository
+- create a file inside the repository
+- stage the file
+- commit the file
+- edit the file and stage it again
+- check log and see the differences
+- create another file and add it to .gitignore
+## Break (11:00 - 11:15)
+## Git and remote repositories (11:15 - 12:00) - Martijn
+- distributed git
+- view/add remotes
+- transferring commits between repositories:
+  * fetch
+  * merge
+  * pull
+  * push (-u)
+  * clone
+- remote protocols:
+  * local
+  * HTTPS
+  * SSH
+  * Git protocol
+- GitLab
+## Lunch (12:00 - 13:00)
+## Practical (13:00 - 13:30)
+- create a GitLab project
+- add the GitLab project as remote for the local repository created during the previously practical
+- push to the GitLab remote
+- edit some file on GitLab
+- do git fetch and merge
+- change file locally and push to GitLab
+## Data analysis (13:30 - 14:30) - Szymon
+- how GitLab might be used to deliver results to researchers and document their work
+- Markdown
+## Break (14:30 - 14:45)
+## Combing changes by merging (14:45 - 15:30)
+- the git commit graph
+  * briefly on branches
+- inspecting the commit graph
+  * annotated log as an alias
+- merging from remotes
+  * fast forward merge
+  * three-way merge
+- basic merge conflicts
+  * resolve merge conflicts by hand
+  * git mergetool
+  * aborting a merge conflict
+## Practical (15:30 - 16:00)
+- clone a GitLab project from one of the neighbours
+- check the commit graph
+- do a fast-forward merge
+- do a three-way merge
+- resolve a merge conflict
\ No newline at end of file