From 99215fdd9834f39569e5672b9daf5b010a777abc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: DavyCats <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 12:56:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] update scripts and changelog

--- | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 bcftools.wdl |  4 ++--
 scripts      |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 126f1ed..6c0db94 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,6 +9,43 @@ that users understand how the changes affect the new version.
 version 5.1.0-dev
++ Added a task for SnpEff.
++ Adjusted runtime settings for sambamba Markdup.
++ Added a task for sambamba Flagstat.
++ Added a task for Picard CollectWgsMetrics.
++ Added a task for Peach.
++ Added tasks for HMFtools:
+  + Amber
+  + Cobalt
+  + Cuppa
+  + CuppaChart
+  + GripssApplicationKt
+  + GripssHardFilterApplicationKt
+  + HealthChecker
+  + Linx
+  + Protect
+  + Purple
+  + Sage
+  + VirusInterpreter
++ Added a task for VirusBreakend.
++ Added a task for GridssAnnotateVcfRepeatmasker. 
++ Bumped GRIDSS version to 2.12.2.
++ Adjusted GRIDSS runtime settings.
++ Added optional inputs to GRIDSS:
+  + blacklistBed
+  + gridssProperties
++ Added a task for GRIDSS AnnotateInsertedSequence.
++ Added a task for ExtractSigPredictHRD.
++ Added a task for DeconstructSigs.
++ Added option useSoftclippingForSupplementary (default false) to
+  BWA mem.
++ Adjusted BWA mem runtime settings.
++ Added a task for bedtools coverage.
++ Added a task for bcftools filter.
++ Adjusted runtime settings for bcftools annotate.
++ Added optional inputs to bcftools annotate:
+  + inputFileIndex
+  + annsFileIndex
 + Update parameter_meta for macs2
 + Add sample position in array task.
diff --git a/bcftools.wdl b/bcftools.wdl
index 13ce36b..88d97cd 100644
--- a/bcftools.wdl
+++ b/bcftools.wdl
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ task Annotate {
         String? regions
         File? regionsFile
         File? renameChrs
-        File? samplesFile        
+        File? samplesFile
         Int threads = 0
         String memory = "4G"
         Int timeMinutes = 60 + ceil(size(inputFile, "G"))
diff --git a/scripts b/scripts
index c31670d..84690a3 160000
--- a/scripts
+++ b/scripts
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit c31670d3a9222a2feafc649cbc118c95afbc7189
+Subproject commit 84690a30eb0dde2bfdfaff9abf097b6f4c49dfd8