# Copyright Sequencing Analysis Support Core - Leiden University Medical Center 2018 # # Tasks from centrifuge task Build { File conversionTable File taxonomyTree File inputFasta String centrifugeIndexBase String? preCommand String? centrifugeBuildExecutable = "centrifuge-build" #Boolean? c = false Boolean? largeIndex = false Boolean? noAuto = false Int? bMax Int? bMaxDivn Boolean? noDiffCover = false Boolean? noRef = false Boolean? justRef = false Int? offRate Int? fTabChars File? nameTable File? sizeTable Int? seed Int? kmerCount Int? threads Int? memory command { set -e -o pipefail ${preCommand} ${"mkdir -p $(dirname " + centrifugeIndexBase + ")"} ${centrifugeBuildExecutable} \ ${true='--large-index' false='' largeIndex} \ ${true='--noauto' false='' noAuto} \ ${'--bmax ' + bMax} \ ${'--bmaxdivn ' + bMaxDivn} \ ${true='--nodc' false='' noDiffCover} \ ${true='--noref' false='' noRef} \ ${true='--justref' false='' justRef} \ ${'--offrate ' + offRate} \ ${'--ftabchars ' + fTabChars} \ ${'--name-table ' + nameTable } \ ${'--size-table ' + sizeTable} \ ${'--seed ' + seed} \ ${'--kmer-count' + kmerCount} \ ${'--threads ' + threads} \ --conversion-table ${conversionTable} \ --taxonomy-tree ${taxonomyTree} \ ${inputFasta} \ ${centrifugeIndexBase} } runtime { cpu: select_first([threads, 8]) memory: select_first([memory, 20]) } } task Classify { String outputDir Boolean? compressOutput = true String? preCommand String indexPrefix Array[File]? unpairedReads Array[File]+ read1 Array[File]? read2 Boolean? fastaInput # Variables for handling output String outputFilePath = outputDir + "/centrifuge.out" String reportFilePath = outputDir + "/centrifuge_report.tsv" String finalOutputPath = if (compressOutput == true) then outputFilePath + ".gz" else outputFilePath String? metFilePath # If this is specified, the report file is empty Int? assignments Int? minHitLen Int? minTotalLen Array[String]? hostTaxIds Array[String]? excludeTaxIds Int? threads Int? memory command { set -e -o pipefail mkdir -p ${outputDir} ${preCommand} centrifuge \ ${"-p " + threads} \ ${"-x " + indexPrefix} \ ${true="-f" false="" fastaInput} \ ${true="-k" false="" defined(assignments)} ${assignments} \ ${true="-1" false="-U" defined(read2)} ${sep=',' read1} \ ${true="-2" false="" defined(read2)} ${sep=',' read2} \ ${true="-U" false="" defined(unpairedReads)} ${sep=',' unpairedReads}\ ${"--report-file " + reportFilePath} \ ${"--min-hitlen " + minHitLen} \ ${"--min-totallen " + minTotalLen} \ ${"--met-file " + metFilePath} \ ${true="--host-taxids " false="" defined(hostTaxIds)} ${sep=',' hostTaxIds} \ ${true="--exclude-taxids " false="" defined(excludeTaxIds)} ${sep=',' excludeTaxIds} \ ${true="| gzip -c >" false="-S" compressOutput} ${finalOutputPath} } output { File classifiedReads = finalOutputPath File reportFile = reportFilePath } runtime { cpu: select_first([threads, 1]) memory: select_first([memory, 4]) } } task Download { String libraryPath Array[String]? domain String? executable = "centrifuge-download" String? preCommand String? seqTaxMapPath String? database = "refseq" String? assemblyLevel String? refseqCategory Array[String]? taxIds Boolean? filterUnplaced = false Boolean? maskLowComplexRegions = false Boolean? downloadRnaSeqs = false Boolean? modifyHeader = false Boolean? downloadGiMap = false # This will use centrifuge-download to download. # The bash statement at the beginning is to make sure # the directory for the SeqTaxMapPath exists. command { set -e -o pipefail ${preCommand} ${"mkdir -p $(dirname " + seqTaxMapPath + ")"} ${executable} \ -o ${libraryPath} \ ${true='-d ' false='' defined(domain)}${sep=',' domain} \ ${'-a "' + assemblyLevel + '"'} \ ${"-c " + refseqCategory} \ ${true='-t' false='' defined(taxIds)} '${sep=',' taxIds}' \ ${true='-r' false='' downloadRnaSeqs} \ ${true='-u' false='' filterUnplaced} \ ${true='-m' false='' maskLowComplexRegions} \ ${true='-l' false='' modifyHeader} \ ${true='-g' false='' downloadGiMap} \ ${database} ${">> " + seqTaxMapPath} } output { File seqTaxMap = "${seqTaxMapPath}" File library = libraryPath Array[File] fastaFiles = glob(libraryPath + "/*/*.fna") } } task DownloadTaxonomy { String centrifugeTaxonomyDir String? executable = "centrifuge-download" String? preCommand command { set -e -o pipefail ${preCommand} ${executable} \ -o ${centrifugeTaxonomyDir} \ taxonomy } output { File taxonomyTree = centrifugeTaxonomyDir + "/nodes.dmp" File nameTable = centrifugeTaxonomyDir + "/names.dmp" } } task Kreport { String? preCommand File centrifugeOut Boolean inputIsCompressed String kreportFilePath=sub(centrifugeOut, "\\.out$|\\.out\\.gz$", "\\.kreport") String indexPrefix Boolean? onlyUnique Boolean? showZeros Boolean? isCountTable Int? minScore Int? minLength Int? cores Int? memory command { set -e -o pipefail ${preCommand} centrifuge-kreport \ -x ${indexPrefix} \ ${true="--only-unique" false="" onlyUnique} \ ${true="--show-zeros" false="" showZeros} \ ${true="--is-count-table" false="" isCountTable} \ ${"--min-score " + minScore} \ ${"--min-length " + minLength} \ ${true="<(zcat" false="" inputIsCompressed} ${centrifugeOut}\ ${true=")" false="" inputIsCompressed} \ > ${kreportFilePath} } output { File kreport = kreportFilePath } runtime { cpu: select_first([cores, 1]) memory: select_first([memory, 4]) } }