index 0155c74665e426903692371dfffee3e54902c739..d716611029a762d19d7b49b99021eecd2c342791 100644
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   - Martijn Vermaat (m.vermaat.hg@lumc.nl)
   - Jeroen Laros (j.f.j.laros@lumc.nl)
   - Wibowo Arindrarto (W.Arindrarto@lumc.nl)
-  - Szymon Kiełbasa (S.M.Kielbasa@lumc.nl)
+  - Szymon M. Kiełbasa (S.M.Kielbasa@lumc.nl)
 ## Program
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Very preliminary, please update, extend, or comment.
 | 13:00 | **Git conflicts** | Martijn Vermaat?  | Merge conflicts, protected branches |
 | 13:30 | *Practical*       |                   |                           |
 | 14:00 | Break             |                   |                           |
-| 14:30 | **Data analysis** | Szymon Kiełbasa   | [GitLab use cases: markdown, reproducible reports from Rstudio](usecases/) |
+| 14:30 | **Data analysis** | Szymon M. Kiełbasa | [GitLab use cases: markdown, reproducible reports from Rstudio](usecases/) |
 | 15:00 | *Practical*       |                   |                           |
 | 15:30 | Leftover minutes  |                   | TODO: assign to some lecture or practical |
 | 16:00 | Questions, drinks |                   |                           |
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c8f665a5fd4327b509b4fb715a81c2d7bddd89e3..c3db0f6c2638e20e76c0e09ba232e990305b47a7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 # Code and data management with Git
 This is the website for the course *Code and data management with Git*. This
-course consists of a introduction to working with the [Git](http://git-scm.com/)
-version control system for data analysis and is aimed primarily at researchers
-in the LUMC.
+course consists of an introduction to working with the
+[Git](http://git-scm.com/) version control system for data analysis and is
+aimed primarily at researchers in the LUMC.
 The Git system is widely used by software developers, but can also be used for
 project management. In the LUMC we use [GitLab](https://git.lumc.nl) as a
@@ -12,11 +12,82 @@ history, etc, GitLab makes your projects more reproducible and collaboration
 with colleagues easy ([introduction](http://doc.gitlab.com/ce/gitlab-basics/README.html)). 
-## Course dates
+## Coordinates
+- Date: December 1st, 2015
+- Time: 9:00 - 17:00
+- Location: T-0-010
+- Teachers:
+  - Martijn Vermaat (m.vermaat.hg@lumc.nl)
+  - Jeroen Laros (j.f.j.laros@lumc.nl)
+  - Wibowo Arindrarto (W.Arindrarto@lumc.nl)
+  - Szymon M. Kiełbasa (S.M.Kielbasa@lumc.nl)
+## Program
+This year the contents will be slightly less advanced on the technical side
+(no branching, no git-annex). Instead, there is more focus on using the LUMC
+GitLab server and using Git for data analysis projects.
+| Time  | Subject           | Teacher           | Contents                  |
+| ----- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ------------------------- |
+| 09:00 | **Introduction**  | Jeroen Laros      | Welcome, GitLab overview, SSH keys |
+| 09:30 | *Practical*       |                   |                           |
+| 09:45 | [Git basics](http://bit.ly/lumc_git_basics) | Wibowo Arindrarto | Basic Git command line fu |
+| 10:30 | *Practical*       |                   |                           |
+| 11:00 | Coffee            |                   |                           |
+| 11:15 | **Git remotes**   | Martijn Vermaat   | Sharing and collaborating via GitLab |
+| 11:45 | *Practical*       |                   |                           |
+| 12:00 | Lunch             |                   |                           |
+| 13:00 | *Practical*       |                   |                           |
+| 13:30 | **Git conflicts** | Martijn Vermaat   | Resolving merge conflicts, protected branches |
+| 14:15 | *Practical*       |                   |                           |
+| 14:45 | Break             |                   |                           |
+| 15:00 | [Data analysis](usecases/) | Szymon M. Kiełbasa   | More GitLab, Markdown, data analysis use case |
+| 15:30 | *Practical*       |                   |                           |
+| 16:00 | Questions, drinks |                   |                           |
+## Prerequisites
+Affinity with the UNIX shell is required before taking the course. For
+example, our
+[scripting course](https://humgenprojects.lumc.nl/trac/humgenprojects/wiki/scripting)
+is more than enough, or you could go though
+[tutorials 1-3 here](http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/).
+We encourage you to bring your own laptop, but make sure it has a terminal and
+[Git](http://git-scm.com/) installed. We work with
+[Linux](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux), but Git also runs on Mac OSX. On
+Windows, it is probably easiest to use something like
+[MobaXterm](http://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/) or
+[VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/) with
+We can also provide you with a laptop that has all the required software
+installed. The lessons are interactive, meaning that you really need a
+## Further reading
+- [Code School - Try Git](https://try.github.io/) (you could even try this
+  before the course)
+- [The entire Pro Git book](http://git-scm.com/book) on the official [Git
+  website](http://git-scm.com/)
+- [Ry's Git Tutorial](http://rypress.com/tutorials/git/index.html)
+- [Git tutorials at Atlassian](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorial)
+- [Learn Git Branching](http://pcottle.github.io/learnGitBranching/)
+- [Git cheat sheet](https://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/GitCheatSheet)
+  (useful for printing)
+## Past course dates
 - October 14th, 2013: Git introduction course
 - June 23rd, 2014: Git introduction course
-- **December 1st, 2015: Code and data management with Git** ([preparations](PREPARATIONS.md))
+- December 1st, 2015: Code and data management with Git
 For corresponding snapshots of this repository, see [tags](https://git.lumc.nl/humgen/gitcourse/tags).